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S1E1: Below the Barn

By EnolA RaeDPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Image by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2013454">Barbara A Lane</a> from <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=2013454">Pixabay</a>

Season 1: Ep 1 Below the Barn

“This place is so magical over the summer, especially at night. The way the fireflies dance in the treetops...”

Lying back on the perch of the old family barn, Kensley Emerson pondered all the beauty of her great aunt Sofia’s farm. Her feet swinging over the edge of the balcony, she breathed in the sweet summer air. Arms crossed behind her head, eyes closed, she takes in aromas only available in candles and air freshener back home.

“such a sweet breeze of honey suckles and fresh flowers.”

She could hear the birds singing, forming a symphony of complementary tunes, all joining together in harmony. The sun heads south as the new orchestra leader makes her way to the stage. The moon brings with her new musicians: frogs, and turtles, and crickets all take their seats, the air is full of their song.

“This is the- ‘What WAS THAT’?”.

A large crash interrupted the moment. Looking behind her, she pulls her legs from the ledge and back to the solid floor. As she turns around, she sees a huge hole in the top of the barn leading two stories down. Standing now, she’s overlooking a huge hole, curiously examining the damage in disbelief. Now, Kensley wasn’t afraid of much. Then again, there wasn’t much she was unprepared for. She didn’t quite know what to do; so, she pulled her messy red hair up in a ponytail, grabbed her back pack, and made her way down the ladder.

“I wonder what could be down there.”

Her curiosity tried to steer her towards panic, but Kensley wasn’t about to psyche herself out. PLOP. She jumped off the ladder to the dusty ground, her backpack almost knocking her off balance.

“Close one. Okay. Enough games.”

That was twice now she'd been caught off guard and it was time to regroup. The yet to be identified object had gone through the barn floor as well, but this lil’ lady wasn’t letting the exploration stop here.

“Should I go tell Sofia?”

The question popped up as she flopped her backpack on the ground to get some investigation supplies. She pulled out her wristwatch and clicked all the buttons.

“Flash-light, good. Laser pointer, check. Blue light works. Siren sound, LoUD.”

The tones vibrated through the empty horse stalls.

“Well, if something happens, no way they’ll miss that emergency call.”

Just a few more items were needed. She walked around the barn looking for a ladder, some rope, and a bucket. She wanted to be able to pull up whatever it was after she found it. The barn was outside and mostly unused, she could only imagine what types of critters were hiding under that floor.

“Maybe hood up is best.”

She pulled the hoodie out of her bag that she almost didn’t bring and put some gardening gloves in the bucket. The suspense was almost killing her. She tied the rope to the bucket, the other end to her ladder, and clicked on the flashlight. Then, she slid the ladder down the hole, steadied it, and decided it was time to climb. Deep breath. Down, one step, one hand. This felt like the most exciting and scary thing she’d ever done. Her feet hit the surface as she looked around.

There. It. Was. A glowing round object lies just a few feet ahead of her. The glow was so similar to that of the fireflies she’d been so mesmerized by. She walked closer, slowly. It was getting dusk when she’d started gathering tools, so by this time, the light shining through the barn’s opening was decreasing. As the darkness spread, the ball shined brighter! That’s when she realized it wasn’t a ball at all. It looked more like a huge egg.

“What in the world- well what now?”

The decision was this, keep the thing warm, and keep it secret. She stood there, just staring at the miraculous egg shaped object for another moment and developed her plan. The bucket she’d brought was much too small to fit her new discovery in; and, well she wasn’t really sure she could lift it even if it did. She rolled it over to make sure there wasn’t any damage and observed its features; smooth surface with shallow grooves in the shapes of tile. If it was an egg, it wasn't like any egg she’d ever seen. She put her ear to it to see if she could hear the possible creature inside. Nothing. She put her knuckles to it and quietly knocked.

“Hmmm… doesn’t sound hollow, but the outside seems pretty thick.”

She took her hoodie off and covered it up. She could barely see the glow from underneath. It was time to clean up and get back or Sofia would be worried. There was no real need to hide the evidence, but she pulled herself up the ladder, the ladder and bucket out of the hole, and covered the hole with a flat piece of plywood from a leftover wood pile.

“Hopefully that thing will be okay until I can return with some more equipment.”

She grabbed her bag, closed the barn door, and hurried back to the house.

Sofia was in the kitchen washing dishes when she walked in. “Gorgeous day today, don't you think it was dear?” She looked up at Kensley and smiled, then returned her hand to the sink of soapy water.

“Yes ma’am. I sure have missed this farm, that old barn, and you,” Kensley flattered her as she put her bookbag on the coat rack. “Something sure smells good, did I miss dinner?”

Her great aunt was an exceptional cook. Sofia smiled, still staring down at the dishes, “it’s in the microwave darling. Could do for a few seconds on the warm up.”

Kensley scarfed down the plate of homemade dumplings, sweet peas, and secret recipe rolls. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until the whole plate was gone and she was reaching for seconds.

“Oh to be young again,” Sofia began, “I remember when I was your age. Barely sweet 16. My parents would bring me out here every summer, just like your parents bring you-”

Kensley loved her great aunt’s stories, it was part of the reason she cherished these visits so much. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to enjoy the slow speech of her beloved elder this time. It’d have to wait.

“Uh, Auntie Sofia, I’m in the middle of my summer reading assignment and at a really pivotal part,” she interrupted. “Is it okay if I take some lights and blankets to the barn tonight and read with the fireflies?”

“Well, I guess that’d be alright. Shall I camp with you?”

Quick to respond, Kensley tells her, “No. You'd just be sitting there watching me read. Besides, your back can't really handle a night on that rough old barn floor.”

“Alright. I'll help you pack up. There's some outdoor lights here. And, yes, comfy thick blankets.”

“Thanks Auntie. Love you!”

Kensley was glad her aunt was so willing to allow her to sleep alone in the barn. She would have never been allowed such freedom by her parents back in the city. She packed the overnight gear in a large duffle bag and headed back to the barn. Once inside, she moved the plywood, inserted the ladder, put the outdoor lamp in the bucket and lowered it down. She’d hooked the light into an extension cord she had seen earlier and thanked God that the barn had power. She tossed the duffle bag down the hole, less to carry.

“Hello new friend”

Right how she’d left it, except, brighter. Obviously, this was something rare. A new discovery, and Kensley Emerson found it first! She hung the light over the top of her egg and bundled all but one blanket around it like a nest. The remaining blanket she’d use as a sleeping bag. She was very sleepy by this point. As she snuggled up next to the glowing egg, she couldn't help but think about how brave she was. Daydreaming about the possibilities of what was hidden beneath that firefly-like shell, she fell asleep.

short story

About the Creator

EnolA RaeD


I could tell you my back story, or dreams of the future. Instead, we can just start here. Because who I am, is current, all else was or is still yet.

Too much time spent anywhere but here, anytime but now, well...

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    EnolA RaeDWritten by EnolA RaeD

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