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Woman Convicted of Murdering Infant Son Complains Inmates in Prison "Bully Her"

Cheyanna blames crystal meth for baby Sterling's death

By True Crime WriterPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

When inmates at the Correctional Institute for Women in Iowa learned why Cheyanne Harris was incarcerated, they took action. In an interview for a docu-series titled “Locked Up With Lifers,” Cheyanne says inmates at the prison make her life “a living hell.”

As cameras roll to record Cheyanne for the interview, inmates begin to taunt the 22-year-old who sarcastically says, “Yeah. This is going to be fun.”

“Did she tell you what she’s in for? You wouldn’t be filming her,” one inmate can be heard saying. Another says, “Yeah. They’ll fuck with her alot because of her crime.”

Cheyanne knows inmates fuck with her because of her crime. During the interview, she said she doesn't have any friends in prison and sometimes doesn’t want to live. She gets bullied by other inmates every single day, she says.

The Crime

On August 30, 2017, Zachary Koen dialed 9-1-1 to report his four-month-old infant son, Sterling, unresponsive. He suggested the boy died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS.)

Paramedics and police arrived at the Concord apartment home where they found Sterling decomposing in a mechanical swing sitting in the bedroom. His diaper was heavily soiled and he reeked of urine. Maggots fell from the sides of the diaper.

The state medical examiner determined Sterling’s death was homicide caused by “failure to provide critical care.” The M.E. determined Sterling died from an e.Coli infection brought on by diaper rash.

Sterling weighed less than seven pounds.

According to the Medical Examiner, feces from his diaper ate through his skin, allowing E.coli bacteria to enter his bloodstream. The hot room attracted flies, which laid eggs that turned into maggots while he was still alive. The maggots filled the baby’s diaper.

Zachary and Cheyanne had left little Sterling alone in the swing for approximately two-weeks while they partied and used crystal meth.

Police took Harris and Koen into custody after a two-month investigation.

A portion of the criminal complaint filed in the death/murder of Sterling Koehn:

"On arrival it was confirmed that Sterling Daniel Koehn had died. The infant was found seated in a powered swing/seat in a bedroom separate from where Zachary,

Cheyanne and their older child slept. Sterling Daniel Koehn was born May 1, 2017. In subsequent statements made by Zachary Koehn and Cheyanne Harris they claimed Sterling had actually been checked on last the previous day (August 29, 2017).

On the morning of August 31, 2017, the body of Sterling Daniel Koehn underwent an autopsy at the State Medical Examiner’s office in Ankeny, Iowa. At the time of the autopsy it was learned that the infant had died at a weight of 3152 grams (under seven pounds) and was 35.5 centimeters in length (14 inches). Both these measurements placed the infant at well below the 5th percentile in size and weight.

Sterling’s body was found to have maggots in various stages of development in his clothing and on his skin. Identification and study of the maggots found on the body was conducted by a Forensic Entomologist and used to provide a time line. The study of the maggots growth and development indicated that the child had not had a diaper change, bath, or been removed from the seat in over a week.

Investigation of the incident led to the discovery that the parents’ account of the death of the child was inconsistent with the findings of the autopsy and investigation. The State Medical Examiner has ruled the death a Homicide. The cause of death was a failure to provide critical care. The facts of this case go far beyond neglect and show circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life.

Both parents were found guilty of first-degree murder and child abuse charges and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

During Harris’s trial, her lawyers argued that mental illness, including PTSD and depression, caused her to self-medicate with crystal meth. They asked the judge to impose a lesser sentence since the murder was “not intentional.”

Cheyanne Denies Murdering Her Son

During the interview, Cheyanne says she did not kill Sterling but admitted to “extremely neglecting” the infant. She blamed her addiction to crystal meth for his death. She also admitted that she did not know exactly how many days her son was left alone in the infant swing.

“Other inmates say it gets better, it won’t be so hard. But in reality, I think that’s bullshit,” Cheyanne says during the interview.

Cheyanne’s cellmate told reporters Cheyanne was at-risk of getting jumped “in the bathroom,” but that she would back her 100%.

Rest Easy, sweet baby Sterling. My condolences to his family.

I hope Zachary has an equally horrific time as Cheyanne in prison . I hope that inmates continue dishing out just desserts for Cheyanne in honor of that innocent baby who lost his life due to her selfishness.

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True Crime Writer

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