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Romance Novel

Stolen Heart

By David SoluadePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Romance Novel
Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

Chapter 1

Samantha had just finished her shift at the diner when she noticed a man watching her from across the street. He was tall and had piercing blue eyes. She felt a shiver run down her spine, but she couldn't look away. She felt drawn to him, as if he held the key to some secret part of her life.

As she walked home, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed. She quickened her pace, but the man kept up with her. Finally, she turned around and confronted him.

"Are you following me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The man didn't answer, but his eyes softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Jack."

Samantha felt herself relax a little. "I'm Samantha," she said.

Jack smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you, Samantha."

From that moment on, Samantha couldn't stop thinking about Jack. He seemed to appear everywhere she went, and they struck up a friendship. They would meet up for coffee or drinks after her shift, and Samantha felt like she had finally found someone who understood her.

But there was something about Jack that Samantha couldn't put her finger on. He was mysterious and guarded, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her.

Chapter 2

One night, Jack and Samantha were sitting in a quiet corner of the bar when Jack's phone rang. He answered it and went pale.

"What's wrong?" Samantha asked.

Jack looked up at her, his eyes full of fear. "I have to go. I'm sorry. I'll explain everything soon, I promise."

And with that, he was gone.

Samantha felt a pang of sadness and confusion. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew that she wanted to be a part of Jack's life, whatever it was.

Days went by without any word from Jack, and Samantha started to worry. Then, one night, she received a phone call.

"It's Jack," the voice on the other end said. "Meet me at the old warehouse on 5th and Main in an hour. And don't tell anyone where you're going."

Samantha's heart raced as she got dressed and made her way to the warehouse. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew that she had to see Jack.

Chapter 3

When Samantha arrived at the warehouse, she found Jack waiting for her. He was tense and on edge, and she could tell that he was scared.

"Samantha, I have to tell you something," he said. "I'm not who you think I am. I'm not just a guy who happened to meet you at a bar. I'm a thief."

Samantha's eyes widened in shock. "A thief? What kind of thief?"

"I steal valuable artifacts and sell them on the black market," Jack explained. "It's dangerous work, and I've been in and out of prison for most of my life. I've been trying to turn my life around, but I keep getting pulled back in."

Samantha felt her heart breaking. She didn't know what to do or say. She had fallen in love with a criminal.

"I don't care," she finally said. "I love you, Jack. I'll stand by you no matter what."

Jack's eyes softened, and he pulled her into a kiss. Samantha felt a rush of emotions as she kissed him back, knowing that they were embarking on a dangerous path together.

Chapter 4

For the next few weeks, Samantha helped Jack plan and execute a number of heists. They would sneak into museums and steal priceless artifacts, and Samantha would use her knowledge of art history to help Jack identify the most valuable items.

They worked well together, and Samantha felt like she was living a double life. During the day, she worked at the diner, and at night, she was a thief with the man she loved.

But the danger was always present, and Samantha couldn't shake the feeling that they would eventually get caught. She tried to push those thoughts aside and enjoy the thrill of their adventures.

One night, they were on a heist at a wealthy collector's mansion when they were interrupted by the homeowner. Jack and Samantha had to fight their way out, and Samantha was injured in the process.

Jack was wracked with guilt as he tended to Samantha's wounds. "I never wanted you to get hurt," he said.

Samantha smiled weakly. "It's worth it to be with you," she said.

But their luck was running out. The police were closing in on them, and Jack knew that they had to leave town.

Chapter 5

Jack and Samantha packed their bags and left town in the dead of night. They drove for hours, not knowing where they were going, until they finally ended up at a remote cabin in the woods.

For a while, they were able to relax and enjoy each other's company. They spent their days hiking and exploring the forest, and their nights cuddled up by the fire.

But their peace was short-lived. One day, Jack received a phone call from an old associate. The man wanted Jack to do one last job, a job that could set them up for life.

Jack was hesitant, but Samantha could see the greed in his eyes. "Jack, you can't do this," she pleaded. "We have to leave this life behind us."

But Jack was determined to go through with it. "We'll be able to live the life we've always wanted," he said.

Samantha knew that she couldn't change his mind, so she went along with the plan. They pulled off the heist, but things went wrong. The police were waiting for them, and they were surrounded.

In the chaos, Jack was shot and killed. Samantha was arrested and sentenced to prison.

As she sat in her cell, Samantha thought about the life she had led with Jack. She knew that she had made a mistake by getting involved with a criminal, but she couldn't deny the love she had felt for him. She had lost the man she loved, and now she was paying the price for their crimes.



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    DSWritten by David Soluade

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