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Top 10 reasons for the World War II

Reasons for the World War II

By Muhammad AtifPublished about a year ago 4 min read

World War II is one of the most devastating and catastrophic events in human history. The war claimed the lives of millions of people, including soldiers, civilians, and victims of the Holocaust. The war lasted for six long years, from 1939 to 1945, and it had far-reaching consequences that still affect the world today. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 reasons for the outbreak of World War II.

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 to end World War I, but it was considered by many Germans to be a harsh and unfair punishment. The treaty placed full responsibility for the war on Germany, and it required them to pay large reparations to the Allies. The treaty also forced Germany to give up its overseas territories, reduce its military forces, and accept territorial changes in Europe. The treaty left Germany humiliated, impoverished, and resentful, which created a fertile ground for the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany in 1933. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and later established a dictatorship. Hitler and the Nazi Party had a vision of creating a new Germany, which included expanding German territory and establishing a pure Aryan race. Hitler also had a deep hatred for Jews, and he blamed them for many of Germany's problems. Hitler and the Nazi Party were responsible for many of the actions that led to the outbreak of World War II, including the invasion of Poland.

Appeasement Policy

The policy of appeasement was a foreign policy approach that was pursued by the British and French governments in the 1930s. The policy involved giving in to the demands of Hitler and the Nazi Party in the hope of avoiding war. The policy allowed Hitler to annex Austria and the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia without any significant resistance. The policy of appeasement was seen by many as a major contributing factor to the outbreak of World War II.

Failure of Collective Security

The League of Nations was established after World War I to promote international peace and security. The League was supposed to provide collective security against any aggressor, but it failed to do so in the face of German aggression. The League was unable to prevent the rearmament of Germany, the annexation of Austria, and the invasion of Czechoslovakia. The failure of the League of Nations contributed significantly to the outbreak of World War II.

Invasion of Poland

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II. Hitler had long planned for the invasion of Poland, and he used it as an opportunity to test his military might. The invasion of Poland was a significant factor in the outbreak of World War II, as it led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany.

Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union

The non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union was signed on August 23, 1939. The pact contained a secret protocol that divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence between Germany and the Soviet Union. The pact allowed Hitler to invade Poland without fear of Soviet intervention. The pact was seen as a significant factor in the outbreak of World War II, as it allowed Hitler to launch a two-front war without fear of Soviet intervention.

Japanese Aggression

Japan was an Axis power during World War II and played a significant role in the outbreak of the war. Japan was expanding its empire in Asia, and it had already invaded China in 1937. Japan's aggression in Asia led to the United States imposing economic sanctions, which eventually led to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.

Failure of Diplomacy

Diplomacy is the art of negotiating and resolving disputes between countries. However, during the lead-up to World War II, diplomatic efforts failed to prevent the outbreak of war. Diplomatic negotiations such as the Munich Conference failed to address the underlying issues of the rising aggression of Nazi Germany. The diplomatic failure paved the way for military action and war.

Economic Depression

The Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted throughout the 1930s. The economic depression led to high levels of unemployment, poverty, and social unrest in many countries. The economic hardships contributed to the rise of extremist political movements such as the Nazi Party in Germany. The economic instability of the 1930s played a role in the outbreak of World War II.


Nationalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of the nation and the interests of the nation above all else. Nationalism was a significant factor in the outbreak of World War II, as it led to the rise of extremist political movements in many countries. Nationalism led to the belief that one's nation was superior to others and that it was necessary to defend one's nation against perceived threats.

In conclusion, the reasons for the outbreak of World War II were complex and multifaceted. The Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, the policy of appeasement, the failure of collective security, the invasion of Poland, the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, Japanese aggression, the failure of diplomacy, the economic depression, and nationalism all played a role in the outbreak of World War II. The lessons of World War II continue to shape the world today, and it is essential to remember the past to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.


About the Creator

Muhammad Atif

I possess a strong background in research and writing, with the ability to produce high-quality work. With keen attention to detail and excellent organizational skills, I am able to manage multiple projects and meet tight deadlines.

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