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If a Tree Falls...

with purpose

By David HenryPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Sean Brown on Unsplash

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

Ugh, here it is at last. I suppose millions before me he had to look down at two supposedly intelligent bipeds taking turns swinging axes into their trunks, but for a fully conscious tree it really could have been quite traumatic if it weren’t for my accepting my fate years ago. At least I don’t have nerves. I do feel bad for the recently dispatched human in a tie dyed coverall a few yards away though. Why does my inner monologue sound like Alan Rickman?

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

At first consciousness was rather pleasant, as sudden as it was. Two humans commonly showing up to show their affection for each other was quite endearing. And I did appreciate that rather than carve their initials into my trunk they hung a trinket from a stumpy old part of a branch that broke off long ago. A locket I think it was called. Heart-shaped and beautifully adorned with little plastic rubies that shimmered on sunny days and somehow glowed on cloudy days, as if it possessed a light all it’s own inside it.

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

In the years to follow, things went dark, however. Not in terms of sunlight mind you but in that impending doom sense. As a woke tree one can quietly observe and hear a lot. Tales of human descent began with climate disaster due to human recklessness and the never ending hunger of capitalism, to the great give up of the youngest generations. They simply quit trying to do anything once they lost digital social media and the internet and collapsed into a morose state of catatonic and lethargic behavior that prevented them from surviving the food shortage that followed.

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

At first a large group of humans migrated to Florida, hoarding all the fast food they could. The goal was apparently to live near, and pay tribute to, some poorly thought out creation named Donald, their apparent king, who demanded all the fast food in the land be brought to him.

I heard later from those who fled Florida’s rising seas and raging hurricanes that their king betrayed them and kept all the inexplicably nonperishable pre-wrapped burgers and fries for himself using a personal security force who worked for a share of the horde.

After the remaining humans quite literally ate the richest of their society, useless as they were in a survival situation, all that remained were two factions of folks, rednecks and hippies.

Each known for their abilities to hunt and grow food, respectively, they couldn’t be more different in all other facets of philosophy. But they didn’t see their common experience and uncommon skills were synergistic the way the two lovers with the pendant had seen. No. They were at war over trivial pursuits and disagreements about who could live where and who could have what. I’m sure those things mattered a lot when there was a society. But now?

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

To say it was a war is maybe a misnomer, a slaughter is more accurate. The hippies were opposed to violence and guns where rednecks seemed to be more prone to fears of scarcity and happened to love guns. Not many fighting days went victoriously for the last humans that wanted to preserve parts of the forests for sustainable life.

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

The bullets ran out too due to egregious over hunting, this was the Oregon Trail generation after all, and all my tree friends were felled to produce something short-lived and short-sighted like oh I don’t know… paper towels. Who needs paper towels in an apocalypse?

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack

Were these the last humans chopping at my trunk as if it were going to matter? Was I the last tree? I don’t know. But I do think I am the first tree to have a high level of consciousness. The same force that was imbued into that locket most likely would have saved the need for war and gave the bipedal wonders of wasted grey matter a chance to work together and build a new Utopian society where their collective skills and differences married into a perfect balance, not unlike the ecosystems that birthed them to begin with.

Thwack... thwack... thwack... thwack…. Kkkrrrrrrrgggghttt

Hmm, it appears I am tipping now. Too bad I go down at the hands of something so useless. Perhaps there is more to this power I have...maybe with a little effort or a slight shift in a branch I can redirect my trajectory and take aim at these hopeless hominids. Give the Great Mother another chance to get it right. Or maybe I’ll have a chance at becoming a part of a cabin for another pair of purposely lost lovers. Worth it.

Grrrrrrrrrrttt. Yes! It is working! Aaaaaaaannnnd…

Crunch! Splat!

Oh… That felt...right.


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    David HenryWritten by David Henry

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