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The Torture of the Turpin Children

Move over Mommy Dearest

By Catherine MacKenziePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

When I was a kid, my mom and I watched Mommy Dearest for the first time. I was probably eight or nine or so. She told me "Watch this movie and realize that I'm not as bad as you think I am."

And after the movie was over, I did realize exactly that.

My mom is a crazy bitch, by her own admission, but she wasn't that bad.

These parents make Joan Crawford look like Mother Teresa.

Some people shouldn't have kids. I see it all the time. And I don't mean strictly the parents that kill or abuse their kids to the extreme. But in every day see how people treat their kids...the way they talk to them...the way they generally treat them. They don't have to be beaten to be beaten down.

But, I these people have 13 kids. For one...that's too fucking my not-so humble opinion. And for two...if you're going to have that many kids...or any kids...fucking take care of them.

These people pleaded guilty to 14 counts (the baby appeared to be the only one not abused of the children) of, among other things, false imprisonment, torture, child cruelty, and cruelty to an adult dependent.

The children ranged in age from two years to twenty-nine years.

In 2018, one of the sisters managed to escape the house and call 911. When the police showed up at the house, they were, with great understanding, horrified by what they found there.

Many of the children were chained to their beds. The residence was filthy and carried with it a very foul odor. The children were not allowed to shower but once a year, and eat once a day bringing in the groceries to the kids once every 14 days. And I use the word 'eat' loosely.

Sometimes they survived on ketchup, mustard or ice.

They dumped the kids, all except the youngest two, in a trailer on their property. They left the oldest, who was eighteen at the time they were taken to this remote trailer, was told to lock the younger kids in cages...which were actually dog kennels.

They were not allowed to go to the bathroom for months...too much trouble I guess to unchain everyone for bathroom breaks.

They were starving. The oldest child, who was 29 at the time they were found, weighed 82 pounds. For reference...that's the average weight of a seven or eight-year-old.

The girl that escaped, who was seventeen, looked to be about twelve because she was so malnourished.

During the 911 call, she informed the operator that they were starved. Beaten until they bled. Strangled.

Their parents ate take out and actual food in front of them while not allowing them to eat it. They bought toys and clothes for them, but didn't allow them to play with or wear the clothes. And I mean...they made huge credit card purchases for this stuff...and taunted them with it... They beat them with sticks and household items. They taunted them with the food they would eat, with pies and cakes and the like...never allowing them to have any of it.

And to add to that, used the Bible to justify what they were doing. Now I think that all parent at one point or another has told their kid 'I brought you into this world, I'll take you out of it' or some variant thereof.

But these people took it to the next level.

They told them that the Bible gave them the right to kill them if they didn't listen.

Neighbors had no idea there were even children in the house, while others said they only saw them at night.

They were not allowed to speak unless they were spoken to. They were not allowed to socialize with other kids, nor were they allowed to socialize with each other.

Once they were out of the house, they spent six weeks in the hospital before the minors (six of them) were split into two different foster homes.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses couldn't help the tears at their conditions. The Turpin kids were so emaciated that the medical staff could not determine that any of them were adults. When in fact, seven of them were.

Each of the Turpin kids were suffering from muscular atrophy and with no color to their skin. They suffer from developmental issues caused by starvation from infancy. a kicker...

The extended family had no idea what was going on. They went on trips to Vagus and Disneyland...portraying this perfect family image...

When the cops found them they were sitting in their own waste and urine...

The sister of the mother claimed that their mother, when they were kids, sold them to a well to do pedophile on a constant basis. She said, though, that while they had a bad childhood, was not an excuse to do something like this to her own kids.

And I just want to digress here a moment and thank that sister.

Having a shitty childhood does not give you the right or excuse to abuse your kids. It should be the motivation to make sure your kids don't have to go through the pain of what you went through as that abused child.

If you don't think that you can do that...keep your fucking legs closed. Get your balls snipped.

Don't have kids.

Plain and simple. Don't have kids.

These people got 25 to life for what they did to these kids. To me that's too fucking soft. They can get parole in 25 years. The mother will be 75 at the time of her first parole hearing.

The father a couple years older than that.

They need to suffer like those kids suffered. Every bit of what they did to those kids, they need to experience. Over a thirty year period...then gas the mother fuckers.

I have no sympathy for people like this. They should get exactly what they gave and nothing less. They don't deserve humane treatment. They don't deserve the air they breathe, but simply killing them would be too quick...too humane.

I can think of several ancient torture methods that I would love to inflict on these wastes of mass and oxygen.


About the Creator

Catherine MacKenzie

I write about murders, and murderers. I write of thoughts, confusions, victories, defeats. Of love gained and love lost. Of life in all its multi-faceted glory.

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