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Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden Linked to government agencies' Corruption and Cover-up

"Uncovering Alleged Connections: Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Alleged Government Corruption"

By Pedro NePublished 12 months ago 6 min read

Corruption in governments is not a new phenomenon, but the extent to which it has been weaponized in recent years is alarming. It's no secret that agencies like the FBI, DOJ, White House and IRS have been manipulated by those in power to cover up their crimes. From classifying criminal documents intentionally to deleting millions of tax returns, there are clear examples of how corrupt governments work. This blog post will delve into these methods and provide clear evidence of corruption involving the Biden family transactions and Hillary Clinton's classified emails. Keep reading to learn more about this disturbing trend and what can be done to stop it.

How corrupt governments work

Corrupt governments work by manipulating the law to their advantage. They use their power and influence to control agencies like the FBI, DOJ, White House and IRS for their personal gain. These agencies are supposed to serve the public interest, but instead they have been weaponized as tools of corruption.

One common tactic used by corrupt governments is intentionally classifying criminal documents that could expose those in power. This makes it difficult for investigators and journalists to access information crucial to uncovering crimes committed by government officials.

Another way corrupt governments operate is through cover-ups. Officials will go to great lengths to hide evidence of wrongdoing or even destroy evidence altogether. In some cases, they may tamper with investigations or retaliate against whistleblowers who try to bring attention to these issues.

It's clear that corrupt governments will stop at nothing when it comes to preserving their power and covering up their misdeeds. But this behavior undermines democracy and erodes trust in our institutions – which ultimately harms us all. It's important that we hold our leaders accountable for any acts of corruption and demand transparency so that no one is above the law.

What agencies do they use?

Corrupt governments have a wide range of agencies that they can use to cover up their illegal activities. Often, these agencies are weaponized using illegal methods to classify criminal documents and intimidate whistleblowers who try to expose the truth.

One such agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which has been accused of covering up evidence against powerful individuals in order to protect their interests. Similarly, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has also been accused of being used as a tool for corruption, with some officials allegedly turning a blind eye or actively suppressing clear evidence.

The White House itself can also be used as an agency for corruption, with those in power abusing their position and authority to silence dissenting voices or suppress information that threatens their grip on power.

There is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which may seem like an unlikely tool for corruption but has been implicated in recent scandals involving Hunter Biden's alleged tax fraud. The IRS was accused of removing its entire investigative team from the case after a whistleblower came forward with allegations about a cover-up. On Monday, the agent and his team were told they were being removed from the investigation "at the request of the Department of Justice"

The IRS is responsible for handling taxpayers’ confidential information, including tax returns and other sensitive documents. However, recent reports show that the agency destroyed a staggering 30 million tax documents without any clear explanation or justification. This has raised eyebrows among various stakeholders who are concerned about what these documents could have contained and why they were disposed of.

What’s more concerning is that this mass destruction happened during a time when investigations into potential money laundering and corruption involving the Biden family’s Chinese business ties were ongoing. It begs the question: did these missing files contain valuable evidence? And if so, was their destruction deliberate?

This lack of transparency from the IRS regarding this issue is alarming as it raises questions about whether there was an attempt to cover up any wrongdoing by those in power.

Corrupt governments will use any means necessary - including government agencies - to maintain their hold on power and keep hidden their crimes from public view.

What they do with the law?

When it comes to corrupt governments, they often weaponize the law to their advantage. This means that they use illegal methods and agencies like FBI, DOJ, White House, and IRS to cover up their crimes. They intentionally classify criminal documents that can expose elite people being investigated just like Hillary Clinton emails, Hunter Biden investigation or even Joe Biden classified documents.

They use these classified documents as leverage against anyone who might try to expose them or speak out against them. By doing so, they manage to maintain their power and influence without fear of consequences.

Furthermore, corrupt governments also manipulate the legal system by passing laws that benefit themselves at the expense of others. For example, they may pass a law that makes it easier for them to embezzle funds from taxpayers without getting caught.

In this way, corrupt governments are able to justify their actions under the guise of legality while further entrenching themselves in positions of power. Unfortunately for ordinary citizens who may be affected by corruption in government institutions such as taxation or regulation through bureaucratic agencies like DHS (Department Of Homeland Security), there is little recourse when justice appears unavailable due mainly because whistleblowers tend not only face retribution but lack adequate protection under current U.S laws.

Examples of corruption

Examples of corruption in governments are widespread and often involve the weaponization of law enforcement agencies to cover up crimes. One such example is the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State. Despite clear evidence that classified information was mishandled, the FBI closed its investigation without recommending charges.

Another example involves Hunter Biden's financial activities and alleged connections to foreign countries like China, Russia, and Ukraine. The IRS reportedly deleted 30 million tax returns potentially linked to these transactions in an attempt to erase evidence.

In addition to these examples, there have been allegations of DOJ cover-ups related to political campaigns and investigations involving powerful individuals. These types of corrupt practices undermine democracy and erode public trust in government institutions.

It is important for citizens to remain vigilant against corruption within their governments and demand accountability from those in power.


It's important to acknowledge the fact that corrupt governments exist and they utilize various agencies such as the FBI, DOJ, White House and IRS to weaponize the law in their favor. Through illegal methods like classifying criminal documents, they are able to cover up clear evidence of corruption. The cases involving Hillary Clinton's classified emails, Hunter Biden investigation cover-up and Joe Biden classified documents on his garage highlight how serious this issue is.

It's important for us as citizens to hold our government accountable for their actions. We must demand transparency and ensure that those who abuse their power are brought to justice. Only by doing so can we hope for a better future where integrity and honesty prevail over greed and self-interest.

Let us continue fighting against corruption by raising awareness about these issues and advocating for change. It may not be an easy task but it is necessary if we want a government that truly serves its people rather than just a select few elites with vested interests.

jurymafiainvestigationinnocenceincarcerationguiltyfact or fictioncelebritiescapital punishment

About the Creator

Pedro Ne

Prolific article writer. Captivating content. Expertise in diverse topics. Published in reputable publications. Passionate about words.

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