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Specialties of Baitul Maqdis & Kaaba

By sehat bolPublished 6 months ago 5 min read

Baitul Maqdis is another name for the Al Aqsa Mosque, which is the holy land blessed by Allah SWT. and is an area sacred to three religions at once, namely Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

The Kaaba is the holy place for Muslims throughout the world.

According to authentic hadith, one prayer at the Grand Mosque is equal to 100,000 prayers at other mosques.

One prayer at the Nabawi Mosque is the same as 1000 prayers at other mosques.

One prayer at the Al Aqsa Mosque is the same as 250 prayers at other mosques.

The special features of Baitul Maqdis for Muslims include:


1. First Qibla of Muslims

Before the Qibla moved, Rasulullah saw. and the friends prayed at the Kaaba and the Nabawi Mosque while facing the Aqsa Mosque.

16—17 months after the hijrah, Allah SWT. move the direction of the Qibla to the Kaaba. Where is the Messenger of Allah. He was oriented towards the Al Aqsa Mosque for 13 years and to the Kaaba for 10 years until he died.

2. Has a spring named "Surayyaa"

This spring appeared right below the place where Mother Maryam was when she gave birth to Prophet Isa (AS). Interestingly, when examined, the water content of Surayyaa and Zamzam is 100% the same. Where these two springs are produced by special mothers and babies. Maryam's mother gave birth to Prophet Isa (as) and Siti Hajar's mother gave birth to Prophet Ismail (as).

3. Witness of the Prophet Muhammad's Isra' Mi'raj journey

Mentioned in the book Genesis of the Isra' Mi'raj by Shabri Shaleh Anwar, Baitul Maqdis has an important meaning for Muslims because it was once a place to stop and witness the journey of the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad. Allah SWT. has outlined the Al-Aqsa Mosque as the foundation for Buraq for the next journey to the gates of heaven.

4. Al-Aqsa Mosque was built by the Prophet Adam as

The first mosque founded by Prophet Adam (as) was the Ka'bah, 40 years later Prophet Adam (as) erected the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the original form of the Ka'bah, which was then continued by Prophet Ibrahim (as).

5. Baitul Maqdis has 4 topographies and climates

Not only spiritual blessings, but also material. Even though Baitul Maqdis has a small area, it contains deserts, mountains, the lowest plains on earth, and coastlines near the Mediterranean.

Food products in Baitul Maqdis are also said to be fertile, Allah SWT. himself explained the blessings of Baitul Maqdis in the At-Tiin letter. Where there is a wealth of producers of the best oranges, producers of the best bananas, producers of 25 types of wine, and olives that have existed for thousands of years.

6. Becoming the place where humans will be resurrected in the future, Padang Mahsyar is located in Baitul Maqdis

All humans from the time of Prophet Adam AS until the last human, will be resurrected in Baitul Maqdis.

The special features of the Kaaba for Muslims include:

1. As the first place of worship in the world

In the Qur'an it is explained what it means:

"Indeed, the first house built for (a place of worship) for humans was the House of Allah in Mecca which was blessed and given guidance to all humans." (QS. Ali Imran [3]: 96).

2. As the first center of worship and world affairs for humans

In the Qur'an it is explained what it means:

"Allah has made the Kaaba, the holy house, the center (of worship and world affairs) for humans, and Allah made it like that so that you know that indeed Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and that indeed Allah All-Knowing of all things." (QS. Al-Maidah [5]: 97).

3. Have noble names as mentioned in the Koran

The Kaaba has other names that glorify it, such as: Al-Bait (House), Baitullah (House of Allah SWT), Al-Baital-Haram (Holy House), Al-Baital-'Atiq (House of Library), and Qibla .

4. Protected by Allah SWT from attempts to destroy elephant troops

This incident was immortalized by Allah SWT in the Qur'an:

“Have you not noticed how your Lord has acted towards the army of elephants? Has He not rendered their deception (to destroy the Kaaba) useless? And He sent upon them flocks of birds, which threw stones at them (coming from) the burnt earth, then He made them like leaves that are eaten (worms).” (QS. Al-Fiil [105]: 1-5).

5. It is located above the central point of the earth

Dr. Husein Kamaluddin observed that the city of Mecca is located at the top of the heart of the world that crosses all continental edges. This finding was obtained when he prepared a study to determine accurate directions to the Qibla of several major cities around the world using computers.

He found that:

The area around Mecca is divided neatly and regularly. This city is considered the center of the earth, so it is one of the reasons for the transfer of the Qibla from Baitul Maqdis to Mecca.

The longitude line that passes through the city of Makkah should be the basic line for determining time. A scientist named Arnold Keysling said that the longitude of the city of Mecca should be the international time line instead of Greenwich.

Twice a year, the sun is directly vertically above the Kaaba. At that time, the shadows of everything directed towards the Qibla.

After measuring the tilt angles of the Kaaba in 1410H, a Saudi Arabian engineer, Muhammad Al-Mu'tazz, concluded that the axis of the Kaaba building that connects the Iraqi Rukun with the Yamani Rukun points to the magnetic north, with a slight slope to the east. which is estimated to be around 3.5 degrees.

Rukun Iraqi tilts towards the north, specifically towards Medina. The existence of the Kaaba in the middle of the earth makes it a compass that guides all of nature in terms of faith and material. The Iraqi Pillar which points to the north is a justification for the word of Allah SAW in the previous verse.

From my point of view, the Kaaba is for the earth and the Baitul Maqdis is for the afterlife. The Kaaba is world affairs and Baitul Maqdis is spiritual affairs.

The reason is because the Kaaba is the first place of worship and world affairs for humans as well as the peak of the heart of the world, while the Baitul Maqdis is the place where humans will be resurrected in the future in Padang Mahsyar and a witness to the Isra' Mi'raj journey of the prophet Muhammad saw.

Like worship, there is Sharia, Tarekat, Essence and Ma'rifat

The Kaaba is the shari'ah while the Baitul Maqdis is the essence.

Essence without shari'ah is false, while shari'ah without essence is futile.

The conclusion is that in fact there is no separation between the four sciences, namely Shari'a, Tarekat, Essence and Ma'rifat, all four of them are ONE.

Faith and Islam can be explained using the knowledge of the Shari'a, while the state of Ihsan can only be reached through the knowledge of the Tarekat. When we have reached the stage of Ma'rifat then from there we can see clearly that the four sciences are not separate but ONE.


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