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Janie Gibbs

The cornerstone of the church Black Widow

By Lesedi MolutsiPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

Here was one more twist 23 years later. Ellen Penney has maintained her secrecy for thirty years. I've lived this entire life in reruns, so I've always remembered every little detail about everything related to it. Though in 1967 her dreams were different, she would not trade her loving family for anything. We might have followed through on our plans to get married, but he was denied that opportunity—not because God rejected him, but rather because his mother did. At the age of 15, Ellen was experiencing her first love at the age of 16, Melvin Gibbs. Under Melvin's mother Janie's watchful eye, the affair flourished. She was well-known in the church and in all of the events, but murder would end their love. Melvin appeared to be the next in line for the mysterious illness that had already claimed the father of Janie's three sons.

He began suffering from excruciating headaches, going pale, with drawn features and reddened eyes. It was never something he would have made a big deal out of. Melvin's relationship with Ellen continued to grow despite his ongoing headaches. My final birthday was celebrated with a surprise party from Melvin before his passing. Although this diary was given to me, the lovebirds' future would remain sealed away in a box of memories. Melvin started to have more headaches. The doctors were baffled, but Janie was not; she was giving her son small amounts of arsenic poisoning. People taking it over time will experience a range of symptoms, and doctors won't diagnose it until they think about it. The medical community and doctors are merely observing to see what happens as they are being killed very slowly. The true story was only known by Janie and her son.

I heard something male and hollow just as I was about to open the door. He bit, and Melvin was sitting up in bed, staring at him, with his pillow on the floor in front of her. Melvin said, "Did you hear that, did you see what he did?" I'm not sure what I'm supposed to have done, she said. Melvin's outbursts were attributed to delirium, but his doctors would soon silence him.She proceeded to the small picture submerged in water that is always present in the hospital room, removed the water and replaced it with her own. In a cruel turn of events, Janie tricks her son, sweetheart, into the last act. I told Aaron to give him some water because his throat was dry. It dawns on Ellen that it was laced with arsenic.

You could feel his heartbeat when I was there, placing my hand on him, and then suddenly nothing. is halted entirely. Though I don't really hold it against me, I believe she experienced some sort of sinister pleasure. The life insurance policies of Melvin and all the other members of Janie's family provided generous payouts. Her three sons, her husband, and her grandson. A mystery illness would claim the lives of all. After obtaining each life insurance policy, Janie's standard of living improved. She hardly ever wore the same outfit twice. She purchased a house and a new car. Janie shared her benefits as well. I was informed she gave $10,000 towards the construction of our new church, but I don't know if she gave that much or less at different times. If she felt any guilty, it might have been eased by giving the big quantity of money to the church.

It could have been a very calculated move to avoid raising any red flags. Her family was dying all around her. People had misgivings. Many people, in my opinion, were beginning to show suspicion. If I may correct you, Janie Gibbs is the cornerstone of the church. You sound like a monster for leveling such a charge against her. But the police were unable to handle five deaths in one family. The bodies were dug up for testing. We are examining Melvin Gibbs' autopsy report, which was completed on January 18, 1968. It was, coincidentally, an exhumation autopsy. It's crucial to understand that certain people may have very trace amounts of arsenic, which are typically found in tissues. At least 20 times the usual amount was discovered in his kidney and liver.

These levels are high enough to have been fatal. The greatest tragedy was that Janie's murders turned out to be a bigger family tragedy than the five murders for which she was found guilty and given a life sentence. This corresponds to the depths of human nature. Janie Gibbs' defence attorney, Drake Martin, feels that his client didn't kill her family to make money because he found out that Janie had a crucial appointment just before killing them. When Janie visited a doctor in Albany, Georgia, about her poor health, the physician identified Lou Gehrig's disease. The disease Lou Gehrig's ruins muscle control. It's always going to be deadly. Returning home, Janie carried her extreme fundamentalist beliefs with her. Knowing she would eventually pass away, she made the decision to send her husband, kids, and grandchildren to heaven beforehand. All she was going to do was send them on their way so they could meet again in paradise.

juryinvestigationinterviewincarcerationguiltycelebritiescapital punishment

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Lesedi Molutsi

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