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Interview between the Arab ruler, and the director of the Commission of Human Rights

nterview between the Arab ruler

By Abd MadadhaPublished 3 years ago 14 min read

Interview between the Arab ruler, and the director of

the Commission of Human Rights; MR President, excuse

me, is this your name, or your position, the Arab ruler it

is ok, no problem, is that you can call me any name, but

my position is king, or president to this country. H. R; I

mean should if say the majesty of the King, or the seat of

the President. A. R; yes by virtue of this position. H.R; but

let me ask you Mr. who puts you as a ruler, or ruler over

this country. A.R the constitution sir. H. R; is it possible to

ask you why the constitution pointing you, and why

specially you, and why was not for the others. A. R; what

you say! This is the Constitution. I was born to it. So I

have to be governing. H. R; but this is not a fair

constitution, we call it a dictatorial rule

This means the bias of the law for you, and your family.

A.R; my brother this is the constitution you can call it

whatever you call it.

H.R: Listen to me dictator, I attended, and I visited your

country, and lived there for years. I was very familiar

with what was happening in your country. I met the

Minister, and met Judges, and I met the workers, and I

met, and met more people. And found more people are

dissatisfied with this Constitution every one said that it

was wronged no injustice. A.R.; means you are informed

by it, it is possible but do not forget that I am not the one

who design the constitution, I was born, and I found this

constitution. I must govern. And follow up with it


H. R. Allow I Mr. Do you believe in justice, A.R; Yes. H.R

what does justice means to you? A.R; Justice is for people

to have rights, duties and duties. H.R; I mean justice,

justice and justice in the comprehensive legal sense. A. R.

why do you focus on this aspect of justice, and law as

long as the Constitution of this country?

.H. R; Because I am the President, and Director of the

Human Rights Commission, and the task of lifting

injustice For people in any spot of the earth, it is possible

to aid you from the injustice of reality, and it is possible

to Save your life because I am fully aware of what is

going on around the countries.

A.R; I will not change my opinion on this

Subject as long as I am the owner of this country, and in

control H.R: I hope you will answer me with these details

with easy going, and tell me the truth .A.R; I will try to

give you the truth as a friend.

When I was young, and a prince, I found a taste of life, I

lived in palaces, and everything exists Life is luxurious of

everything from food, clothes, cars and everything from

the best. But best of the best, the things that impressed

me are when other people see you , they admired you,

and like you more.

Or They despise, or afraid of you, and I do not know

whether they respect me, or fear me, or total

admiration, the important that I find myself I am very

proud ,and proud as if I were a moon shining brightly

Especially when I was appointed as the king's president ,

and increased the admiration. Many people chanted in

my name, and glorified me.


great throne, and they sing in my name I feel that I am

the country as whole, and everything and especially my

brother when I walk on the red carpet with the leaders of

the world, and see the soldiers on your sides are

resigned, And subject regardless of their condition, and

their sickness,

this means the symbol of greeting, and I find this so

wonderful feeling. Yes, my brother is strange feeling, and

that is why I see why most kings, and rulers of the world

clings to power. H. R: Yes, we understood the point of

view in general, but do not see it as injustice to People

and to you.

A.R; frankly yes I feel about it, but it is possible to be or

not to be, and it is possible that govern goes to others.

but when I think about the subject, and see that why the

presidents, or a kings love to hold power, Then so why

should not be me as the ruler, or a king, so that is why I

feel more to that, because my family were in power for a

while ago, Which in the govern the country for a short

time makes me hold on more by virtue of this situation?

H. R; but are you not you Afraid of the revolutions of


A.R; yes we are very afraid, and we count accounts for

that this system makes you suppress these revolutions as

much as you can. H. R; let’s say the people got up, and

rise up for a Revolution to remove you, and change the

system into an election system, and in general sense they

want to be elected the ruling president as elected.

What do you see, and can you suppress these thousands,

or millions of anti-government? .A.R; yes the situation

will be difficult but, we have strong plans to break up the

revolutions we have Our competent intelligence to

combat, and oppose this issue on all fronts, and consists

of five points, and these We call it the pentagram to

restrain people which they are.

.1 soft repression..... 2. The buy..... 3. The sell..... 4.

Camouflage..... 5. Cracked down that u rising. H.R: God

this parallel to the five-step plan to raise the standard of

living for people. A.R;

Smiling ... Yes, it is a five-point plan on the level, our

competent system launches names through people To

terrorize them is the term of the best of you, in the sense

that the government does not oppose ,or stand in its


.H.R; Allow me sir, let’s go back to the five points you said

before explain these points please. A.R; yes I will explain

to you. 1. Soft repression is to warn people of the

behavior of confrontation in prison, and other things

broadcast by the competent agencies to shake People

trust each other, and do not stick to the idea of change,

and follow-up and poverty, and many things by issuing

these cartridges.

.2. Purchase, our agent buys some of these powerful

leaders By means of money, or positions here, and there,

and the empowerment of the interest is shaken this

leader to become one of us. 3. The Sell, sell Yes One of

the criminals, or who have personal problems is given

with the law, Or the government agrees with these

people that there are leaders who are hostile to the

State, whatever their mission Even if a real reform,

but if we see the confusion against our interest, we give

these money in exchange for Perform a stick on the back

of that person who comfort us. To make an alert for

them and, if necessary, make it possible to purge. 4 .The

settlements, is to agree with these leaders to swap, or

exchange for some time, and possible for years on to give

us opportunities to improve things that they think should

be changed.

.The brutal repression is the direct confrontation

between the gendarmes, and antiMovement rebels. This method of direct beating to expel

these people even if shooting them the last solution. H.

R; God, Mr. Ruler if these are the rights of people

reformers all this because people want to change.

.A.R. Yes; this is our plan and is supported by some of our

friends, and allies from countries, even from our

enemies, or those who support it if they serve their

interests, and gives us a strong foothold that we serve

the right person is wrong, and especially Because we can

distort their image with these plans through our

intelligence agencies The competent, and we have

mastered things.

.H. R: Do not see that this is a great injustice, and not

Serves the justice of God, and the rights of people. A.R;

let me say something more than that, possible for our

agents The specialist should do more to humiliate these

people when necessary, for example Some Islamists, and

others have been questioned about why they want to

change the regime They answered that God is the creator

of all,

and just and must be subject to all fair law, and fair

opportunities For people to serve the homeland, but

some people from our competent agencies are at their

loyalty service For our system, they treat the matter

more harshly, for example, they answered that God, and

the justice you believe in was A little while ago here, we

hit him, and hit him on his legs, and walked away


.What do you want more than that? We believe in this

pharaonic system, this the one who gives us the monthly

salary is our master, he is above the law Do you like it or

did you not? There are more things that they did not

respond to the order, and obedience will be Torture, and

humiliation until they reach the stage sitting on empty

Pepsi bottles, and you know what then.

.H. R:

God is greatest, God is greatest, and all this injustice, O

ruler of the ruler, so that you remain seated above

people rights. You and your government are governed by

the government of injustice. A.R. Yes, I have told you all

these facts to know the love for power makes you

wrestle with God, people and people. If necessary, it is

possible to annihilate half People, Yes I said half the

people no more than that possible.

.The love for power to rule possible to destroy most of

the nation people. Even though you know the answer. H.

R: God is greatest God is greatest God is my greatest

profession, in my rights, but I surrendered to God is the

greatest God is greater, so Mr. Dictator Ruler; Do you

believe in God? A.R ; yes I do, and I believe as well as

others , but I wonder a few times who is God, where is


I doubt that, and say For myself, as long as this is his

chance in my hands to be the ruler of the country to own

it, let me live it no matter what cost me ,Because if I let it

go out of me, I would lose the opportunity, and the

country would be governed by someone else , for this

reason I would stick to the idea, and Let the national

know. H. R: But the world is changing, O your Majesty the

dictator, you should ask forgiveness of god. And from the


The technology brought people to the farthest level, and

they became advocates of civil rights before Religious

rights. Mean that they will change that by massive

revolutions, or it can become your life in danger of these

categories that they possible to put you down, or shoot

you at any moment. A.R; yes, my brother, we feel it, and

expect it, but as they say, hope for life, And especially the

royal life of the Pharaonic king makes you to love it.

people who love power feel as if they were flying above

the clouds, let me I tell you the truth of a ruler who stays

in favor of judgment, and taste the power even if the

death over his head , He still in love to power. This is the

truth .I will show you, and I tell you more than other

rulers. This is the fact. H.R: Thank you for your hospitality

and honesty O my ruler on this, but let me tell you the


we are exploring the conditions of people in all countries,

and cities and even small villages, we are looking at

things, we see only injustice, poverty, misery, and

underdevelopment. There is no law even if the law does

exist, and the people of law are themselves corrupters,

do not apply the law. they take advantage of the

position of the job, and exploit the people. We are the

Human Rights Commission, we

Investigating the facts.

.And we go with the people of the far-flung to most the

areas, I alert you to this situation, and the situation you

are in .A.R; let me interrupt you here, brother, do not put

the blame on me, the ruler who was before me is who

You must blame, because he is the one who to blame of

these ideas, and the dictatorial teachings. That he said

someday when He was opening an education project for

young people.

.He said, "I am opening a scientific awareness project to

educate these people, Young people are able to learn,

but I fear this education. They said to his advisors why do

you fear them? Sir, he said maybe one of those educated

people would someday get him to change my authority

or my regime either way. Through revolution, or the

confrontation, or through my assassinations, so I am the

one who created a chance for them, I will regret on this

day that I opened this project,

how about my advisers, to keep these young people

ignorant of education, and their backwardness means

their allegiance to my system. They will be more loyal

than the educated, because the learner will know

everything, and reach the truth of justice, and God’s

justice, and if it is true,

He or she will think about changing my government with

all his might.

What is your opinion? They could not answer him, and

said to him, as you see, our master. H. R : God is the

greatest of God, the greatest of God, the greatest of God

I gave up to God every things , O Pharaoh dictator, let me

ask you , Are you Muslim? . A.R; Yes, but do not you see

me in the mosque on Fridays, and don’t you see me

surrounded by priests which are Shakes. And the elders

of the Muslims.

H.R; Yes, I see that, but you are far from Islam, and Islam

commands .You do not see only yourself as a ruler, and it

is not permissible for anyone else. Islam commands ask

for qualified people to reach power, and says That God

does not change what people do until they change what

they themselves. You are oppressing people, and

reformers, and put them down in prisons under the

name of the law of the state,

and this is your state not state for all, any state and those

who created it. Islam says that kings If they enter any

village, corrupt it, and you consider yourself as one of

them, that you are the king which dictate people rights

.in fact you are dictator, and when you want to pray in

the mosque you go by the majestic procession with big

brocade , who are you man? Islam says to the equality

between humans, and Muslims,

and you build palaces, and half the people have no

housing in which to sleep, in Islam, and the life of the

Great Prophet

He was the leader of Islam, and Muslims were walking on

the soil, and was not sleeping in palaces, and was

sleeping Some nights in hunger, and you and half the

army guards you and your family, your occasions, and

your holidays, And the banquet at the tables of your

palaces fills the poverty of one-third of the nation .

Tell me you dictator, your faith and pray it does equal to

the messenger of god on Friday as he was praying. A.R;

yes that is all you say I feel it right, but my advisers say

that this convoy must continue, and I do not know why

they call it that way . I do not know why they are call it

that, also I do not find any better options than to keep in

power. Also the corrupted people surrounded me they

want me to be king or even emperor.

My supporter want me go out to people, and how I

should act to satisfied the people, and they say to me

that I should bring the attention, and show love to

people to Appear out to public doing any small activity

for people, even for simple needs it can be done by a

simple employee which is can do it, So that the public

can see me through television, and flags that I am

modest, and sent down to the desire of people.

And do not forget that they are the ones who walk with

me with things, and rule with me, they are also kings,

and owners of interest just as aim .also And they gain

power, and money as aim, and those are the Lord of the

greatest Pharaoh in the most worst time in history do not

you see that my humane right body.


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