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"Unravel the Chilling Tale of a Possession, an Exorcism, and a Tragic Outcome in 'A Deadly Exorcism'"

"Background on exorcisms"

By Yuvaraj MurugasanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

I. Introduction

A. Background on exorcisms:

Exorcisms have been a part of various religious traditions for centuries, often performed to rid individuals of evil spirits or demons believed to possess them. Exorcisms are commonly associated with Christianity and the Catholic Church, but similar rituals have been practiced in other religions such as Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.

B. Overview of the story:

The story revolves around a young woman who is believed to be possessed by a malevolent entity. The story follows her journey from being diagnosed with possession to the exorcism ritual and its unexpected consequences. The story explores themes such as belief, superstition, and the power of religion.

II. Setting the scene

A. Place and time:

The story takes place in a small town in the United States, in the present day.

B. Main characters:

The Possessed Woman – The main character who is believed to be possessed by a malevolent entity.

The Exorcist – A seasoned priest who is called upon to perform the exorcism.

The Possessed Woman's Family – The family of the possessed woman who is deeply concerned for her well-being.

The Investigator – A detective who is assigned to investigate the events that follow the exorcism.

The Medical Doctor – A doctor who is called upon to examine the possessed woman and determine if she is indeed possessed.

III. Possession and Diagnosis

A. Symptoms of Possession:

Symptoms of possession include speaking in a different voice, physical contortions, extreme strength, and knowledge of things that are not humanly possible. Other symptoms can include speaking in tongues, vomiting, and aversion to religious symbols and artifacts.

B. Diagnosis Process:

The diagnosis process for possession typically begins with a medical examination to rule out any physical or mental health issues that may be causing the symptoms. If medical causes are ruled out, the individual is then referred to a religious authority who will perform a series of tests and rituals to determine if possession is indeed the cause.

IV. The Exorcism

A. Preparation for the Exorcism:

Preparation for an exorcism typically includes fasting, prayer, and the purification of the body and mind. The possessed individual is also typically placed in a secure location to prevent them from harming themselves or others.

B. The Exorcism Ritual:

The exorcism ritual typically involves the priest reciting prayers, performing blessings, and commanding the spirit to leave the body of the possessed individual. The ritual can be intense and physically demanding for both the possessed individual and the exorcist.

C. Unexpected Consequences:

During the exorcism, things take a dangerous turn and the possessed woman passes away. The events that follow the exorcism spark a criminal investigation and bring the issue of belief and superstition to the forefront of public discussion.

V. Aftermath

A. Physical and Emotional Toll on Characters:

The physical and emotional toll on the characters is significant. The death of the possessed woman has a profound impact on her family, leaving them to grapple with grief, anger, and a sense of injustice. The exorcist is left with feelings of guilt and responsibility, while the investigator is left with questions about the events that led to the woman's death.

B. Investigation into the Death:

A criminal investigation is launched to determine the cause of the possessed woman's death. The investigation brings up questions about the validity of exorcisms and the responsibility of those who perform them. The investigation also raises questions about the power of belief and the influence of superstition in our society.

C. Public Reaction:

The public reaction to the events of the exorcism is mixed. Some see the death of the possessed woman as proof of the dangers of superstition and belief in the paranormal. Others view the events as a tragedy that was beyond the control of those involved and believe that the power of evil should not be underestimated. The events spark a public discussion about the role of religion and spirituality in modern society and the importance of critical thinking in the face of superstition.

VI. Conclusion

A. Reflection on the events:

The events of the exorcism raise questions about the power of belief and superstition in our society. The death of the possessed woman highlights the dangers of blindly accepting the claims of those who perform exorcisms and the importance of critical thinking.

B. Discussion on the power of belief and superstition:

The story raises important questions about the power of belief and superstition in our society. It highlights the danger of accepting claims without evidence and the importance of critical thinking in the face of claims of the paranormal. It also raises questions about the role of religion and spirituality in modern society and the influence they have on our beliefs and actions.

C. Final thoughts and impact on society:

The story of the deadly exorcism is a reminder of the importance of critical thinking and skepticism in the face of claims of the paranormal. It raises important questions about the power of belief and superstition in our society and highlights the dangers of blindly accepting claims without evidence. The story also serves as a warning about the potential consequences of blindly following the claims of those who perform exorcisms and the importance of using critical thinking to separate fact from fiction.


About the Creator

Yuvaraj Murugasan

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