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The Vessel

A Short Story

By Thomas WalkerPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

“But, why wouldn’t she know?” Seth asked curiously. “Did you know? Seriously Seth you are the epitome of a walking talking cautionary tale, and you’re the only one who doesn’t know it!” “This from a guy named Zen, who just happens to emulate the very essence of the word neurotic. Listen Zen, during my last journey, I gave her that locket, it wasn’t just a heart shaped locket…it was my heart, my actual physical heart.”

“Seth I don’t have time for this.”

“But Zen…how many times have I told you that story?”

“Too many…get out Seth…I’m working.”

“Relax Zen stop treating me like this is my first life…ugh….I mean journey, I’ve gone around five times now, I believe I must be he foremost expert on Rebirth. I feel so sorry for all those people blindly walking through life…aimlessly wondering through their first life…thinking this is all there is, but there’s so much more…and Celeste knows that, and now finally we can start our journey here…together.”

“Really Seth….you only have a combined age 350 years old after five journeys…believe me some people have a combined age of 4,000. Besides, for a guy who has journeyed through five lives why are you acting as if Celeste is going to automatically recognize you, she’s not. While this might be your fifth journey of life, it’s her first, she won’t recognize you, she may recognize your spirit. As a matter of fact it’s not that she’s going to recognize your spirit but she will may be familiar with it. You need to pay attention; you know what the Four Laws of Rebirth and Revelation are.”

“Of course I know…you remind me enough…but I’ll tell you this…whoever dreamed up the revelation classes needs to be taken out…seriously they…” As Seth tried to finish his sentence, a loud buzzer followed by the audible word ‘breach’ came through several speakers located throughout the building interrupting him. Before Seth could utter another word two guards in blue uniforms appeared seemingly out of nowhere and placed Seth in handcuffs and placed a helmet on his head containing a small window opening for his mouth, but the window for the mouth piece was closed and locked.

As the guards took Seth away, Zen kneeled in their presence his head bowed, his palms facing upwards on his lap, but once the guards were out of sight he continued on to his chores. When Zen finished his chores for the day he headed to his unit, his mind was firmly on his friend Seth. Of all the idiotic things to do, why would Seth speak so openly about the Revelation process…it’s not like he didn’t know it was the fourth rule of the Rules of Rebirth and Revelation. As Zen lay in his bed, his mind traveled back to the first time he completed the journey or as the said on Earth, the first time he died. One minute he was in the hospital and the next minute he was in a white room with a large glass window looking out on one of the most beautiful waterfalls and foliage he’d ever seen. As soon as he tried to stand he felt a force pulling him down but there was nothing holding him down.

“What in the world?” Seth heard himself say. Just then, a beautiful blond haired woman walked in along with one of the most handsome black men he’d ever seen.

“Do you have the locket?” The young woman asked. Just then Zen felt his body loosen and whatever had been holding him in place relaxed and he was able to sit up. As soon as he set up a small heart shaped purple locket fell down around his neck.”

“There it is, he has it,” the attractive black man said as he entered some information into a digital hand held device.

“Well it’s official Zen Casey this is your first journey. Welcome to The Vessel, here you will go through the courses of Revelation in order to understand what just happened to you. As you know on earth, you officially died. Here at The Vessel you simply completed your first journey.”

“My first journey…I don’t understand, is this Heaven?”

The young blond woman and attractive black man looked at each other and began laughing hysterically. A small red light flashed in the room and the two instantly contained themselves.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what’s funny…but I’m serious is this Heaven?”

“Zen…to answer your question, no, this isn’t heaven. You may have at least twelve more journeys before you accomplish that. My name is Aufina and this is my Vessel teammate Chadwick…we’ve been assigned to bring you up to speed and prepare you for your classes.

“Bring me up to speed? I don’t understand,” Zen asked he face confused.

“I know it’s a lot to take in. Just know you’re not meant to understand, we expect you to be a little shaken, but in time that will disappear. Since this is considered part of your orientation, I can reveal some things to you now. We all lived in heaven at one point in time. However, in order to promote and move throughout the levels of Heaven we must volunteer to come to earth. Once we volunteer and begin our Earth-Bound-Journey (EBJ), we are told we will have no memory of anything we once knew. Those of us volunteering for the EBJ for the first time, will wonder aimlessly about through our earth family and our friends feeling completely out of place, searching for purpose, and depending on what level of Heaven you’re trying to obtain your journey could be filled with grief, despair and hardship or a small but consistent test that you will struggle with throughout your life on earth. After Global Warming destroyed the Earth in 2024, we didn’t think anyone would ever volunteer again, but we were wrong, ten years later a beautifully rebuilt Earth continues to be our most sought after assignment. But, there are still a few things you must know. Before you arrive through the vessel of a woman, you will participate in a lottery to determine the number of years you will be given to complete your journey and obtain your desired level in Heaven. Once you have lived the years allotted to you through the lottery, your life on earth will end and you will have completed your first journey regardless if you’ve fulfilled your purpose or not. Once you arrive back at the Vessel you are placed in isolation and detoxed from your time on earth. Soon after your arrival your orientation will begin, as yours has now. Following your orientation, Chadwick will lead you to the Chapters which is where you will learn the Four Laws of Rebirth and Revelation.”

“The four laws of what? How will I…”

“Zen…please we have a lot of information to get through and a limited amount of time to convey it. Trust me your questions will slow down your progress,” Aufina said looking empathetically at Zen.

“But I’m just asking you what…” As Zen tried to ask another question a loud ringing when off in his ear, although he was the only one who could hear it Aufina and Chadwick knew exactly what was happening. The Council of Elders (COE) who ran the Vessel frowned on being questioned; therefore Zen was being punished for pressing Aufina on his questions.

“Zen, come on I need to get you to your first class, The Four Laws of Rebirth and Revelation,” Chadwick said as he abruptly began to lead Zen out of the building and down a beautiful walkway with the most vibrant flowers he’d ever seen. As they rounded the corner Zen notice a circular building standing before them.

“Here….enter here…they will tell you what you need to know.” Before Zen could ask another question Chadwick was gone that was six journey’s ago.

However, today Zen looked up to find a young Asian Woman waiting smiling at him.

“Hi Zen, I’m Yancy, I’ve been assigned to as your mentor for your 15th journey, however I can only advise and I am forbidden from answering any questions outside of the established curriculum, please sit here, you’re late but they will forgive you because this is your first journey but never be late again. As Zen settled into his chair a young white man with a young face and silver hair began speaking.

“The four laws of Rebirth and Revelation is the most vital class you will be given. Although you will participate in a lecture today, you are admonished to familiarize yourself with the literature before you. The four laws of Rebirth and Revelation were established by the Arc Angel Group billions of years ago, they are the byproduct of all that we do and all that we understand. There are two laws of Rebirth and two laws of Revelation, you must know the rules and be prepared to repeat them when request by the COE.

The four laws of Rebirth Revelation state:

1. Rebirth from The Vessel to Earth is 100% Voluntary

2. Revelations secured from your journeys are binding and cannot be disputed or changed. Once the revelation is made, if you are found to have caused more harm than help, your next journey will increase in pain and suffering. However, if you are found to have helped more than you

harmed, blessings, gifts and acceptance in every area of your life will increase while on your journey.

3. The Council of the Elders (COE) understand innate familiarity can occur between “Re-birthers” after 10 journeys or less. Therefore, you are strictly prohibited from trying to bring about memories of anyone you may recognize while on Earth, such action will immediately terminate your lottery and you will be returned to the Vessel immediately without question.

4. Re-acclimations and Revelations classes must never be criticized, ridiculed, changed, questioned, or ignored. Re-birthers found to be in violation of these rules will suffer swift, targeted and painful punishment. Punishment includes denial of food and water for five days. These consequences are designed to bring about immediate change, so as to not encourage the Re-birthers to continue along this path.

As the young instructor concluded his class, Yancy stood to take Zen back to his unit to rest, not before picking up several thick books and giving them to Zen.

“Wow you guys still use books…this is from the stone age…” just as Zen tried to finish his ‘joke’ a swift debilitating pain arose in the center of his head, he dropped to his knees in anguish trying not to scream in pain…shortly after it stopped. Yancy looked at Zen and Zen looked at Yancy before both said in unison, “Rule # 4.”

Once Zen arrived back at his unit, his mind began to recall bits and pieces about his last time on earth. He was on his 15th journey so it was hard not to remember things. His job on earth for the last five journeys had been an Engineer. While he had discovered a way to retain most of his memories, he had not been successful with overcoming the Lottery’s designated death, he new he was close. Although Seth didn’t know what he had been up to it was only a matter of time before he could replicate his findings and find a way to once and for all cheat death and return to earth permanently. Zen was indebted to Seth, they shared three journeys, all of which Seth saved him from deep despair, now was his time to return the favor for his friend and for the woman his friend loved. Zen settled in focused, assured and ready to go to war to deliver his friends…death was not an option, if there was a way for him to overcome the lottery’s certain death and he was focused on finding it.


About the Creator

Thomas Walker

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