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The Ocean’s Dark Truths

I’m here to make astounding accusations towards the bitterness lingering in the idea of fear that exists within us.

By Keanna Barry Published 3 years ago 8 min read
The Ocean’s Dark Truths
Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

My true identity is within these four. Dedicated to the life of the oceans; the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, and... the Arctic. We are one body yet have been divided by land by a natural instinct of what the world decided for itself. Now due to the progression of how deep the oceans limits are... well we all remain carefree and slightly careless. I’m here to say that I can always feel the waves rush when the waters ache for relief. The jealousy of being pure when our friends the lakes, rivers, and ponds are full of pollution. The waves are the waters way of acting up and it’s beautiful but I believe that human beings detest the matter behind the oceans dark truths.

My dark truths even...of being an extremely simple yet also dramatic situated place between the concepts of life and an existing matter that most just brush away from admitting the tales the waters have tried to share. It’s hard to focus on what to demonstrate from the tales of the oceans to the minds of the humans because ever so intentionally many just do not care. These people don’t care and the oceans applause isn’t loud enough to set the example in wish we feel allowed enough to bring forth all the ways of telling people to just try to on the idea that life is a tale so true.

Playing as an example; an example so loud and an example that is as clear & pure as water. The truths and maybe even the lies from the ocean’s screams creates an applause that many just do not appreciate. It’s a funny concept that we believe in the lies of the world rather than believing and setting recognition towards the honesty and truth the world and it’s power tries to escape then on to go plant into our hearts, minds, and our consciousness. To the point where we will all listen then go and make a change for the sake of the planet and for the sake of our personal life. On that I mean that for each individual.

The power of myself is strong and worthy. Although I am living a strange life this one here is for the books and for people to understand, reach out and make amends with it all. My world is different than the life of others. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Blessed in ways where I am thankful and cursed in ways where I was ungrateful. My heart works opposite to some others. I believe in magic and I believe in the power of prayers and the power of wishes. I guess that’s a spiritual concept that a lot of people don’t and won’t seem to get or understand it in ways where they take accountability towards their words, actions, and beliefs and from then on become beings that care to care about the world, them self and their fellow peoples.

I’m in a state where I can no longer function or cope with the idea and fact that many people act towards wanting the world to end. It’s awful for someone like me to continue on with witnessing the destruction of human kind by the people that are still our nations members. So that is why for me when back in the day I was naive, dumb, and clueless to the matter and then creating a spell on myself to open up the doors of my mind to send a positive thought just one positive thing to make better with peoples negative outlook on life to literally every single being because I am tired of the despair, sorrow, anxiety, and every bad thing else that is out there because of us and by being punished by the unknown for not solving the global issues by now.

It’s hard and it’s tough to want to be an example to the world. Doesn’t mean I will ever try to give up on it but it scares me to extents where I wish to hide away from the frightening happenings that will forever be out of my control. It’s almost as though that I am in need of an escape. An escape from the world’s burdens. An escape from my fears that hold me up and never allow me to move forward. It’s just so difficult to want to protect the world and all of its many wonders due to the amount of beings that enjoy causing harm or do not understand the limits of their simple doings to the limits of any wicked decisions.

I’m fearful for the planet. For what is to come if we do not start now and protect our people, protect our oceans, protect the wildlife, and protect nature. I mean the world has not spun off and died as of yet but we the people are dying whether intentionally, unintentionally or by force. The oceans are acting up but to its grand scheme nothing can be done. The wildlife are depressed and get killed off, tormented and used for human’s wicked purposes whether it be where these animals are used for our food, the makeup testing which never made sense to me as the animals don’t wear makeup or for personal gain on getting pleasure out of watching things such as bullfighting. Then to protect nature as habitats are being broken, trees are being cut down still even in times of technology, and there is just too many people that don’t sit there and appreciate nature for what it has given us for productivity for our own lives.

I’m not exactly completely knowledgeable on the topics of the carbon footprints but I will say this: our carbon footprint compared to the footprint we leave on each other are highly similar. As it’s something we get remembered for and the footprints from past generations get left being butchered due to the matter the people from the past did not care about their actions that would bless, curse, impact or interfere with their future generations that they personally would not live to see. That right there is highly selfish but I reckon history repeats itself and we are only damaging the planet more and more as time goes on. The ‘we’ refers to myself and then on the rest of the world.

I’m aware that many of us are not purposely trying to harm the planet but it’s still currently happening and we must make it stop. Whether we make using the toilet illegal as it’s only contaminating clean water for future generations and we create outhouses or bring incontinence products to life. As although that would create more filth and a stinky aroma it’s still safer than water contamination. I mean it may take who knows a century for that to actually happen but for the people and other beings that will exist within that century they need our protection just as much. Actually even more as they have zero control over where they will be placed and have no control over the economy or the mental stability of their society members or their lack of privileges due to plight may be existing more thoroughly in places outside of current day poverty.

Plight is a compromising thing as there is two acronym-definitions for it.

1. People Living In Great Hateful Times


2. People Living In Gods Hateful Treatment

I see the world full of hate when all I am trying to do is show some love. So for my own personal mission on trying to be better, treat the world with kindness, and protect the wonders of the world all together I intend to be an outspoken person with the will to share my testimonies and show proper examples of what it’s like to be a deserving somebody in a world as broken as the one we all know as home. I pick up some of the pieces of what has been broken on my side of viewing life for my own sake and I get scared. I get scared of what’s to come. I get scared of what’s going to happen from the consequences of the issues occurring and are formulating in the current second of right now. I get scared that there has always been something negative going on whether emotionally or politically... these negative happenings have still affected us whether one by one, as a whole, or for any individual caught in the mix.

I’m now trying to watch where I go with my carbon footprint as I do not want to be a reason of why someone outside of my life and outside of my circle or outside of my generation or anything at that have to go and suffer because I didn’t want to be holy and watch my own actions and try to limit the harm reduction in a more strengthening way. I’m upset by it all but there has to... there needs to be a wake up call for the world and the beings of the world where we stop destroying and start enjoying life.

The second debate focuses on the idea of eating animals. I’m sorry I’m not trying to be a hypocrite like at all but it’s evil. It’s evil to mistreat these animals, kill and torture them and then eat them. I ever had a theory where I told myself that maybe my sad feelings of the unknown after eating was coming from a spiritual center where because I ate a sad animal that I then too got sad from eating a sad thing. Then on for us all to witness, understand, and then try to change the matter that animals have their own rights too. I mean human beings go to jail for abuse, killing and for completing bodily harm on another but doing it to animals with no repercussions of those actions actually frightens me to a point where I’m sitting lost and confused with the morals of the world.

The third argument reflects selfishness and lack of care & love by the means of allowing people to eat mud and leafs on televised events but those holding high riches can’t donate basic needs to nations that obviously can’t afford it on their own. It angers me yet I’m not an angry person. Or at least I can control it not like that matters but ideally I wish for my slight anger to at least be understood and have something to happen where it will be handled and I’m no longer angry at the people that can do but just haven’t been doing it. I mean we all; regardless of the world’s population, we are all still special, unique and wonderfully made. I know it’s hard to believe but we as a one nation under one sun need to come together or all governments of the world come to an agreement where we are “forced” to behave. Make this place be under one way of a law and have more peoples morals crawled up to the point where they follow this and our sufferings become less and the love for the world may return into the hearts of its people.

Those are my dark truths for the honesty in my heart may be brutal but I have had the need to let it all out. I just wish the accountability of what I had stated will be shown through the actions of others and for my own self to be outspoken a bit more and truly reach that level of sanity for it is in my heart to let out such things. In my heart and now out of my mouth. Into the ears of those willing to listen and into the hearts of those who intend to fulfill my will.


About the Creator

Keanna Barry

Give me a chance to help you with my own words?

My writing is intended to be read by you and the lessons being learned from what i am saying is all i pray and hope for to help improve quality of life for you, me, and like everyone else too!

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