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The Proposition

Simple offer that changed her life...

By Natalie BittnerPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The Proposition
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Do what you’re supposed to do, and your life will be easy. Well, easier said than done. Nothing in life was ever easy. Not everything in life is hard, but anything is possible it’s the right frame of mind. Believe it, then it will happen. Somehow, I tried my hardest to change my boring life. I went to my boring little cubicle job every morning, slaved away while staring at a computer screen. I would occasionally talk with my coworkers in the break room if I felt so inclined. I did this every single day.

My life was boring, and I accepted that. I was always too picky about the men I let into my life. The last one broke my heart, so now I became uninterested. I didn’t want anyone one to leave me because I never did anything fun. So, I remained single. It was just easier.

After an exhausting week, I was looking forward to relaxing on my weekend. I just wanted to sit at home, maybe do some cleaning, or rearrange my home. Not very exciting, but my life. Or, just relax on my couch all weekend long. That was the plan. Watching television, some lame reality show, wearing baggy sweats, and a bowl of popcorn on my lap. It was going great. All according to plan, or so I thought. My weekend to just be lazy went down the proverbial drain when someone rang my doorbell. I groaned, rolled my eyes and sat up. I didn’t even care that the bowl hit the floor, spilling the kernals everywhere.

Whoever was ringing my doorbell seemed very anxious. Just as I got to the door, they switched to knocking. ‘Annoying, impatient.’ I threw the door open to find a trio of men in fine suits. One in front, with his hand balled in a fist, ready to knock again. All three were wearing sunglasses, the one in front was wearing a fedora.

Nope. Not shady at all.

”It took you long enough to answer. Some professional you are, having us meet at your own residence in the broad daylight on a damned weekend at that!” He paused, taking in my appearance. I felt judged. “They said you were always dressed ready to go at any moment, dressed to kill. This, is appalling.” He brushed past me, just walking into my apartment without my permission. The other two came in as well, their combined mass causing me to back up into the hat wearing, rude specimen. They locked the door, clasping their hands in the front of their bodies. ‘Hm, bodyguards then. What in the actual...’

I pinched the bridge of my nose. I wanted this to be a dream, yet something told me it was real. The mystery boss grabbed my arm. “Where is your bedroom?”

I managed to finally find my voice. ”Why? You think you can walk right into my house without permission, and just demand I take you to my bedroom? Who the hell do you think you are?”

”Please, I would never lower myself to your standards. I have a girl already, very beautiful. Room. Where?”

I pointed down the hall. My mind was racing. He dragged me along, rather in a hurry. “Can you please tell me what this is about? What is happening?”

He removed his hat and placed it on the table by the door, then made me stand in the middle of my room as he found and rummaged brought my closet. He found himself constantly shaking his head, obviously upset with the fact that I didn’t have what he was searching for. He started speaking in what I could only assume was Italian. He ran his hand through his hair, which I just noticed for the first time, and found a deep appreciation for. Before I mentally slapped myself. Now was not the time. “Don‘t you have any formal wear? Evening gowns, cocktail dresses, or anything like it?”

I laughed. Perhaps this was the wrong response, because his expression changed. I stopped. “I don’t go anywhere to warrant having something like that. I go to work, and the grocery store. That’s it.”

He furrowed his brow. “What is your name? Surely it’s Samantha Stone?”

I shook my head. I had heard of the name on the news though. She looked like me...facial features were almost identical. “My name is Addison Black.”

The Italian language came back, though faster and louder. The two bodyguards came running in, guns raised. Immediately I threw my hands in the air backing away as I watched their exchange. Confusion, anger, pointing, yelling. I was sure there was some swearing in there as well. One of the guards pulled out a picture, pointed at me, and handed it to his boss while he went to grab my arm. Something about this situation told me it was a bad idea to back away. I stood still. He reached behind me, grabbed my hair in one massive hand, and yanked. Hard. “OW!” I yelled, throwing a right cross into his jaw as a reaction. “You don’t pull a woman’s hair unless she asks for it!” The victim of my punch made a move to hit me.

”Johnny! Don’t hit her, she’s too pretty for that. I like how she looks. I like her attitude. Fire like hers should never be extinguished. We will hire her anyway, she might be a better fit for our operation anyway.” He looked at me. Smiling. He was gorgeous. I told myself not to react to his charms. I was not one of those girls who would melt over a nice smile. “Addison, get changed into something...less comfortable and come join us in the foyer. Your life is about to change.”

”You come into my house, disturb my weekend, insult me, waving guns around, and just expect me to do what you ask? You didn’t even tell me who you are.”

”I am the man who can make your boring life either a living hell, or I can greatly improve it. The choice is yours based only on your next actions. Choose wisely, Addison. After all, no one would miss you.”

”Probably the wrong thing to admit right now, but, what the hell? I am scared out of my mind right now. That, however, doesn’t change the fact that I want to know your name. You owe me that much. You want my help. You knocked on my door. Give me your name.”

He smirked. The fire was pleasing him. “Anthony Filori. Now, you know my name. The one who tried to hit you is Johnny, the calmer one is Marco. I don’t say this word often, so please, get dressed so we can continue on.”

Anthony and his men left me alone in my room, making sure to close the door behind them. If I said I was in shock, it would be an understatement. While I got dressed, I tried to figure out how I knew that name. Somewhere I heard it. I just couldn’t place it.

Dressed, shoes on, tying my hair up in a bun as I walked to the door. Only Marco and Johnny were waiting, Anthony was nowhere to be seen. The two guards walked me out of my apartment, waited while I locked it and escorted me to the car, where their boss was waiting. After I got in and the car started to move was when it hit me. Filori. Crime family. I tried to remain calm as he handed me an envelope. “Inside, is more than you make in four months in that excuse for a job. Four months, is how long you will be under my employment. We already cleared it with your boss. As a sign-on bonus, that is twenty thousand dollars. Cash. All yours, right now.”

”What will I be doing? I won’t be doing anything illegal, right?”

He chuckled. “There is nothing illegal about what I require of you. Tonight, you are simply my +1 to my brother’s wedding. Everything else...” Anthony pulled out a little black notebook. “Everything else lies in this book. A schedule of events you must stick to once you truly start. After tonight before you go to bed, look inside, read it over and let me know in the morning.”

I gripped the envelope tightly. I was so confused. “All I have to do is be a wedding date?”

”Of course, there’s more to it that that. I need you to pretend that we are madly in love. Which, judging by the way you look at me, should be easy for you.”

”What about you? Your girl?”

Another chuckle. “I lied. I just said that to see how you would react to rejection. You surprised me in maintaining your composure. You will need that with your new job. For now, let’s get you dressed for a fun wedding.”

At the wedding, I took a moment while he wasn’t around to peek inside. All I could tell, was it definitely was a schedule. Everything planned out down to the second. Even notes. Hints. Dossiers. Then, a hand grabbed my wrist, hard. Anthony leaned closer to me. “You will be so much fun. First night and already breaking the rules. I like it.” He handed the book off to Marco. “Come, let us dance and show my family just how much we are in love.”

I spent th night with a smile on my face. The first genuine smile I had worn in a long time. Anthony was right. It wasn’t hard at all for me to pretend. Yet, I wondered, in the back of my mind, just what exactly my role was in his plan. My curiosity outweighed my conscience. That night, I looked. I studied. And I said yes, the next morning. His smile made me feel at ease. My life changed that day. For better. For worse. I still, to this day don’t know which it is.

”Mrs. Filori, are you telling me, you entered into a proposition it’s a mob boss over a black book and twenty thousand dollars, then married him? Knowing what was inside?”

”Detective, You asked for my story. I gave it. You never asked me to explain how I fell in love with Anthony Filori. How can I accurately describe how I fell in love with the man that changed my life? I came down here because I thought my two cents into who he was would assist you in finding whoever murdered him.” I placed a hand on my pregnant belly and slowly stood up, taking the little black book with me.


About the Creator

Natalie Bittner

Single mom to a 4 year old son, who is my everything, full time student and working part time. I enjoy writing as a hobby, to get all the thoughts running around my head, living free of rent up there. I find inspiration from everything.

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    NBWritten by Natalie Bittner

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