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Why the bad people get everything.By Professor Tanvir Ali Khatana.

Bad people remain at large.

By tanvir AliPublished 11 months ago 12 min read

The observation that “bad people are getting everything” can be a result of various factors and perceptions, and it is important to approach this topic with nuance. While it may appear that some individuals who engage in unethical or immoral behavior are achieving success or acquiring resources, it does not mean that all individuals who possess wealth or power are inherently “bad.” Here are a few factors to consider:

Complex Nature of Success: Success and wealth can be influenced by various factors, including hard work, intelligence, opportunity, and sometimes luck. It is not always accurate to assume that all successful individuals have obtained their wealth or position through unethical means.

Power Structures and Inequality: Societies often have power structures and systems that can perpetuate inequality. Factors such as socioeconomic background, access to education and resources, and social networks can impact an individual’s chances of achieving success. This can create a perception that “bad people” are obtaining everything.

Media and Attention Bias: Media coverage tends to focus on sensational or negative stories, which can give the impression that unethical or “bad” individuals are more prevalent or successful than they actually are. This bias can distort the perception of reality.

Unethical Practices: While it is true that some individuals engage in unethical practices to acquire wealth or power, it is crucial to remember that such behavior is not representative of all successful individuals. Many successful people have achieved their goals through ethical means and contribute positively to society.

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: In some cases, the presence of loopholes, weak regulations, or inadequate enforcement mechanisms can enable individuals to exploit the system and acquire wealth through unethical practices. Strengthening legal and regulatory frameworks can help address this issue.

It is important to distinguish between individuals who have achieved success through ethical means and those who have engaged in unethical or illegal behavior. Additionally, promoting ethical values, accountability, and transparency in various spheres of society can help create a more equitable environment where success is not solely determined by unethical practices.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge and address instances of corruption, unethical behavior, and the misuse of power. This requires collective efforts, including robust legal systems, awareness campaigns, and the active participation of citizens, to hold individuals accountable and promote a culture of ethics and integrit

The good ones have a more oppressed position

It is true that there are instances where individuals who strive to do good or adhere to ethical principles may face challenges or oppression. This can occur due to various reasons:

Power Dynamics: Those who advocate for justice, equality, and positive change may challenge existing power structures and interests. As a result, they may face resistance, opposition, or even oppression from those who benefit from the status quo.

Fear of Change: People with vested interests in maintaining the current system may fear the disruption that positive change can bring. This fear can manifest as attempts to suppress or oppress individuals who advocate for progress or challenge the existing norms.

Marginalized Voices: Individuals from marginalized communities or those who represent minority groups may face greater oppression due to systemic biases and discrimination. Their efforts to promote good and positive change may be met with additional barriers and oppression.

Lack of Resources: The lack of access to resources, networks, or opportunities can hinder the progress of individuals striving to make a positive impact. Limited resources may limit their ability to influence change effectively and may subject them to oppressive conditions.

Addressing these challenges and empowering those who strive to do good requires collective action and systemic changes:

Amplifying Voices: It is essential to give a platform to those who advocate for positive change and ensure their voices are heard. This includes promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal representation in decision-making processes.

Building Solidarity: Creating networks and alliances among individuals and organizations working towards similar goals can strengthen their collective impact and provide support in the face of oppression.

Advocating for Human Rights: Upholding and protecting human rights is crucial in combating oppression. Advocacy efforts should focus on ensuring equal rights, justice, and dignity for all individuals, irrespective of their background.

Education and Awareness: Promoting education and awareness about social issues, systemic biases, and the importance of ethical behavior can foster a culture that values and supports those striving to do good.

Policy Reforms: Advocating for policy changes that promote equality, justice, and transparency is important in challenging oppressive systems and creating a more inclusive and fair society.

It is important to recognize that even in the face of oppression, individuals and communities striving to do good can create meaningful change. History has shown that positive transformation is possible when individuals and societies come together to challenge oppressive systems and work towards a more just and equitable future.

Allah never wants anything bad for His creations. For Allah, all His creations are equal, whether good or bad. Real life starts from the grave,This world is a small stage of problems. Life means missing something we never, ever get all.Love A you get B

Islamic teachings emphasize that life in this world is temporary and a test, and that the true and everlasting life begins after death. Muslims believe in the concept of the Hereafter, where individuals will be held accountable for their actions and rewarded or punished accordingly. This belief underscores the importance of leading a righteous and ethical life.

Islam promotes the idea of balance and contentment, recognizing that human beings will experience both joys and hardships in their worldly existence. It is believed that true fulfillment and ultimate happiness can be attained through a connection with Allah and the practice of virtue and righteousness.

Love and attachment to worldly possessions or desires are seen as fleeting and transient, with the truest love and fulfillment found in the devotion to Allah and the pursuit of spiritual growth. Muslims are encouraged to detach themselves from materialism and focus on their relationship with Allah and the well-being of others.

Ultimately, individuals’ beliefs and understanding of religion may differ, and it is important to respect diverse perspectives and interpretations. Islam, like any other religion, offers guidance and teachings for individuals to find meaning, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment in their lives.

Never save money or other properties you will leave every thing you cant take a very small needle into your grave.

The perspective you shared reflects a belief held by some religious traditions and philosophies, including certain interpretations within Islam, that emphasize the impermanence of worldly possessions and the ultimate futility of accumulating material wealth. The idea is that when a person passes away, they cannot take any material possessions with them beyond the grave.

This belief serves as a reminder of the transient nature of life and the importance of focusing on spiritual and moral values rather than excessive attachment to material possessions. It encourages individuals to prioritize acts of charity, generosity, and selflessness, as these are considered to have lasting value and benefit in the sight of God.

While the notion of not hoarding wealth or being overly attached to material possessions can have spiritual and ethical merit, it is also important to maintain a balanced perspective. Responsible financial management, including saving for the future and meeting one’s needs and the needs of their family, is generally considered a prudent and responsible approach. It is possible to strike a balance between the recognition of the temporary nature of worldly possessions and the practicalities of living in this world.

Different individuals and communities may have varying approaches to wealth and possessions based on their cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. It is important to respect diverse perspectives while also considering the practical realities of life and the need to provide for oneself and others in a responsible and sustainable manner.

We are born alone ,we leave alone so never think you have no friend,If you have a big purse you have million friends but if you become proper or very poor soon all will disappear and we are left alone by the cruel world.

The sentiment you expressed highlights the transient nature of worldly relationships and the potential for changes in social dynamics based on one’s wealth or circumstances. While it is true that some individuals may associate themselves with others based on their wealth or material possessions, it is important to remember that genuine friendships and meaningful connections are built on deeper qualities such as trust, shared values, and mutual support.

Friendship should ideally be rooted in authenticity and genuine care for one another, rather than solely based on external factors like wealth or social status. True friends are those who stand by us during both prosperous and challenging times, offering support, understanding, and companionship.

While it is understandable to feel disheartened by the possibility of losing superficial relationships based on wealth, it is also an opportunity to reevaluate the quality and depth of our connections. True friendships can withstand the fluctuations of material circumstances and are based on the emotional bond and connection between individuals.

It is important to focus on nurturing and cultivating genuine relationships built on trust, respect, and shared experiences. These are the friendships that can endure the tests of time and provide the support and companionship we seek throughout our lives.

Furthermore, even if someone may feel alone or isolated at times, it is essential to remember that there are supportive networks, communities, and resources available that can provide assistance and companionship. Building a social support system based on common interests, shared values, and genuine connections can help create a sense of belonging and mitigate the feelings of loneliness.

Ultimately, the quality of our relationships is more significant than their quantity or temporary nature. By fostering authentic connections and investing in meaningful relationships, we can find solace, support, and companionship in both prosperous and challenging times.

You have hundred of friends on Facebook,Instagram or twitter none will come on your funeral

While social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter can provide opportunities for connecting with a wide network of individuals, it is important to recognize that the nature of these connections differs from deep, personal relationships. The number of friends or followers on social media does not necessarily reflect the quality or depth of those relationships.

It is true that online connections may not translate into physical presence or attendance at a funeral. Funerals are typically attended by close family members, friends, and individuals who shared a significant bond with the deceased. These are often the people who have formed personal connections and have been a part of the person’s life beyond the online realm.

While online interactions can offer support, entertainment, and connection in certain ways, it is crucial to foster meaningful relationships beyond the digital sphere. Building and nurturing real-life connections based on shared experiences, mutual understanding, and emotional support can provide a deeper sense of companionship and support.

In times of loss and mourning, it is often those close relationships that provide comfort, solace, and the support needed to navigate through grief. Investing time and effort in cultivating meaningful connections with family, friends, and individuals who truly care can contribute to a stronger support system during difficult times.

It is essential to remember that the value of relationships lies in their quality and the impact they have on our lives, rather than the number of online connections we may accumulate. Prioritizing genuine, supportive relationships can bring about a sense of fulfillment and companionship that extends beyond the virtual world.

Never be un- thankful to God for all his givings and blessings and never leave hope,Allah loves His creations more than 10000 times more than mother and there is nothing like mother in this world,Parents have no substitute.

In Islamic teachings, it is emphasized that Allah is the source of all blessings and that expressing gratitude for His gifts is an act of worship and spiritual growth. Recognizing and acknowledging the countless blessings in our lives can help cultivate a positive mindset and deepen our connection with the Divine.

The love and care of parents are highly valued in Islam. The Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad emphasize the importance of honoring and respecting parents, treating them with kindness and compassion, and fulfilling their rights. The love and sacrifice of parents, particularly mothers, are regarded as unparalleled and deserving of utmost reverence.

Indeed, the love and bond between a mother and child are profound and unique. The selfless care, nurturing, and sacrifices made by parents, especially mothers, are irreplaceable and hold a special place in our hearts and lives. Islam encourages children to express gratitude, kindness, and support towards their parents, as they are considered a great blessing and a means to attain closeness to Allah.

While recognizing the importance of parents and expressing gratitude towards God for His blessings, it is also important to extend compassion, care, and appreciation to others in our lives. Building positive relationships and treating others with kindness and respect can create a sense of unity and harmony in society.

Ultimately, the teachings of gratitude, love, and honoring our parents serve as reminders to be grateful for the blessings we have, appreciate the relationships that bring joy and support, and strive to be kind and compassionate towards all of God’s creations.

If parents are angry with you even Allah is angry with you.

In Islam, respecting and obeying parents is highly emphasized, and disobedience or disrespect towards parents is regarded as a grave sin. It is considered essential to maintain a positive and loving relationship with parents, as they hold a significant position of authority and guidance in a person’s life.

However, it is important to clarify that the anger of parents does not necessarily equate to Allah’s anger. While it is discouraged to displease or upset one’s parents, it does not mean that Allah is automatically angry with an individual if their parents express anger or disappointment.

Allah’s anger is associated with disobedience towards His commandments, engaging in sinful acts, or straying from the path of righteousness. Each individual is responsible for their own actions and is accountable to Allah for their choices and behavior.

In situations where parents are angry or displeased, it is encouraged to seek reconciliation, understanding, and forgiveness. Islam promotes resolving conflicts and maintaining harmonious relationships within families. Open communication, empathy, and sincere efforts to address concerns can help improve strained relationships and seek forgiveness.

However, it is important to note that blind obedience to parents should not extend to situations where they ask for something that contradicts Islamic principles or involves engaging in sinful actions. Islam places the ultimate authority and obedience to Allah’s commandments above all else.

Balancing the obligations and responsibilities towards parents while remaining steadfast in following the teachings of Islam requires wisdom, understanding, and seeking guidance from knowledgeable scholars and religious sources.

Ultimately, the goal is to maintain strong, respectful, and loving relationships with parents while also upholding one’s duty to Allah and adhering to the principles of Islam.

If every one leaves you ,Parents will always with you.

The statement you made highlights the significance and unconditional love of parents in a person’s life. In many cultures and traditions, including Islam, parents are seen as the primary source of support, guidance, and love. They are often considered the pillars of a person’s upbringing and are expected to provide care, protection, and emotional support throughout their children’s lives.

Parents play a vital role in shaping a person’s character, values, and beliefs. Their presence and influence can be a source of comfort and stability, especially during challenging times. The bond between parents and children is considered unique and profound, built on years of shared experiences, sacrifices, and mutual affection.

While it is true that relationships may change and people may come and go in our lives, the bond between parents and their children is often enduring. Parents are seen as a constant presence, offering guidance, encouragement, and love, even when others may leave or relationships may falter.

However, it is important to recognize that not everyone may have positive relationships with their parents due to various circumstances such as abuse, neglect, or estrangement. In such cases, seeking support from other trusted individuals or professionals can be crucial in navigating through life’s challenges.

Ultimately, the love and support of parents can be a source of strength and comfort. It is important to cherish and value this relationship while also extending compassion and understanding to others who may not have the same experience.

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