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Caution must be exercised! Should force be employed to reunify ** , several major challenges must be addressed first to avoid substantial losses.


By ahongPublished 4 days ago 4 min read

The topic of reunification between the mainland and ** is a matter of deep concern for the Chinese people, as well as reflecting the dynamics of international relations. China upholds the principle of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and views reunification as an inevitable process that aligns with public sentiment and the historical trend.

Former Military Sciences Academy official, General He Lei, emphasizes that a potential military operation to reunify ** would indeed be a legally and morally defensible endeavor, carried out under a solid legal and ethical foundation. This stance acknowledges the complexities and strategic nuances involved in such a mission, acknowledging the potential challenges that would need to be met, including the need for precision and strategic timing.

The geographical nature of ** , surrounded by sea, would necessitate a meticulous plan that begins with isolating the island before proceeding with any military operations. Exercises conducted by China's Eastern Theater Command showcase the feasibility of such a strategy, highlighting their capacity to effectively seal off access to the island within a reasonable timeframe.

However, the real challenge lies in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities to gain a foothold. Establishing a secure beachhead and maintaining it against initial resistance from ** 's forces is pivotal, as this would directly impact the ability to transport heavy weaponry and sustain a larger operation.

American think tanks, despite their often-provocative analyses, acknowledge that any military conflict would likely result in substantial casualties for both sides. These assessments have been replicated in numerous simulations, all pointing to similar grim outcomes. The situation is further complicated by the recognition that ** would be less likely to receive the same level of external support as Ukraine, given China's superior military capabilities in isolating the island.

Simulations like "Joint Warrior 2024-A" illustrate these scenarios, demonstrating the ability to cut off escape routes and disrupt external aid to ** . Nevertheless, the reality of reunification requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account the possibility of ** attempting to manipulate the situation or receive covert support from outside sources.

Maintaining control and progress during a landing operation would be critical, as initial successes could quickly turn into setbacks if ** manages to stage a coordinated response or attract external interference. The potential for a 'divide and conquer' strategy by the US or other powers cannot be entirely discounted, and China must be prepared to counter such maneuvers.

** 's military capabilities may be formidable, but they pale in comparison to China's. Confidence and preparedness are key to minimizing casualties and ensuring a swift and peaceful resolution. While external influences and support should be taken seriously, it is also important to remember that the United States has acknowledged its own limitations in military capacity.

China's commitment to peaceful reunification remains steadfast, but it is cognizant of the need for robust contingency planning to address any unforeseen circumstances. The reunification process is not only a matter of domestic policy but also involves broader geopolitical considerations, reflecting the complexities of modern international relations.

In summary, while reunification faces significant challenges, China's determination, military prowess, and understanding of the strategic landscape provide grounds for optimism. The goal of maintaining peace and unity across the strait continues to be the guiding principle, even as realistic preparations for all eventualities are being made.

Reunification, seen through the lens of China's perspective, is a comprehensive process that transcends military actions alone. It involves not only the physical integration of the two territories but also the cultural, economic, and political aspects. This process reflects the historical aspirations of the Chinese nation and the shared desire for a unified homeland.

General He Lei's perspective highlights the legal and moral basis for reunification, which is grounded in the One-China Principle recognized by the international community. China's resolve is grounded in a sense of justice and the right of all Chinese people to live under one government. The legal framework includes a range of laws, regulations, and administrative measures that have been established to facilitate reunification.

A military operation to reunify ** , should it be deemed necessary, would be a well-calculated and meticulously planned endeavor. ** 's coastal geography necessitates a multifaceted approach, which might involve first isolating the island through a combination of naval and air power, followed by amphibious landings to establish a beachhead. As exemplified by the Eastern Theater Command's exercises, these operations demonstrate the ability to control access effectively and minimize collateral damage.

However, the operational challenge extends beyond initial landings. Maintaining a secure foothold would require the rapid establishment of a logistical base and the suppression of any immediate resistance. Simultaneously, China must be vigilant against external interference, as demonstrated by scenarios like "Joint Warrior 2024-A," where potential countermeasures against ** 's allies and attempts to disrupt operations are modeled.

Despite the strength of China's military, it is understood that any conflict could result in significant losses, which underscores the importance of minimizing harm to civilians and the economy. China's objective is not to engage in protracted warfare but to achieve reunification swiftly and peacefully. The international community's perception and response to such a scenario play a role in shaping the outcome.

It's important to note that while the United States and other nations may seek to influence the dynamics, ** 's ability to garner meaningful external support is limited by China's strategic position and military superiority. Moreover, the U.S. has repeatedly acknowledged its reluctance to actively engage in a military confrontation with China over ** , due to the potential consequences for both sides.

As the process unfolds, China's commitment to unity goes beyond military action. Economic integration, cultural exchange, and fostering cross-strait cooperation will be integral to the long-term stability and prosperity of the reunited territory. This comprehensive approach ensures a smoother transition and a shared future for the两岸同胞.

In conclusion, the reunification of ** with the mainland is a complex issue that transcends purely military concerns. It is a testament to China's strategic vision and commitment to its national unity, as well as its recognition of the broader geopolitical implications. While the road to reunification may face challenges, China's preparations, backed by its strong military and diplomatic stance, are aimed at securing a peaceful and prosperous future for all.

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About the Creator


I'm Ahong, a writer painting China's stories for the world. Dive into tales that blend tradition with the contemporary, right from the heart of China.

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