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What to do About Afghan Asylum Seekers and ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy?

A Personal Perspective

By LIOPPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Children Standing next to Borderline Wall - Photo by David Peinado / Pexels

The topics of those that seek asylum in the United States, those that come as refugees and the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy are matters that need to be resolved. I am of the opinion that allowing asylum seekers to enter the United States can cause more harm than good but there should be considerations taken for certain circumstances. When it comes to refugees from Afghanistan who assisted our armed forces, we made them a promise and we need to keep it. These two topics are very different and have different underlying circumstances.

When it comes to asylum seekers and the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, although I don’t agree with anyone being kept in sub-standard conditions, I do believe for the United States it is the correct decision. When the government allows anyone seeking asylum to enter and stay in the country there is a chance that they are allowing in the very people that previous asylum applicants are fleeing. There is also a chance that if the asylum seeker is not approved, they go into hiding and stay in the Untied States without permission. The argument of placing asylum seekers in camps to me is worse than leaving them on the Mexican side of the border. Putting everyone in a confined space because they fear for their lives invites the people who are looking for them to undergo the same process and enter the camps under false pretenses. This not only puts whomever is being looked for at risk but also anyone else residing in the camp and any U.S. citizens that are working there.

The refugees from Afghanistan are a different situation. The United States entered Afghanistan and completely altered their culture. The military and its contractors hired Afghani citizens to assist them while they were there and knew they put these people at risk. The manner in which the United States left Afghanistan was not only inappropriate but also irresponsible. We as a people owe it to the men and women that assisted our armed forces through the campaign to ensure they are not hunted down and executed. We promised them and led them to believe we would protect them. They put their lives on the line for us and we owe it to them to offer refuge.

Although the topics of asylum seekers from South America and refugees from Afghanistan are sensitive, my opinions on them are that they are not similar. I believe that the current way we handle asylum seekers trying to enter through Mexico is not ideal but at this moment the best option, however when it comes to Afghani refugees, I believe we should be assisting them as retribution for their assistance the last decade and because we in part caused the dire situation they are now facing.

This is not to say that asylum seekers from South America do not deserve better treatment or have better options. Better policies should be put into place to evaluate their situation and assist them based on their situation. The United States is a large country and to the North is Canada who allows practically anyone citizenship. There is no reason that those in need should be left to wait and be kept in harms way. However, issues such as public safety should be considered before allowing anyone into the country or allowing them to pass through to Canada. It is a difficult task ahead for law makers to find a morally acceptable way to help those in need while protecting the great nation of the United States. As policies change surely mistakes will be made along the way and scrutiny from the public will be high. The unfortunate thing is these processes will take time and that is something most asylum seekers simply do not have.

Cover Photo

Peinado, D. (2022, August 27). Children Standing next to Borderline Wall · Free Stock Photo. Pexels.


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    LIOPWritten by LIOP

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