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A Deadly Love:

The Chilling Tale of Jasmine Richardson & Jeremy Steinke

By EmmaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
A Deadly Love:
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Jasmine Richardson grew up in a sheltered family in the Canadian city of Medicine Hat, along with her younger brother. Her friends described her as sociable and cheerful. However, everything changed when she met Jeremy Steinke, who was eleven years older than her, at a punk concert.

Steinke's mother was an alcoholic, and his father regularly abused him. As a teenager, he delved into a dark world and adopted an alter ego, presenting himself as a 300-year-old werewolf. Steinke associated with the gothic scene and always carried a small vial filled with blood.


Richardson and Steinke became a couple who began to resemble each other both internally and externally. The vibrant 12-year-old transformed into a gothic follower like her 23-year-old boyfriend. They both registered on the website However, their relationship was strongly opposed by their surroundings—Richardson's parents forbade her from having any contact with Steinke.

In April 2006, Richardson and Steinke decided to put an end to this situation. They planned to kill Richardson's parents. While Steinke stabbed Jasmine's parents on the ground floor of the house, she killed her 8-year-old brother in his room. The couple fled, leaving a horrific bloodbath behind.


The next day, when a friend went to visit the youngest member of the Richardson family and saw a dead body through a window of the house, his mother alerted the police. Fearing that the 12-year-old daughter of the family could also be a victim of the massacre, the officers launched a large-scale search.

Upon searching Jasmine Richardson's room, it became clear that she was more of a prime suspect in the crime than a pitiful victim. The email correspondence with her boyfriend Steinke revealed that she was the driving force behind the murders.


The couple was apprehended and charged with triple homicide. At the age of 13, Richardson became the youngest offender ever convicted of multiple murders in Canadian legal history. Due to her young age, she received a sentence of ten years. Steinke, on the other hand, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a possibility of parole after 25 years (as per Canadian law).

Richardson was released in 2016 and has been living under a new identity at an undisclosed location. During her time in prison, she maintained regular correspondence with Steinke through letters. Her letters show no remorse but rather an interest in marrying him soon after her release. When asked why she killed her younger brother, Richardson coldly stated that she didn't want him to grow up as an orphan. Despite Richardson having mentioned the planned crime to several friends beforehand, no one took it seriously—everyone thought it was a joke.

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I'm a passionate storyteller.With every word I put to paper, I aim to evoke emotions, stimulate thoughts, and take readers on a journey they won't soon forget. Stories have the power to connect people and offer them an escape from reality

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