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What Happen's At Veronica's Stays At Veronica's

Vial Of Life

By Misha AlslebenPublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 37 min read

My phone's light illuminated the darkroom. The patient in the bed sleeping peacefully as their heart monitor beeped rhythmically.

“Meet me at Veronica's when you're done with work- I’ll be waiting - L “

I closed the door behind me stepping into the hall.

“K” I responded glancing at the 2 a.m timestamp.

“ Long night Dr.Colden ?”

I looked up to see one of my favorite nurses and colleagues looking perky and ready to go as always.

Her dark hair pulled up into a tight bun and her hazel eyes bright instead of tired-looking greeted my tired eyes and overworked brain.

“You have no idea Gemma, no idea,” I said signing off on my final round report and grabbing my key card off my badge.

“Well I convinced Sam down in HR to put me on shifts with you for the next two weeks” she squeaked happily.

Gemma was a great nurse so much I much preferred when she was working than others. She made the job and the nights easier and truly has a passion to help people.

“That’s great Gemma. I look forward to spending more shifts with you. You’re a really good nurse and it sounds like that means the floor should run smoothly the next few weeks.

Now I’m sure you’re tired because I know I am so let us get home and rest up for tomorrow. I suggested smiling

“Sounds Great! “ she said scanning her badge to clock out then locking her computer.

“ Have a good night Dr. Colden “

“You too Gemma”

I watched as she departed the elevator into the car garage. I quickly made my way down to the ground level walking the few blocks necessary to Veronicas.

Veronica’s was a 24/7 diner set just a bit off the strip in Vegas near the hospital ,several clubs and casinos. The purple and pink neon signs illuminated the alley between veronicas and the club next door making it one of the safer alleys in Las Vegas. It's the middle of August so even at 2 in the morning in downtown Vegas it's still a brutal 75 degrees out.

Honestly, the location was perfect planning on Veronica's part. Placing a 24/7 diner next to a nightclub and within walking distance of the hospital made it easy for business. If they weren’t serving drunk or hungover college kids they were serving tourists or family members of patients at the hospital.

It wasn’t just those things that made Veronica’s such a great place though.

It was her, her employees, and the atmosphere. Her willingness to protect her friends and family made it even better and she was very serious about her motto of what happens at Veronica’s stays at Veronica’s. I remember being in the diner once when some kids decided to dash on her. When they came in a couple of weeks later with their parents she didn’t say a word to the parents. Just asked the teens if they would like to come back on the weekend for a job interview to follow up on the applications they put in a few weeks ago. Of course, they said yes. They worked for Veronica for a week to pay off their tab and to say thank you for not telling their parents. One stuck around until she went to college the other comes in all the time and thankfully pays now. However, it earned Veronica some mad respect from some of her regulars who hang around the place more than the one timer’s do.

Of course, her food and the consistent fresh coffee helped her business flourish even more and set her apart from other diners. Greasy was not on the menu but you could always get a nice serving of just about anything you wanted from eggs and pancakes to fluffy pancakes, crepes filled with fresh fruit, and even the heartiest best chicken fried steak in the county.

Veronica knows about me and Luca but she'd never tell anyone. She’s too proud of her motto and cares too much about her community.

The smell of fresh coffee, bacon, and cinnamon rolls filled my nose and surrounded me as I walked inside. The bells on the door jingled as it closed.

“Hey Dr. Z, good to see ya. “

“You too Jimmy, smells great in here, as always I smiled grabbing my regular booth.

“Want your usual Dr. Z”

“I’m going to wait for Luca for food but I'd kill for some of that coffee that I smell.” I smiled at Jimmy as he grabbed a cup from under the counter and poured the steaming black coffee into it.

“Kill, isn't that against your usual course of action, Doctor? “

Looking down; the sleek black shoes and cologne gave away his identity more than his voice did. His voice was just deep and- irritating.

I sighed looking up to greet the man in front of me.

“ Detective Maxwell, we have got to stop meeting like this, '' I turned taking in his tall figure, black suit, and a smug expression.

“ I would have to agree, Doctor, but as you know it doesn’t work like that. I know you’re dealing; I just don’t know what nor can I prove it yet,but I can promise I will. “

Jimmy watched the exchange setting my hot coffee on the table in front of me with a shaky hand. Then looking at the detective.

“Can-Can I get you anything ?” He asked the detective nervously.

“He has a to-go order “ I answered, wanting him to leave.

“Ms.Colden I wish you wouldn’t assume things.” He sighed visibly annoyed.

“Hmm funny -

I sipped my hot coffee

“I wish you’d go do your job with the real drug dealers on our streets. Honestly, I’ve dedicated my life to saving others. Why would I deal with drugs? “ I looked at him, raising a brow.

“I don’t know and that's not my job to figure out. My job is to catch the bad guy, arrest the bad guy, and bring the bad guy in for charges then I’m done.”

“Sounds like you’re very - well trained “ I snorted laughing at my sarcastic comment.

His stare darkened

“Good night Dr.Colden I’m sure I will see you again soon.

He grumbled grabbing his bag of food and his drinks, leaving.

Two coffees later and Luca finally showed up. Sitting across from me snagging my third cup of fresh coffee his ring clanked the side as he brought it to his mouth.

“What’s up Luca”

“There's another shipment coming”

“What do you mean? We shouldn't have another until next week. It’s a surprise but honestly, it's needed. Supply and demand, ya know.”

He shrugged and took another drink of the coffee.

“Vial of Life is becoming pretty popular in the clinic. So many people need it.” He sighed looking down at the table.

I looked at him, his green eyes bright and his red hair feathered to the side. Smiling at our invented name. He looked good. Healthy. So much better than 3 months ago when he was brought into the hospital passed out and near death. It took 2 weeks to get him stabilized and out of DKA.

DKA is easily deadly, and more people suffer from it and diabetes than most people know or consider.

Then it came time for me to learn the hard truth. This young man couldn't afford insurance but also couldn't afford his insulin either.

Most recently a $35.00 vial of insulin skyrocketed to $750.00 sometimes more.

Which is what started all of this and landed me with a spicy DEA agent breathing down my neck.

It started with a couple of vials every week just for Luca.

Then it slowly grew.

More people got sick as they rationed their insulin due to the high prices.

I started “fixing” shipments the hospital was receiving. Over ordering insulin then saying the order was “ short or incomplete”

That, unfortunately, brought the attention of the hospital too harshly and too quickly. I couldn’t and didn’t want to lose my job or see a colleague lose theirs for something they didn’t do so I had to stop.

Then Luca got the brilliant yet incredibly stupid idea to tell his friends about the trucks that deliver the meds to the hospitals and pharmacies. From there our plan developed.

Luca and his friends stopped a delivery truck 3 miles outside of the city in the middle of the desert.

Tranqed the drivers then loaded 2 crates of each type of insulin into coolers and left without a trace.

We’ve done it probably 50 times since. We always ensure to leave enough for the hospital and pharmacy but it turned into a bit of a local mystery and has even gotten the DEA involved. I feel guilty doing it, could easily lose my license to practice, and could go to prison for a very very long time. I’d feel even worse if I was watching people die because they have to choose between medicine or their home or medicine and food for their kids. I’m sure almost anyone knows if you have kids you pick feeding them before taking care of yourself.

Something that costs less than $5 to make should not have over a

300% markup. Depending on a medication to stay alive while knowing you can’t afford it, is probably the single most terrifying thing these people have to fear and worry about daily.

“ You ok Zanara? You’re crying”

I felt his warm hand brush the tear away.

“Yeah I’m ok “ I smiled at him “Just remembering how all of this started”. I responded remembering the first time seeing his face light up when I told him he didn’t have to worry about insulin for the month.

“ I’m lucky it was you in that E.R, Z if it had been anyone else I’d probably be dead. “

“Don’t say that Luca “ I said looking at him sternly

“Sorry Z it's the truth. “

“Anyway, the shipment?” I said returning from my trip down memory lane.

“ I’m going to get it with Olivia and Ashton then take it to the clinic. Do you want to meet here for a late-night celebratory dinner? He asked excitedly.

“Same time? “ I inquired

“Yeah and Z, Thank you, for everything, seriously. I know sometimes you have your doubts about all of this but truly you are saving so many lives and let's face it no one else is coming to save us .”

“Luca you don’t have to thank me- but please do be careful tomorrow. Weirdly, there's another shipment. You guys only took the usual amount last time right? “

“Yeah of course Z, we wouldn't take more than we need, you know that. “ He looked at me with a slight hurt dancing behind his eyes.

“I know it's just weird that they have another truck coming already,” I said furrowing my brow.

“True but like I said it's needed. We had 3 more people who came to the clinic yesterday. Olivia gave them enough to last until tomorrow afternoon when you get there but we don’t have enough to give out tomorrow Z. This was a blessing in disguise. “

“Yeah, you’re right. Who came in today”

“An older woman and a dad with his 8-year-old. The kid has been using his dad's insulin because they can't afford both, his dad has only been treating his high blood sugars every few days but has been spending most days throwing up and trying to manage his dehydration. He is staying overnight “

“Are his sugar levels stable now ?” I sighed feeling the tension in my shoulders thinking about how many people needed help and how much this supposedly small operation is becoming a really big one.

“ Mostly he was at 368 when they arrived. The son went home with his mom and they are coming back tomorrow as I said’”

“ That's so high but good to hear they are doing better” I internally grimaced thinking about how ill he must have been feeling.

“Have a good night Z I'll see you tomorrow morning. Luca winked as he got up and left

“No food tonight Dr. ?”

“Not tonight Jimmy, but tomorrow for sure. I smiled leaving 2 -$20 bills on the table.

Leaving Veronica’s I glanced in the alleyway as I walked by. Living in Vegas it had become a habit to be hyper-aware of my surroundings.

The neon lights from Veronica’s lit up the street and alley more than most would expect.

The sleek black car I recognized immediately. He was annoying but at least he had good taste in cars. The sleek 77 Chevelle SS sat quietly in the alley. Belonging to none other than

Detective Maxwell.

I frowned normally he’d be in it. So where was he? I wondered to myself. Shrugging off the whatever feeling that was causing the hair on the back of my hair stand up I continued to my car parked in the lowest level of the hospital parking garage.

Starting my car I was happy to be headed home mentally preparing myself for the long day and night tomorrow.

Work the next day was unusually slow but I had a gut feeling something was wrong.

Starting at 1:30 I started counting down the minutes until the time I was off at 2.

I had texted Luca several times with no response. We normally always stay in contact on supply run nights, so I was getting worried.

1:59 a.m hit and I clocked out rushing into the elevator ignoring Gemma who was coming down the hall reminding me to sign my final rounds. I could hear my heartbeat as I checked my phone smacking the G button inside the elevator.

I practically ran to my car, my intuition screaming at me that something was wrong.

Getting in my car I heard my phone an unknown number flashed across the screen when I answered it was nothing but static.

Buckling my seatbelt I put my car into first, I felt like a professional driver more than a dr on my way to the clinic. Pulling into a dark parking lot where Luca and I had rented a small warehouse wasn’t what I was hoping for. I didn’t see a sign of life anywhere. I noticed Olivia's car was parked to the side of the warehouse meaning that they took Lucas or Ashton's car.

The clinic in this warehouse wasn’t official or anything but it had most definitely acted as one.

Saving 58 lives so far. When we discovered a community struggling as worse than we thought we both knew we couldn't quit. The word spread quickly, making us want to expand the clinic. Which we did, I quickly found myself spending my afternoons before work treating people for DKA, Giving out insulin and giving IVs or antibiotics to others. The last free clinic in our area was shut down after being defunded but we are trying even though everything we have been doing is technically illegal. I couldn't watch people in my community that I vowed to protect die over money. At the end that's the root of it. You either have money to pay for your meds or you don't, a sad reality for many.

Trying Luca's phone one more time and it going straight to voicemail once again made me worry.

I glanced at the time on my dash. Almost 3 I muttered turning around hearing the tink sound from my phone.

Leaving the warehouse I headed to Veronica’s as planned.

Upon entering my nose was greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and apple pie.

“Veronica’s always cooking up something huh Jimmy,” I said smiling taking our usual booth once again.

“Yes Dr. Z, Always. You and Luca are going to take your usual tonight?”

I sighed and decided to order and act as though I wasn’t as worried as a mother hen right now.

“That’d be great Jimmy he should be here any minute”

I looked down to check my phone from earlier.

_Olivia- “ We ran into trouble. You're Veronica’s right?

I text her back feeling my heart pick up its pace quickly letting me hear its rhythmic beat in my ears more than I could hear anything else in the Diner.

My phone tinked a second time as soon as I hit send on my “Yes I am “ response.

The same unknown number from the phone call earlier

“Tell your boy’s to stay off our deliveries and leave the cop at home next time“ I frowned

Who in the hell is this I wondered? My thought process was hindered by a roar of a car engine and tires coming to a screeching halt outside of Veronica’s

“Detective Maxwell coming in hot as hell “ Veronica peeked her head out of the kitchen

I laughed confused by his driving. I looked out the window except it wasn’t Detective Maxwell driving.

“Luca! “ I yelled out loud, shocked, and confused watching him run to the passenger side.

From the passenger side emerged a shaken distressed blood-covered Olivia. Her blonde hair matted with a bloody face splattered with tear stains down her cheeks that my stomach sank until I saw she seemed uninjured. It wasn’t until I saw Ashton come from the back of the car pulling out a near unconscious and very bloody Detective Maxwell that I somewhat understood what was happening. The giggling from the girls in two booths away from me quickly silenced when they saw Luca, Olivia and Ashton come in supporting Detective Maxwell's body carried into the diner.

Collective gasps happened as I rushed to them.

“What the hell happened and why did you bring him here instead of the hospital? “ I asked bewildered, noticing the gushing wound near his right shoulder.

“They report shootings to the police Z, “ Ashton said as if I had just asked the dumbest question I could have. I suppose he was right. I should have known why they didn't go there.

“Besides he said he wanted you “ Luca shrugged

“I don't have any -

“Everyone out” Veronica yelled, slamming a medical bag down on the booth seat next to me.

She quickly hustled around the restaurant shutting off her always on open 24/7 signs and closing blinds then swiftly locking the door.

Get his shirt off of him and someone starts talking I said digging through the bag Veronica brought me

“Veronica why did you have this anyway not that I’m not grateful, “ I said looking into her kind eyes.

“Never know when somethings going to happen and with all your Drs in and out of here someones bound to know how to use all that inside it. “ She said

I glanced at a still shaken Olivia

So what happened.

Detective Maxwell grabbed my arm.

“I know what you’ve been doing Dr .”

“Oh you hush and let me look at this,” I said looking into his pained but surprisingly beautiful blue eyes as he chuckled then groaned in pain. How had I never noticed that before I thought to myself

“He's lucky the bullet isn’t still stuck in there and it has a clean exit wound. I looked over his clothing, to Ashton, Luca, and Olivia.”

Luca grab my phone and call Gemma

“Gemma from the hospital ?”

I grumbled in frustration as I poured alcohol over my hands and began cleaning the wound.

“Yes, Gemma from the hospital put it on speaker. Detective Maxwell, I need you to stay awake long enough to tell me your blood type.” I said lightly slapping his cheek.

Ashton gets Olivia a coat or something and something warm to drink she's in shock. I directed

Gemma's sleepy voice filled the speakerphone of my call

“Dr.Colden what's wrong, do I need to come to the hospital.”

“ Gemma I need you to listen to me very carefully. I'm Veronica’s.

I need you to go to the hospital. Tell anyone who asks you to forget something and get a bag of blood I will text you the type. I also need pain medication and IV supplies with 1 IV bag and as quickly as you can. I know you only live a few minutes away so please hurry don't even bother getting dressed.”

“Dr. Colden, I can’t do that, I'll lose my job.” She sounded conflicted but fully awake.

“Gemma you’re a great nurse, I’m patching up a Cop with a bullet wound he’s lost a lot of blood and honestly I swear to you I will make sure that any consequences fall to me. “

There was silence as I began threading the needle to stitch the back of the wound closed. He needs to be on the table on his stomach for this. I said with haste.

He groaned as we moved him, laying him down.

“B + “ He grunted out.


“I’m on my way. “ she replied, hanging up.

“Text her B+, then someone better tell me what the hell happened?”

“We were ambushed, it wasn’t the type of delivery we thought it was, “ Ashton said returning to the table with a drink for Olivia.

“ How so?” Directing my question to either Ashton or Luca still does not under-standing what was going on. I suppose looking back it was only a matter of time before something went wrong.

“It wasn’t a shipment of the vial for life and after we boarded the truck this idiot showed up flashing his badge and then Wes and his gang showed up.

“Wes Rigs?” I asked bewildered.

“Do you know of another drug runner named Wes in vegas Z ?” Luca asked me sarcastically

“No but I don’t understand he’s never gone after us before and we don’t even deal the same drugs.”

Olivia's quiet and shaky voice finally joined the conversation just as we heard a soft knock on the door.

“ That's the point this shipment was nothing but ketamine, oxycodone, and other narcotics. He killed the drivers Z. “ She cried, sinking her face into Ashton’s shoulder.

“Who killed the drivers? '' Gemma's tired voice asked me. Setting down a large patient belongings bag next to me.

“It’s a long story you can either stay and I'll explain in a bit or you can go home sleep and I'll explain tomorrow. “ I said, finishing the last stitch of the exit wound.

I fished out the vial of pain medicine and directed Ashton and Luca to help me get him sitting up so I could get the IV set and blood transfusing so I could begin stitching the entrance wound which was now oozing slightly.

After I set the IV I went to administer the pain medicine only to have the detective's hand wrap around my wrist.

“ I don’t need that”

I looked at him with every ounce of seriousness in my body. You were shot, you should rest and have to be in pain.

He cleared his throat sitting up more to give me better access to the front of the wound.

“I have questions and I can’t ask them if I’m drugged up”

He said making eye contact with me.

I looked up to see a confused Gemma, and a worried-looking Ashton, Luca, and Olivia.

“Well then ask the boy but know we have a motto here. What happens at Veronica’s stays at Veronica’s

Veronica chimed in to bring fresh coffees out placing them on the table behind us.

“You need anything Zanara,” she asked

“Yeah, a time machine” I chuckled thinking about how all of this was going to play out. I’m essentially stitching up the man who is going to put me in prison for the next 30 years if not the rest of my life. Regardless I wouldn't let him die.

“Why does that not surprise me ?” Detective Maxwell said clutching his shoulder as he coughed.

“Well Talk “ I grimaced as I thought about what his questions were.

I began stitching as he asked his first question.

“If you’re a drug dealer and he is a drug dealer how do you keep saying it wasn’t the right delivery?” his deep voice faded as he let his head fall back.

“ I told you to take the pain medicine “ I expressed frustrated

“That's not an answer, “ He said, opening his eyes to look at me.

“We don’t deal drug’s “

“Drug drugs? he said, confused. “

“Yeah you know oxys , percocets , xanny’s , It's not our thing man we are trying to save lives not make them worse. “ Luca said, sounding frustrated that he still thought we were drug dealers. Which in a way we are.

“ Then what are you stealing off all those trucks ?” He questioned looking genuinely interested.

“Insulin and antibiotics” I answered for everyone at the table.

I saw Gemma’s eyes as she put it all together sitting quietly at the table watching and listening.

“ Why?”

“79,535 deaths occur each year due to diabetes and around 17- 50 of those deaths are from people rationing their insulin. People are dying because they can’t afford their medications, Detective. I vowed as a Dr. To help people, to save them, and I can’t keep watching people in my community die because they can't afford their medicine.”

“ I think you are the only good drug dealer I’ve ever met in this job Dr. Colden”

“I think by now you can call me Z. “ I said checking his pulse after finishing the last stitch on the entry wound.

“Z, “ he said shakily

“Yes, Detective Maxwell ?”

“I think I’ll take that pain medication, after all, he said as he slowly drifted out of consciousness. “

I smiled, grabbing the vial and syringe, slipping the medicine into his IV.

Ashton and Luca adjusted him so he was lying down in the booth and more comfortable. I put my coat under his head before standing up. Preparing to do damage control.

“Olivia, Ashton, Luca go home get cleaned up, and get some sleep. I’ll talk to him when he wakes up. Remember what we talked about if we ever got caught. “

“Z we aren’t letting you take the fall for this alone.”

“It’s better for one of us to be in jail than all of us. “ I said, washing my bloody hands.

“She’s right, kids, get out of here. I will call you if she can’t and Z you know I'll stay closed as long as I need to, “ Veronica said, handing me a hand towel.

“Thank you, Veronica. I don’t know what we would do without you” I gushed watching her grab two white bags from under the counter.

“Darn right you wouldn’t “ She laughed loudly handing the bags to Ashton.

“Food Seriously! You are the best Veronica” He said happily.

“Thank you “ Olivia squeaked as they headed toward the door.

“So I guess we are taking his beast home ?” Luca asked excitement in his voice, as he held up Detective Maxwell’s keys.

“No, put it in the alley. Take mine “ I handed him the keys taking the Detectives.

“Good thinking as Always Z”

“ I try. “ I said yawning catching a glimpse of the 5 a.m time on the wall

“Talk to you soon, “ Olivia said hopefully as she always is.

I nodded watching them leave in their blood-stained clothes.

Looking to the booths I saw a tired-looking and flushed Gemma

I sighed walking over to her.

“Thank you for coming through tonight. You're the reason he’s alive. “

“I don’t know why you didn't just take him to the hospital but I suppose it's because you’ve been stealing and giving away RX drugs.”

“Just certain ones, lifesaving ones. Gemma you know we see too many people dying from not being to afford their medications. I appreciate you being here tonight”

“I know and I get it. I’m proud of you. I just wish you had trusted me to help before and sooner. I suppose this means its all over now “ she asked, gesturing to the sleep Detective.

“I don’t know, I do not. For now, Gemma I need you to go home. Get some sleep and if anyone asks about missing blood or supplies and comes after you, you tell them you acted under duress and I forced you to do it. “

“ How exactly would anyone believe you forced me to do this”

“ I don’t know, get creative, tell them I threatened your dog or something”

She laughed. “If you came at Benny I'd cut you, “ She said looking at me.

“Are you sure Zanara? You don’t have to take all the blame for all of this.” she looked at me sadly.

“I’m sure I smiled warmly at her. “

“Ok, have a good night and try to get some rest yourself, “ She said hugging me getting blood on her baby pink robe.

“Oops, “ she said, shrugging walking to the diner doors taking a final look at the detective than me before the bells on the door jingled as she left.

I sighed in the tiredness and hunger sets in. I leaned over Detective Maxwell checking his pulse and temperature as he slept. Fully taking in his features since the first time we met. His dark brown hair damp from the sweat, his eyes and mouth closed as he slept peacefully. A scar on his right cheek stuck out more than before. If he wasn’t going to wake up soon and possibly arrest me then throw me in prison he might even be what I’d describe as attractive. I shook the thoughts away from kissing him under different circumstances. He had just gotten shot while following people he knows I have connections with to a drug pick up that went bad.

Suddenly the text from Wes made since “ Leave the cop at home next time “ Replayed in my head.

So Wes knew Maxwell wasn’t a part of our team, he shot him solely for being a cop. I frowned hating how real drug dealers and turf wars worked.

“ Here love, you should eat. “ Veronicas sweet but tired voice said, setting a plate of food down in front of me.

“Thanks, Veronica, and sorry to keep you so late. “

“Honey you know I’m here for you and anyone who needs me. I am going to head upstairs and take a nap though. Doors are locked, just holler if you need me. “

She grinned, turning to head upstairs.

“Thank you, “ I said quietly, starting to eat my hashbrowns and eggs.

After eating I took my plate to the kitchen and came back out to a bright-eyed and amused looking Detective Maxwell sitting up in his seat looking at me his IV finishing the drip.

“Good morning sleeping beauty “ I cracked the joke hoping it would break the inevitable tension in the room.

“Morning Doctor. “ He grumbled out.

“You want some coffee ?” I asked pointing to the machine

“Please,” he said hoarsely

I poured the steaming hot coffee into a mug and brought it to the table with some cream and sugar. Then moved it to the next table over.

“What are you doing ?” He asked me as I came to his side.

“Moving you over here. I need to clean this booth up for Veronica” I said hastily as I helped him to the neighboring booth.

“Don’t worry about it I’ll get a crime scene crew out here in a couple of hours. “

I swallowed the lump in my throat momentarily forgetting that he was a Detective about to completely change my world and life in a matter of minutes.

“Where is Luca and everyone else?”

“I sent them home so we could talk”

“Did they take my car?”

“No it’s parked in the Alleyway, “ I said meeting his eyes

“Go get my briefcase please”

“Alright” I responded nervously

I walked to the doors and headed outside. The warm morning air surrounded me as soon as I stepped out. Walking to the car I noticed two bullet holes and a broken window on the driver's side.

Glancing inside I saw the briefcase laying on the back floorboard with it cracked open.

Grabbing it I clicked it close then headed back inside.

“Well at least you didn’t run” He chuckled

“Not my style. I made my choices, I’ll deal with the consequences. “

“Open it, “ He instructed me, looking at the case.

Opening it, revealed photos, at minimum a 100 of them. Anything from me leaving work to Luca and Olivia at the clinic and Ashton holding a GPS tracking device that we used to place on delivery trucks when they came into the city.

I swallowed and looked up to him

“So what now?” I asked setting the pictures down inside the case.

“Well, Dr.Colden. I was under the impression that you and your shall we call them your crew? That you and your crew were dealing with the type of drugs that Mr. Riggs deals with. However, it would seem that I was wrong and while what you are doing is still very illegal It changes things. Especially since Luca, Olivia and Ashton could've left me there to die but instead, Luca left his car and everything and they all got me to you as I asked.

“Ok, so? “

“Is there a bathroom in this place?” He asked suddenly changing the subject.

“Yeah, it's in the back you have to walk by the kitchen. You might be a little dizzy still from the blood loss and pain medicine, want some help getting there. “

“Nah that’s ok thank you though. “ He said holding out his arm for me to disconnect his IV.

“Wait here,” He said walking back to the bathroom.

I waited for what felt like hours but was only about 15 minutes.

“So Dr. Colden. I got to hear some of the conversations you had while I was in and out of consciousness. You're a good Dr and a good friend. However, for this next part, I need you to call Luca, and the rest of them and ask them to please come back here.”

“Look I’m taking the fall for them. There’s no reason for all of us to go to prison.”

“Your not. Now call” He said pushing the phone to me

I called Luca; it had only been about an hour and a half since they all left. He answered immediately.

“Z, are you ok, is he ok? What’s going to happen?”

“I don’t know but he asked for you guys to please come back,” I said unsure of myself

Silence filled the line then I heard Ashton yell “on our way “ Before the dial tone filled my ears.

“They are coming. “

“Perfect” He grinned.

“Do you think I can get some more coffee?” He asked looking at me as if he knew I wouldn't say no.

“Coming right up,” I said

A knock on the locked doors when I sat his coffee down told me Luca and the others had arrived. I unlocked the door letting them in.

“What's up Doc? “ Ashton cracked his usual joke toward me.

“Detective its good to see you awake again, “ Olivia said looking at him sporting fresh clothes and damp hair as they all sat down.

“So what is this all about ?” Luca asked suspiciously no doubt thinking about what we all were.

It’s easier to arrest us in one place then it is to hunt us down.

“I just wanted you all here for these calls. He said, pulling his phone out of his briefcase and hitting a number he had on speed dial.”

“Captain it is Detective Maxwell, I was shot last night following a lead. I have an update that the person and crew robbing the trucks isn’t Dr.Zanara Colden or her colleagues. It's a man that goes by the name Wes Riggs. He has a crew of at least 15 people and they are packing heavy heat. I think its best to turn this over to you and a cleaner crew. Also speaking of cleaning this afternoon I need someone to stop by Veronicas Diner I kind of bled all over one of their booths” He finished chuckling then grabbing his shoulder.

We all watched him in shock as he hung up the phone.

“ So you’re not going to tell them we were there or what we have been doing ?” Olivia asked bewildered only to get a slap on the arm from Ashton

“Yes and No,” The Detective said.

“ See I’m not telling my boss you were involved because frankly, Dr. Colden is right. It’s wrong that people are dying because they can’t afford their medications. However this - He pointed to his shoulder- could have easily been worse and one of you. Also if you continue doing what you have been eventually you will get caught. If not by me by another agent in a year or two from now.

I sat back feeling defeated, glancing at Luca knowing his thoughts were likely running just as fast as mine since he is directly affected if we stop our little endeavor.

“Dr. Colden I want to help you well all of you write a bill to enact a law that gives a strict price cap on insulin.”

I was shocked.

“How long will that take ?” Luca asked

“Normally a year or so. With my connections under a month”

“Let’s do it then, but, what about the pictures?” I asked him the pictures I saw of all of us burned into my memory.

“About that, when I was on my way to the bathroom, that dizziness you were talking about hit me and there was a small accident with the fryer and the photos.” He grinned like a Cheshire cat at his story.

“Are you telling me you put the photos in the fryer and destroyed evidence, Detective Maxwell?”

First Zanara please call me Hunter and the thing is someone once told me; What happens at Veronica’s, Stays at Veronica’s; And I would hate to be the person to break that rule” said leaning forward smiling at me and the others as we exchanged looks.

“Thank you, Hunter, seriously Thank you, and we look forward to working with you to make this price cap happen.” I felt the tension. I didn’t realize I was holding in my shoulders release and I relaxed a little more.

“That’s what I like to hear boy, but you're paying to clean this fryer.” Veronica’s happy voice joined our conversation.

“Yes, Ma’am of course”. Detective Maxwell said smiling at her.

After many late nights that turned to morning’s we finally wrote the bill to present to the house of representatives. It moved just as quickly as Hunter promised and we soon, much to the dismay of pharmaceutical companies, had not only an affordable price gap on insulin but also programs to help those who still couldn’t afford it.

We never spoke of what Detective Maxwell did for us, but we forever appreciated it, and that was the end of our criminal careers forever, we returned to our normal lives, normal jobs and of course met up for weekly and mostly nightly dinners at Veronica’s together just for old times sake.

This story is purely a work of fiction however the plot has a base from a real-life problem that 1,000s of people face daily. Insulin rationing is real and getting worse, The only thing that will help the people who depend on this life-saving drug is for pharmaceutical companies to lower prices, create more affordable savings programs, or for our house of representatives and other government officials to create a price cap on it. No one should spend their days sick or feel like they may die any-day because they can't afford their medication or have to ration it to afford it. I encourage you to look into the issue even if the story wasn't your taste of fiction. Thank you so much for reading and I always love to have someone hit that share button - Sincerely, The Author - Misha Alsleben - A.K.A - LilWritingHood


About the Creator

Misha Alsleben

Wife & Mom Fueled by ;

Caffeine & Gratitude, when I’m not writing you’ll find me raising awareness about our planet’s needs , in the kitchen ,outside with the family, taking photos or in a bookstore.

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