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Where did I go wrong?

A tale of lost love.

By Ayisha IsmaelPublished 10 months ago 2 min read
Where did I go wrong?
Photo by Dương Hữu on Unsplash


Anna sat alone in her dimly lit living room, the soft glow of the flickering candle on the coffee table casting long shadows across her tear-streaked face. Outside, rain tapped against the windowpane like an uninvited guest. She clutched a crumpled letter in her trembling hand, the words on it etched deep into her heart.

The letter had arrived that morning, delivered by a messenger she wished had never knocked on her door. It was from Mark, the man she had loved for years, the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. But the words on that paper shattered her world.


I don't know how to say this, but I can't do this anymore. I need to find myself, explore new horizons, and be on my own. Our love was beautiful, but I've lost sight of who I am. It's not you; it's me. I hope you can understand and find it in your heart to forgive me. This is goodbye.


Anna couldn't believe it. They had shared dreams, whispered secrets, and faced life's challenges together. Now, it was all slipping through her fingers like sand. She remembered their first date, their first kiss, and the promises they had made under a starry night sky.

As the rain outside intensified, Anna's tears fell freely. She replayed their last conversation in her mind, searching for clues, trying to pinpoint the moment when she went wrong. Had she not been attentive enough, too demanding, or too complacent? She couldn't find the answer, and it gnawed at her soul.

Days turned into weeks, and Anna couldn't bring herself to leave the house. The once vibrant woman had become a mere shadow of herself, lost in a sea of grief and self-doubt. She yearned for closure, for Mark to explain why their love had unraveled so completely.

One rainy evening, as she stared out of her window, she saw him. Mark, standing across the street, drenched from the downpour. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Anna felt a glimmer of hope.

She rushed outside, not caring about the rain soaking her clothes. "Mark!" she called out, her voice trembling.

He turned to face her, his eyes filled with regret and longing. "Anna, I'm so sorry," he whispered.

She reached out and touched his wet cheek, tears mixing with raindrops. "Tell me, please. Where did I go wrong?"

Mark took a deep breath and pulled her into his arms. "You didn't go wrong anywhere, Anna. It was me. I lost myself along the way. I thought leaving would help me find answers, but all I found was emptiness."

In that moment, they both realized the depth of their love. They had lost themselves in trying to hold on to each other, forgetting the importance of self-discovery. With tears in their eyes, they decided to start anew, together, but this time with a better understanding of themselves and the love they shared.

As they walked back to the warmth of their home, hand in hand, they knew that sometimes, in the darkest of moments, love could find a way to shine through the clouds, bringing two lost souls back together.


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    AIWritten by Ayisha Ismael

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