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Understanding and Addressing Climate Change

By Iqra BabarPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

The rise of Earth’s temperature in an environment due to human activities is called global warming. It is dangerous for flora, fauna and our natural ecosystem. Global warming may arise different life-threatening issues. Through studies, it can be noticed that the temperature of the Earth will increase so many times in the coming years that it would be impossible for every specie to live on this Earth.

It is crucial for people, governments, and organizations all around the world to comprehend the causes, effects, and potential solutions of global warming. This review lays the basis for a deeper investigation of this important environmental problem and the coordinated efforts to address it.


There are many reasons for the major causes of global warming but from a scientific point of view following are the three causes of global warming.


Rays coming from the sun will collide with Earth’s surface. Some of them will absorb and some of them will reflect the atmosphere. If the atmosphere is clear then the temperature of the earth is normal but because of human activities, air pollution is increasing in our environment day by day. due to these human activities, some gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrous oxide (NO2), Methane(CH4) and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are produced which are called greenhouse gases.

-Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by the burning of fuel.

-Different gases like Nitrous oxide are emitted from fertilizers which make the environment polluted.

-Methane(CH4) or biogas is produced from the faeces of animals or the decomposition of bacteria.

Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs) Freon is a gas which is used in refrigerators or air conditioners when it is leaked it will go into the atmosphere and make greenhouse gas.

Some sun rays will trap in the lower atmosphere due to these greenhouse gases. As a result, the temperature of the earth increases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane(CH4) are the gases which are responsible for 95% of global warming.


As the population is increasing day by day, people are cutting trees for their purposes leading to deforestation. More and more trees are cutting which increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.


Ozone is a protective layer in Earth’s atmosphere. The ozone layer is gradually declining because of the high temperature on Earth. Harmful ultraviolet rays are coming from the sun and are absorbed by different greenhouse gases resulting in global warming.


Global warming will not only affect the atmosphere but it harms climatic changes such as changing weather patterns and high temperature in the summer season. prolonged summer season and short winter season, rain without season, melting icecaps and glaciers, rising sea levels, and natural disasters like heavy storms, cyclones, and floods.


As a Citizen, we should take proper actions and solutions to reduce the effect of global warming in the world.

1- Government should arrange proper seminars and programmes to create awareness among people globally.

2-Take proper measures against the emission of different harmful greenhouse gases.

3-Controlling population growth is the main solution to global warming.

4-Expanding and improving public transportation systems can reduce the number of individual car trips and decrease emissions.

5-Spend money for the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and other research projects.

6-Carbon pricing strategies, such carbon taxes or cap-and-trade programs, can encourage organizations and people to cut their carbon emissions.

7-Reusing, repairing, and recycling products lowers the negative environmental effects of production and disposal.

8-Emissions can be considerably reduced by increasing energy efficiency in houses, transportation, and businesses. Adopting energy-efficient appliances, improved insulation, and more fuel-efficient automobiles are a few examples of this.

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About the Creator

Iqra Babar

I am Iqra Babar. I have done Masters In English. I have a deep love for writing and a variety of writing abilities. I really think that words have the capacity to change, educate, and inspire people. I am a passionate and versatile writer.

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