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A Miracle of Survival and the Quest for Justice

Crisis in the Cypress Trai

By Micheala JohnsonPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

This is the most shockingly horrendous situation I've ever encountered. I couldn't even fathom how alert and conscious she remained despite the extensive injuries she had sustained. How could anyone endure such a traumatic ordeal? We should understand that there's a lot more to this story. This has nothing to do with coincidence; it's deeply troubling.

On the evening of April 24th, 2010, a man named Terence sat outside his home in Pensacola, Florida, enjoying the refreshing spring air. It was a perfect spring night until a faint, distressing cry pierced the tranquil atmosphere, emanating from the forest surrounding his residence. At first, Terence couldn't discern the nature of the voice, but it soon resurfaced—a desperate, anguished plea for help.

Terence couldn't have fathomed the gruesome crime that had recently befallen this woman, a crime so brutal that it defied belief. She had been a victim of an assault so horrific that it's difficult to comprehend. It seemed like the act of setting her on fire was the culmination of this brutality. We need to grasp the magnitude of the situation; it's something beyond our imagination.

Mansuma Zimman, a 19-year-old, eventually emerged from the darkness, covered in severe burns that obscured her skin's color and clothing. Terence immediately called 911 while Mansuma sought refuge on his lawn.

Dispatcher: "911, what's happening out there?" Terence: "There's a fire right now. She's burnt all up. You should see it." Dispatcher: "Is she breathing?" Terence: "I can't really tell, but she's moaning."

Mansuma reeked of fuel, and her head injuries were evident. Her injuries were so extensive that the arriving EMTs could offer limited medical assistance. Terence was deeply concerned about her condition and had never witnessed anything like it before.

Terence: "That is the worst one I've seen. I couldn't fully believe she was still conscious and alert with such extensive injuries." Dispatcher: "Did you feel her condition was grave?" Terence: "Yes, sir, based on my experience and what I saw." Dispatcher: "From seeing her and her head injury?" Terence: "Yes, sir, from seeing that, and the extent of her injuries."

The EMTs did their best to provide relief to Mansuma, and she fell into a state of semi-consciousness. Terence's conversations with her revealed horrifying details of the assault, but the extent of her injuries made it difficult to obtain a clear account.

By 9:24 PM, an EMT had arrived on the scene, finding Mansuma sitting on the deck with her arms extended, trembling to alleviate her pain. The severity of her injuries made it challenging for the EMT to administer medical care. Terence comforted Mansuma, promising to help her while they awaited the arrival of EMS. Despite her extensive burns and injuries, he encouraged her to stay conscious. Mansuma's condition was extremely critical.

The paramedic supervisor observed Mansuma's injuries as best as possible during their assessment and conversation with the police. However, the extent of her injuries was beyond their immediate capability to address. Mansuma was given morphine to alleviate her pain, and she drifted into a state of deep sedation.

Medical professionals urgently sought to identify the perpetrators of this heinous crime, but unraveling the details proved to be an arduous task. The investigation would prove to be far from straightforward.

This is the Cypress Trail mobile home park, where 19-year-old Mansuma resided just before the traumatic incident occurred. Mansuma had relocated to Florida with her children from her hometown of Lubbock, Texas. Her family, who affectionately called her Augie, missed her from the moment she left for the Sunshine State. She was a devoted and loving mother to her two children. Her final words before falling into a coma-like state emphasized her concern for her children.

As she was being rushed to the hospital, barely clinging to life, Mansuma repeatedly implored the medical staff to take care of her children and reassure them, as they were alone at home.

In the wake of Mansuma's attack, the police visited the trailer park on multiple occasions, but this visit would prove to be the most shocking and horrifying of them all.

Michelle Lee, Tina Natural Hued, and their associates lived in trailers within the park. When the police arrived, they attempted to make contact with Tina and Michelle, but no one answered the door for an extended period.

After persistent knocking and calling their names, Michelle eventually answered. The police noticed that these trailers had been the subject of multiple noise complaints and had a reputation for illegal activities.

The police embarked on a series of questioning sessions, attempting to piece together the truth. However, what unraveled was a web of inconsistencies and falsehoods, as the suspects attempted to shift blame onto one another.

The investigation took a troubling turn when Michelle was placed in the police vehicle for transportation to the station. Her demeanor changed, and she became increasingly uneasy.

The police attempted to interview Michelle, and she was read her Miranda rights. However, her initial calm demeanor began to wane as the police delved deeper into their questioning. Michelle provided information that deflected attention away from herself and onto a supposed hot date.

Dispatcher: "Do you understand that your neighbor, Mansuma, has been severely hurt behind you?" Michelle: "Yeah, I know Tina. We all know each other around here." Dispatcher: "When did Tina move in?" Michelle: "I'm not exactly sure, it's been a while."

Michelle's quick redirection of the conversation raised suspicion. She seemed intent on diverting attention from herself by mentioning Mansuma's plans for a date.

The investigation continued, delving into the lives of those living in the trailer park. The police were determined to uncover the truth behind the heinous assault on Mansuma.


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Comments (1)

  • Victor Pope8 months ago

    Your vivid descriptions in the opening hooked me instantly! You have a knack for setting the scene that's both engaging and intense. Great work Micheala

MJWritten by Micheala Johnson

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