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By CarmenJimersonCross-SafieddinePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Growing medicine

HERBAL REMEDY HAS PLAYED A LARGE ROLE IN HUMAN HEALTH MAINTENANCE for centuries and in every nation. Herbs are flora... plants planted, raised and harvested for culinary use or those typically labeled weeds which are foraged and used for life keeping purposes. They can be eaten or used in drinks, applied to the skin and hair and used as inhalants. They can be used alone or in blends to accomplish the outcome desired.

During the historic Roman wars, non leathal cuts and abrasions were healed in the field with use of selective plants known for the natural antibiotic tendencies carried by the liquid emitted when pressed or rolled by hand. Leaves of some plants could be applied to the damaged area to numb pain or stop bleeding. Ingesting tea made from the leaves, stems or in some cases, the root of certain plants can aid in diminishing viruses or parasites. I like to call these GOD'S MEDICINE... available in Mother Nature's Apothecary. When modern medicine is not within reach the availability of plants know for remedying any of the mentioned situations can hold a health crisis at bay.

FERMENTATION provides one of several means for extending viable use of foods and herbs for a later time. We have all seen and perhaps love the little gherkin or dill pickles... fermented cucumbers. The giardeniara... fermented mixed vegetables. That "peck of pickeled peppers?" ...fermented pepper varieties! While most of us are familiar with these fermented foods, fermented drinks which include wine... fermented grapes and other fruits, beer... fermented drink made from hops and grains; or stronger alcohol beverages also made from grains such as corn, wheat and barley. Fermented herbs have brought the likes of medicinal cold remedies under so many labels from our youth... 666 and Father John's. Syrup of Ipecac. At any rate, in this bourgeoning age of advanced technology we may all want to remain aware of the basics, especially where initial health concerns are of issue.

IMAGINE A COMBINATION THAT HEALS TORN, ABRAISED or IRRITATED SKIN... of compress or creme from comfrey known for healing bone over centuries. A tea, decoction or ferment with lambs ear gel applied to the skin's surface. Due to the fuzziness of its leaves, the Lamb's Ear can absorb blood and can help with closing the wound. And due to it's antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. The tea not only tastes great, but can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Among them, lamb's ear can alleviate sore throats. It's also believed to boost liver and heart health, and to help fight staph infections, and E. coli.; according to A Practical Guide to the Healing Properties of Herbs author, Penelope Ody.

IMAGINE A COMBINATION OF HERBS THAT ERADICATES SEXUAL DISEASE... that can be taken in as easily as drinking beer and ale. Help with curing aides, herpes, syphillis, gonorrhea... which once deleted should be avoided to prevent reinfection.

IMAGINE A COMBINATION OF FERMENTED HERBS THAT BUILDS IMMUNITY TO VIRUS OR PARASITES... Unbelieveable? Fictional? Consider... Immunoglobulin-E An immune response to parasites, specifically worms, triggers an IgE response. IgE elicits an immune response by binding to Fc receptors on mast cells, eosinophils, and basophils, causing degranulation and cytokine release. In atopic individuals, IgE is also made to allergens according to the NIH-National Library of Medicine. Considerable study in selection of the proper ingredients CAN create this desired effect and can be put to use via a fermented drink.

In today's medical society the practices classified as ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE are not covered by insurance, other than accupuncture and chiropractic treatments. Adding fermented botanicals to drinks or food provides easily digestible nutrients, probiotics and enzymes, and reduces the use of preservative agents while enhancing flavors and aromas and extending the product's shelf life by reducing oxidation. The most common reaction to fermented foods is a temporary increase in gas and bloating. This is the result of excess gas being produced after probiotics kill harmful gut bacteria and fungi. Consider the total effect of medicine taken and the purpose for application thereof. Know the desired result and never combine with prescribed meds. People often turn to natural medicines as they believe they’re free from undesirable effects. Though the perception is incorrect, on balance herbal medicines are still actually much safer than synthetic drugs. Around 100,000 people die every year due to the toxic effects of synthetic drugs whereas hospitalizations and deaths caused by herbal medicines are difficult to find. Patients have been found to suffer serious consequences when taking herbals alongside drugs such as antidepressants and medicines for HIV, epilepsy, and heart disease. Although herbal medicines are natural products, they can still produce potentially potent biological effects on the body which can also, unfortunately, be deleterious ones... and studies are ongoing. (see: News in Medical Life science)


About the Creator


A widow, sharing experiences. SHARING LIFE LIVED, things seen, lessons learned & spreading peace where I can.

Call me "Gina" ( pronounced "jeena" ) short for REGINA

more at my original page

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