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The Shocking Truth: Business is Booming For Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev

Crime really does pay

By Caryn GPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
The Shocking Truth: Business is Booming For Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Love him or hate him. The Tinder Swindler, legal name Simon Leviev, birth name Shimon Hayut, is back with a vengeance. Possibly the greatest catfisher in modern times, Leviev has certainly earnt his place in history.

The truth is that Simon Leviev ran a very successful business operation. It netted him millions and allowed him to travel the world on a private jet. He hired chauffeur driven luxury cars, bought designer clothing and stayed in top hotels. Some might say that crime doesn't pay but Leviev seems to be living proof that it does.

The amount of money that he was able to amass and the lifestyle that he lived is truly a phenomenal achievement. It is such a great shame that everything he gained was by using lies and deceit.


The man clearly has skills. Lying being his biggest strength. Spotting market opportunities his second and creative problem solving his third. Although to be fair I should add planning and time management to that list also.

It is a crying shame he didn't put his talents to work for the good of society. But the sad truth is that not all people are wired to help society in a good way and Simon Levieve is that type of person. He never accepts that he is wrong and he always denies culpability.

His misdeeds serve as salient lessons to us all if we are willing to learn.

Ponzi Scheme

As the Netflix documentary the Tinder Swindler revealed Leviev was responsible for a giant Ponzi scheme. He persuaded women to part with large sums of money which he used to live in luxury and seduce his next victim.

He used the Tinder dating app to select his victims. He would invite them to have a coffee with him in the luxury hotel he was staying in, on business of course. Then he would ask them to travel with him on his private jet for a business trip. It was the start of a beautiful romance that never ended happily for the women.

Despite being sent to prison for his crimes in two different countries, Finland and Israel. Leviev has always maintained his innocence.

Behind The Scenes

If we look behind the cruelty and the despicable conduct, we can learn a lot about business and life.

Shit floats to the top

Like it or not this old Latin proverb is true.

How many organisations have you worked in where there is a person in a high position that you know shouldn't be there? They are in a top position and yet they don't have the right skills for the job or they lack honesty and integrity. It's often an open secret that they got promoted not for their talents but because they have secrets to keep.

I have known people who enjoy a good life. They have money and status but they certainly haven't obtained their money by honest means.

Leviev has that same uncanny knack of always floating to the top.

Million dollar lifestyle

Simon didn't let going to prison get in his way of living the million dollar lifestyle. No matter what the problem or the circumstance he goes for it by any means he can.

In Dec 2020 the Tinder Swindler had a problem. He wanted to get the vaccine but he didn't want to wait. To solve this problem he allegedly told the staff at a medical centre that he was a paramedic. 

As a medical officer he didn't have to wait or present any identification for checking to get the vaccine.

"I am not someone who waits in line or at places," he told Channel 12 in a phone interview. "With all due respect, I will not sit and wait 3–4 hours. I am not someone who waits and no one can say a word about it."

Rather chillingly, he went on to say, "I am a businessman, I have money. I can buy anyone or anything that I want."

Judging by the number of women he didn't pay back this claim has to be disputed.

Law of Attraction

When it comes to acquiring wealth, status, a good life etc. it seems nothing will get in his way.

It is worth remembering: The universe doesn't care if you are a good, kind, loving person or a psychopath nut case. The universe responds to two things:

Intention + action.

Leviev loves being rich. He loves the luxury lifestyle, beautiful women, gorgeous locations, the best food, parties, clothes. In short he wants a millionaire lifestyle and he takes massive action to get it. This has to be a clear example of the Law of Attraction.

Let not your right hand know what your left hand doeth. (Latin Proverb)

We have all heard the expression never let your right hand know what your right is doing. The Tinder Swindler is the man who really shows us this in action. Leviev understood that the key to his success was secrecy.

He ran his scamming operation with military precision. He created systems so that his victims would never come into contact with each other. He never let them get a full picture of what was actually happening. As a result he created an empire based on lies and deceit.

​Even after a bad harvest there must be sowing. (Latin Proverb)

It is almost gut wrenching to see this scumbag keep succeeding.

Simon Leviev the great Tinder Swindler just goes from strength to strength. Proving that there is a great truth in the Latin proverb "even after a bad harvest there must be a sowing."

Yep no matter how bad your situation has been you must get up and plant a new crop to secure your future. And that is exactly what Simon Leviev has done.

After he was released from prison He tried business consulting. He put up a website and charged people over $300 an hour for his services. The link to his site is no longer active, possibly because Simon Leviev discovered more lucrative business opportunities.

Hollywood beckons

Leviev's desire for wealth is so great not even the Netflix documentary exposing him as a fraud and a scammer can stop him.

According to the website TMZ as of Feb 2022 Simon Leviev already has a manager Gina Rodriguez (Gitoni inc). They have big plans: A book, a film, a dating series, blah, blah.

Loads of Dosh

Simon is currently raking it in producing videos for his fans on Cameo.

According to the Independent Hayut is charging £146 for a personal video and £1,460 for a business video.

Cecilie Fjellhøy and Pernilla Sjoholm told the Independent that it was "heartbreaking" that Cameo wanted to "collaborate with a criminal".

"I get knocked down but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down." Chumbawamba

Simon Leviev is not only living proof that crime clearly does pay and that life isn't fair but he is also proof that when you set your intention and take massive action you will be rewarded.

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Live Strong, Love & Prosper.


About the Creator

Caryn G

Loves coffee & life.

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