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Accepting the journey of aging

I was afraid of growing old

By News actu GPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

In the late days of June, I embarked on a backpacking adventure, a yearly ritual of mine, to relish the long days before summer truly began. This year, I returned to the Vosges, a region that holds a special place in my heart. Its sprawling landscapes dotted with lakes and vast valleys filled with evergreen trees make me feel almost at home. Coming back here and reconnecting with the spaces that left such a lasting impression on me during my previous journey was truly rejuvenating.

Self-Discovery Through Travel

Beyond exploring new places and immersing myself in nature, what I truly cherish about traveling are those profound moments of introspection. They often arise from solitude, physical exhaustion, or the sheer distance from home. I view travel and adventure as catalysts for self-reflection, where the movement of the body mirrors the movement of the mind. It's in these hidden paths that I discover more about myself. However, every time I gaze upon nature's beauty, I find solace and tranquility. Travel allows me to contemplate life's mysteries.

Evolving Desires and Embracing Slowness

During this adventure, I realized that my desires had evolved. I no longer yearn for lengthy journeys or exhausting adventures. I've developed a fondness for slowness, and, above all, I've grown to dislike overly planning my trips. I prefer to keep my plans flexible, allowing me to change them at the last moment based on my instincts and desires.

The Power of Introspection

Venturing into uncharted territory always leads to introspection. Although many questions remain unanswered, I've come to appreciate the act of questioning itself. While I may always struggle with self-doubt, expressing my feelings, making choices, and feeling legitimate in various aspects of life, I believe I am gaining serenity. Perhaps I'm even starting to love the person I'm becoming, and I think this serenity deepens with age.

Observing Nature and the Fear of Climate Change

I find solace in solitude amidst nature. I often take time to celebrate it through art, drawing, photography, or video. Over the years, I've witnessed nature's changes. I've seen brown patches in valleys drawn by drought-stricken pine trees, rivers losing their flow, and dormant waterfalls. However, the fear of climate change looms over me. I hope to contribute to finding alternative solutions and fighting climate change collectively.

Embracing Aging: A Personal Journey

For the first time in my life, I began to fear aging, especially when I turned 30. However, this fear prompted me to deconstruct it because I found it unhealthy and abnormal. I've come to appreciate the process of aging. It has allowed me to better understand myself, where I want to go, and what brings me happiness. With age comes wisdom, and I've learned to embrace my choices and accept who I am.

Confidence and Empathy with Age

With age, I've gained confidence in my convictions, especially regarding environmental concerns I discuss on YouTube. Although it remains challenging, I've become more sure of myself and better at expressing my views. As a woman in the online sphere, it's crucial to assert oneself, and age has given me the experience to do so. I no longer feel the need to justify myself as much and am taken more seriously.

The Pressure of Aging in a Society Obsessed with Youth

Aging, particularly as a woman, comes with societal pressures. The pressure to maintain a youthful appearance can be overwhelming. However, I strive to deconstruct these norms and live life on my terms, free from societal expectations.

A Future of Uncertainty and Hope

Aging brings concerns about health and the unknown. However, if we are satisfied with our lives relative to our expectations, aging can be more manageable. Aging is also a societal issue, and there's much to deconstruct and fight for to make the journey easier for all. Amidst the uncertainty, I've found the ability to savor life's small joys and express gratitude in every moment.


Aging is a journey that we can shape and embrace rather than fear. It's about placing the building blocks of a more vibrant and compassionate future. With each year, we accumulate wisdom, and I've come to cherish the process of growing older. As I look back at my younger self, I see how much I've evolved and learned. The journey of aging is a path towards self-acceptance, confidence, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life.


About the Creator

News actu G

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Great job!

NAGWritten by News actu G

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