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"Facing the Consequences: The Global Challenge of Environmental Pollution"

By Iqra BabarPublished 9 months ago 3 min read


Everything either living or non-living which are in our surroundings makes an environment. An environment consists of earth, air, water, plants and animals. Different pollutants that make our environment contaminated are called environmental pollution. Pollutants are different harmful substances that are the result of human activities making our natural environment dirty. Environmental pollution is life-threatening because it destroys our natural ecosystem.

Approximately 10 million people are suffering from environmental pollution and 2 million children under the age of 5 are dying because of environmental pollution.


Environmental pollution is caused by various factors but the main factors are listed below:

1) Population growth is the main concern nowadays. As the growth of the population is increasing. Our natural resources are destroyed by different human activities. Humans are the main cause of environmental pollution.

2) Deforestation is the root cause of all problems. As the land is less for people to live in, people are cutting trees for their comfort and purposes.

3) Poverty is the biggest cause of environmental pollution. Humans are destroying our natural resources to fulfil their needs. Approximately 8.5% of the world’s population is living in extreme poverty.



The introduction of different harmful substances and gases in the air which makes the environment contaminated is called air pollution. Inhaling different dangerous gases in the air causes human diseases. Air pollution can destroy animals and plant life as well.

Normal human beings inhale 11,000 litres of air per day. Inhaling polluted air can cause lung diseases in humans.


Water pollution is caused by different microorganisms and harmful substances that contaminate water, rivers, lakes and streams which make the water unfit for drinking.

In most of the developed countries, water pollution is caused by industrial wastes. Around 70% of industries in different countries throw their dumps in water which in turn moves in lakes, rivers and oceans making the water polluted.

Approximately 250 million water-borne diseases are reported in different countries of the world and 2 to 10 million deaths occur from them.


A sound which is unpleasant and disturbing to our ears is called noise pollution. , noise is invisible to us but it has a dangerous impact on the life and health of both humans and animals. Industrialization, rail, vehicles, and air traffic are the main causes of noise pollution.

Noise pollution can lead to many diseases like hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety and hearing loss.

Approximately 5% of the world’s population is suffering from hearing loss due to noise pollution.


Following are the preventions which we adopt to control environmental pollution.

1) As a Citizen, we have the responsibility to clean and protect our natural ecosystem and avoid any type of pollution for our coming generations.

2) Avoid excessive and unnecessary use of horns during driving to control noise pollution.

3) Avoid the usage of crackers at festivals and weddings.

4) We should take proper care to stop the burning of garbage and leaves as these can release carbon monoxide that is dangerous for different respiratory diseases.

5) The government should implement afforestation because it helps to release oxygen. People are cutting trees for their own purposes. The government should take strict action against them.

6) Humans should create public awareness against environmental pollution to protect our environment.

7) Humans should use green and eco-friendly transportation like walking, biking, carpooling and public transport.


About the Creator

Iqra Babar

I am Iqra Babar. I have done Masters In English. I have a deep love for writing and a variety of writing abilities. I really think that words have the capacity to change, educate, and inspire people. I am a passionate and versatile writer.

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