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Cereal killer


By Ohee ImmamPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Cereal killer
Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a man named Frank who was obsessed with cereal. He would eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and even snack on it throughout the day. His love for cereal went beyond just eating it; he collected cereal boxes, cereal toys, and even had a cereal-themed room in his house.

One day, while eating his favorite cereal, Frank had an idea. He thought about how each cereal had a unique flavor and texture, and how he could mix different cereals to create his own perfect blend. He began experimenting with different combinations, but soon realized that some cereals didn't mix well with others.

Determined to find the perfect blend, Frank began studying the ingredients and flavors of different cereals. He became so obsessed with creating the perfect cereal blend that he started stealing cereal boxes from the local grocery store and breaking into people's homes to try their cereal.

As time passed, people in the town started noticing that their cereal boxes were going missing, and some even reported seeing a strange man lurking around their homes. It wasn't long before the police caught wind of the cereal thief and started investigating.

One day, while Frank was breaking into a house to steal some cereal, the police caught him in the act. They searched his house and found hundreds of stolen cereal boxes, as well as a secret room filled with different cereal blends.

Frank was arrested and taken to jail, where he confessed to his crimes. He explained that he was trying to create the perfect cereal blend, and that he couldn't help himself. The people of the town were shocked and disgusted by Frank's actions, and he became known as the "Cereal Killer" for his obsession with cereal.

Years went by, and Frank stayed in jail, still trying to perfect his cereal blend. Some say that he even convinced the prison cafeteria to start serving his special blend to the inmates. But whether or not that's true, one thing is for sure: the legend of the Cereal Killer lives on in the small town, as a cautionary tale of how obsession can lead to dangerous consequences.

Frank sat alone in his cell, staring at the cold, gray walls that surrounded him. He had been in jail for years now, ever since he was caught stealing cereal boxes and breaking into people's homes. It wasn't until he was caught that he realized how far his obsession had taken him.

At first, Frank was angry and resentful about being in jail. He felt that his love for cereal wasn't hurting anyone, and that he was being unfairly punished. But as time went on, Frank began to see the error of his ways. He began attending therapy sessions and group meetings, where he learned to control his urges and cope with his obsessions in a healthier way.

Despite his progress, Frank knew that he would be in jail for a long time. He missed his family and friends, and he longed for the taste of his favorite cereal. But he knew that he had to stay strong and continue on his path to recovery.

One day, while Frank was sitting in the prison yard, a new inmate approached him. The man was big and intimidating, with tattoos covering his arms and a scowl on his face.

"You're Frank, right?" the man said, sneering.

Frank nodded nervously, wondering what this man wanted from him.

"I heard you like cereal," the man said, a sinister grin spreading across his face.

Frank's heart raced as he realized that this man was dangerous. He had heard stories about inmates who would do anything to get what they wanted, and he knew that he had to be careful.

But before he could react, the man lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. Frank tried to fight back, but he was no match for the man's strength. He could feel his grip on reality slipping away as the man began to strangle him.

Just when he thought it was all over, the guards arrived and pulled the man off of him. Frank was rushed to the infirmary, where he was treated for his injuries.

After that day, Frank realized just how dangerous life in prison could be. He vowed to never let his obsession with cereal lead him down a path of destruction again. He spent his days in jail attending therapy sessions, reading books, and writing letters to his family.

Years went by, and Frank never forgot the lessons he had learned in jail. He was eventually released, and he made a promise to himself to live a better life. Although he would always love cereal, he knew that he could never let his obsession take over again.


About the Creator

Ohee Immam

I am a story writer and write defendant story continue , .


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