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We Live in a Class-less Society

Bring Happy Back

By Jennifer Bailey ChamberlainPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

We are living in a “Class”-less society

You may think this is about upper “Class” and lower “Class”, money, or possessions and you may say "Of course we have classes in our society". But this is about “Class” with a capital C.

This is about the kind of “Class” that refers to a person, place or thing that strives for a higher standard. I am not talking about a person who wears expensive clothes, but one who opens doors for people, gives up their seat on the bus, and is kind and thoughtful. This is about a society who is so self-focused that no-one else matters, that doesn't strive to be the best person but instead strives to be the top dog.

A truly “Classy” person has confidence, embraces their true age, and knows how to behave in all situations. They are respectful of everyone and have good morals and character. Even poor people can have 'Class".

A “Classy” location sets itself to a higher standard. Things of quality that last a long time are “Classy”. A restaurant may be more expensive, but is it “Classy"? Does it care about its customers? Does it make things right when things go wrong?

You get the point. So why do I say we live in a “Class”-less society?

Think about the people you associate with every day. Is the F word used in every sentence no matter who is around? Vulgar language is the first sign of a “Class”-less society. From youth to adults, I hear words that have no place in, and add nothing to, the conversation. I see middle fingers raised by children. There are angry drivers cussing other cars up and down the freeway. Using those words makes it seem that the person has little education and can’t come up with something better. In the past, only the lowest class of people spoke those words.

Anger, road rage, hatred, and fighting are also signs of a “Class”-less society. Always in our history have the people who are perpetually angry about something, been referred to as hostile, having a bad attitude, or surly, never “Classy”. Angry people usually lack self-confidence and obviously do not know how to behave in all situations.

What about the way society dresses in general today? Women and girls show everything in low cut, high cut, see-through variations of clothing. They hide behind their clothes, hair, and makeup, using it to give them the confidence they lack. Men wear their pants below their butts or sloppy styles that cost a fortune but look like they are homeless. There is no modesty or moderation to be seen.

Bullying in school is a sign of a "Class"-less society. The need to make fun of others is a sure sign of lack of self-respect. I see the youth of today laughing unusually loudly, talking so that others can hear their conversations, and using vulgar words as they strive to be popular and important.

What is posted on social media is often crass and disgusting.

In general, individuals believe that they have the right to say what they want, do what they want and wear what they want, and in whatever situation. Their rights override everyone else.

Unfortunately, when everyone feels this way, society becomes a mess. Our rights should end at the tip of another person’s nose. If my music is hurting your ears, it would be “Classy" of me to turn it down. If my vulgar language affects you, then I should not use it in your presence. If my anger turns to violence, I need to remove myself from the situation. But this is not the way in most of society today.

What is wrong with that, you may ask? Think of it this way. In a marriage, if I always try to get my own way and my husband always tries to get his own way, neither of us will be happy. But if I try to give everything I can to my husband and he does the same for me, we are both happy, and isn’t that what everyone wants?

In a "Classy" society, we would all look out for the needs of others, putting ourselves second. If everyone lived by this premise, everyone would be at peace and happy.

There is no happiness or peace in a “Class”-less society. We can bring it back if we each try to be a little “Classy” in our daily dealings.


About the Creator

Jennifer Bailey Chamberlain

Jennifer Chamberlain has a Master's degree in communications and is retired from a career in public affairs. Buy her books Follow her on Youtube

@victoriouschristianlivin at Tiktok. #junteenth

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