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5 Facts About the Gypsy Rose Blanchard Case You May Not Know

Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her boyfriend, Nick, killed her mother, Dee Dee

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, were convicted of murdering Gypsy Rose’s mom, Dee Dee.

Since birth, Gypsy was made to believe she was sick with many medical conditions, ranging from leukemia to Muscular Dystrophy. She could not walk, depended on a wheelchair, and underwent numerous surgeries. Only, it was Dee Dee who was sick, apparently affected with Munchausen’s Syndrome.

Gypsy could walk and didn’t need a wheelchair. She didn’t need all those medical procedures, either, because she was actually a healthy, maturing girl, not the sickly child Dee Dee wanted. Gypsy Rose was five years older than Dee Dee claimed, making her a legal adult at the time of the murder.

Gypsy Rose said she loved her mother and didn’t want her to die. Instead, she wanted to escape from her mother. Dee Dee provided 24-hour care to Gypsy and was her one and only friend. But, as Gypsy aged, she craved attention from others -particularly boys.

She discovered she could walk and didn’t need all the medical treatment her mother carried her to doctor after doctor for all the years. She wanted to be a normal teenager.

Gypsy Rose Meets Nick

When she began sneaking around on the internet, she met a boy named Nick Godejohn on a Christian dating site. The two immediately hit it off and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

They even met when Dee Dee took Gypsy Rose to the movie theater to watch Cinderella.

That night, Gypsy Rose and Nick had sex in the handicapped bathroom before she tried to introduce her mom to her boyfriend. It was useless and Dee Dee demanded she stop interaction with Nick.

Gypsy Rose didn’t care what her mom said. She got a taste of life -real life- and wanted more of it. She and Nick secretly talked online for the next year. They had phone sex and exchanged dirty text messages back and forth. The couple also had something more sinister in mind -murdering Dee Dee.

For the next year, Gypsy Rose and Nick planned the murder.

Nick Stabs Dee Dee to Death

On June 14, 2015, Nick snuck into the Blanchard home and stabbed Dee Dee to death. Afterward, with Dee Dee’s lifeless body lying in the bedroom floor, the couple had sex, watched movies, and otherwise enjoyed one another’s company. Gypsy was finally free.

Soon, Gypsy Rose’s newfound world would come tumbling down. Nick and Gypsy Rose were taken to the police station where Nick made a full confession and eventually, she followed suit. They were arrested and convicted of murder. Gypsy Rose was sentenced to 10-years in prison while Nick received life in prison.

For the five people in the world who are unfamiliar with this case, check out the YouTube documentary, The Gypsy Rose Blanchard Story:

The facts below give more insight into the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case and may answer questions you’ve always had.

1) Gypsy Sold Herself to Nick Godejohn

When Gypsy began dating Nick, the two indulged in BDSM fantasies with one another (over the internet.) At this time, he sent her a “Bill of Sale” that essentially made Gypsy his property.

2) Family Didn’t Like Dee Dee

Gypsy isn’t the only member of the family with concerns about Dee Dee. Laura Pitre, Dee Dee’s stepmother, spent nine months bedridden after Dee Dee poisoned her food with weed killer, although she never faced charges for this crime. Family members also believe Dee Dee played a part in her biological mother’s starvation death.

3) Gypsy Posts Shocking Message on (Still Open) Facebook Page

On June 14, a shocking message appeared on a joint Facebook account shared by Dee Dee and Gypsy. The message read, “The bitch is dead.” Friends and family were shocked, immediately suspecting the page was hacked.

Suddenly, a new comment appears on the screen.


Someone finally notified police, but it would be 10:35 pm that night before a judge signed a search warrant allowing them entry into the home. They discovered Dee Dee’s lifeless body on the floor beside the bed in the bedroom.

Gypsy admitted to police that she personally wrote the messages on Facebook.

During a prison interview, Gypsy said she posted the Facebook post because, “I couldn’t stand the thought of her just there because what happens if it would have taken months to find her, so I wanted her found so she could have a proper burial.” Essentially, she hoped the post would cause concern among friends and family, who would alert the police.`

4) Dee Dee was Into “Witchcraft”

Bobby Pitre, Dee Dee’s nephew, said in an interview with CrimeFeed that his aunt was interested in and may have even practiced black magic.

“Yeah she was into witchcraft when she was younger. Matter of fact, I was into that evil side of things, too, and I think a lot of it came from Dee Dee’s influence, playing the Ouija board and things like that,” Bobby told CrimeFeed. ” I think she would tell my cousins that if they didn’t play the Ouija board with her that the devil was going to come and get them. She was really manipulative, like things like that. I didn’t care, I’d play the Ouija board just to play. I was drawn to the darkness...That whole religious play was just another one of her ways to freak people out I guess, because she was just a strange character as a kid.”

5) Why is Gypsy Rose’s Voice so High?

Considering the horrific life Gypsy lived, I feel bad for saying it, but her voice annoys the life out of me. Every time I watch a documentary I shriek when she speaks. Not poking fun of her but the high-pitched, squeaky, child-like voice with the abnormal tone doesn't sit right with me.

Exactly why does Gypsy’s voice sound like this? Is it a medical condition or all an act?

Some possible reasons why Gypsy Rose’s voice is so high-pitched:

  • It is possible that it is Gypsy Rose’s real voice
  • Puberphonia, classified as a high-pitched voice after birth. This condition most often occurs after a traumatic or stressful life event.
  • Caused by the many unnecessary surgeries Gypsy Rose underwent.
  • Part of the “ruse” conjured by Dee Dee, says Dr. Nick Morgan, author of the book, Can you Hear Me? He suggests Gypsy Rose unconsciously used the voice, perhaps even receiving rewards from Dee Dee for her child-like voice

Gypsy Rose Happier in Prison

Gypsy Rose Blanchard remains in prison. In a 2018 interview, she said that prison provides her a better life than she had while living with Dee Dee.

“The person that I was living with before, with my mom, it’s like, I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t eat,” Gypsy Rose said. “I couldn’t have friends. I couldn't go outside, you know, and play with friends or anything. Over here, I feel like I’m freer in prison than living with my mom. Because now, I’m allowed to…(Gypsy pauses) just live like a normal woman,” she finished.


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True Crime Writer

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