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Missing Woman Miranda Rodriguez Found in BBQ Pit | Family Devastated

The Heartbreaking Discovery and Ongoing Investigation of Miranda Rodriguez’s Tragic Fate

By Sally APublished 3 days ago 4 min read

The discovery of Miranda Rodriguez's remains in a BBQ pit has left her family and the community in shock and devastation. Missing since August 2017, Miranda's disappearance during the chaotic days of Hurricane Harvey seemed inexplicable until a shocking discovery was made in July 2022. This article delves into the details of Miranda's case, from her initial disappearance to the grim discovery and the ongoing investigation.

Hurricane Harvey: A Background

Before we delve into the specifics of Miranda's case, it's important to understand the context of Hurricane Harvey, a catastrophic event that impacted thousands of lives. Hurricane Harvey, a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall in Texas and Louisiana in August 2017, causing unprecedented flooding and over 100 casualties. The storm tied with Hurricane Katrina as the costliest tropical cyclone on record, causing over $125 billion in damages. The relentless rainfall led to massive flooding, displacing over 30,000 families and necessitating over 17,000 rescues.

The Disappearance of Miranda Rodriguez

In August 2017, as Hurricane Harvey approached, 23-year-old Miranda Rodriguez was staying in a hotel room, waiting for a ride to evacuate to her parents' home. Despite her plans, Miranda never arrived. Her parents, anxiously awaiting her arrival, were left in a state of increasing panic as hours turned into days and then into weeks with no word from their daughter.

The Search for Miranda

As Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc, Miranda's family tirelessly searched for her, hoping against hope that she was safe. They checked hospitals, shelters, and even morgues, but found no trace of her. The aftermath of the hurricane was a time of chaos and confusion, and many families, like Miranda’s, were left in a state of heartbreaking uncertainty.

For five long years, Miranda's family lived with the agonizing uncertainty of her fate. They sought media attention, hoping to generate leads or receive information that could provide a breakthrough in her case. Despite their efforts, no substantial clues emerged.

A Shocking Discovery

In July 2022, the Houston Police Department received a startling 911 call from a worker hired to clean up a backyard in Southeast Houston. The caller reported finding a skeleton in a custom brick BBQ pit. Upon investigation, authorities discovered a fully intact adult skeleton that had been burned and left undisturbed for a significant period.

The Investigation

The discovery of the skeleton immediately prompted an investigation. The police initially focused on the family living in the house with the BBQ pit, especially since children were present on the property. However, the pit appeared to have been untouched for a considerable time, raising questions about when and how the remains ended up there.

The remains were collected and sent to the medical examiner for identification and an autopsy. In July 2023, a year after the discovery, authorities confirmed that the remains belonged to Miranda Rodriguez. The identification brought a mix of relief and renewed grief for her family, who had held onto hope for so long.

Family Reactions

Miranda's family was devastated by the confirmation of her death. They described the news as a double blow, feeling as though they were losing her all over again. The realization that Miranda's remains had been so close, yet undiscovered, for years was particularly painful.

Miranda’s family released a heartfelt statement expressing their grief and the injustice of the situation:
"I was heartbroken. She wasn’t just anybody; she was precious to us. To be in the back of a house for that long with no answers is disgusting and unacceptable. It’s like losing her twice."

They also expressed a bittersweet sense of peace in finally being able to bring Miranda home for a proper service, while recognizing that the discovery also marked the beginning of a new chapter in seeking justice for her.

Ongoing Investigation and Unanswered Questions

The identification of Miranda's remains is just the beginning of a complex investigation. Authorities are now focused on determining who was responsible for her death and how her remains ended up in the BBQ pit. The family living in the house at the time has been questioned, but many questions remain unanswered.

Key questions in the investigation include:
- How long had the family been living in the house?
- Did someone else live there before them?
- Who were the previous residents and neighbors?
- How far was the BBQ pit from the house, and was it used regularly?
- Was there a home inspection conducted when the house was purchased?

Miranda's family and the authorities are seeking any information that might shed light on these questions. They are urging anyone with knowledge of Miranda’s movements or who might have seen her with anyone back in 2017 to come forward.


The tragic case of Miranda Rodriguez is a sobering reminder of the devastation wrought by natural disasters and the persistent dangers that can lurk in their aftermath. Miranda’s family, while relieved to finally have some answers, now faces the challenge of seeking justice for her untimely death.

As the investigation continues, the community remains hopeful that those responsible for Miranda’s death will be brought to justice. The heartbreaking discovery in the BBQ pit has opened a new chapter in this ongoing saga, one that will hopefully lead to closure for Miranda’s grieving family.

If you have any information about Miranda Rodriguez’s case, please contact the authorities. Your tip could be crucial in bringing justice for Miranda and her family.


About the Creator

Sally A

Animal lover 🐾 | Health enthusiast 💪 | Self-development junkie 🌱 | Beauty explorer 💄 | True crimes & mystery enthusiast 🕵️‍♀️ | Let's journey together! 💫

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Comments (1)

  • Margaret Brennan3 days ago

    This should have made TS category. This is compelling, fascinating, and extremely well written. .............. Now, I have a challenge for you. As you can see from my writings, I'm not a crime writer. I wouldn't know where to begin. But back in 1999, Sonya Santiago was murdered on Vasco Street in Punta Gorda FL. I would love to see how you'd write about it............. Then you can delve into the murder of little Pilar Rodriguez. Good hunting.

Sally AWritten by Sally A

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