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How i almost died because of Urge to Do Something Stupid

By Chisi limiPublished 12 months ago 2 min read

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the city streets. It was a day like any other, but for me, something stirred deep within. It was that familiar urge, the call to do something utterly and irrationally stupid.

I couldn't resist its seductive whispers, the exhilarating promise of breaking free from the chains of normalcy. It was as if a mischievous imp had taken residence in my mind, constantly prodding me, fueling my desire to embrace the unexpected.

As I walked along the crowded sidewalk, my senses heightened. I observed the mundane routines of passersby, their footsteps steady and predictable. But my heart yearned for more, for a taste of the extraordinary.

I found myself standing on the edge of a bridge, overlooking a swirling river below. The voice inside me grew louder, urging me to leap, to feel the rush of wind against my face as I defied gravity. It was madness, pure and unadulterated.

My friends would shake their heads, bewildered by my reckless choices. They were content with their safe and structured lives, never venturing beyond the boundaries of comfort. But not me. I craved the chaos, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

With every fiber of my being, I resisted the urge. I knew the consequences, the potential for disaster. Yet, the desire to break free from the shackles of reason was overpowering. It felt as if my very existence depended on embracing that fleeting moment of stupidity.

A passerby glanced at me curiously, concern etched across their face. I must have appeared unhinged, standing on the precipice of uncertainty. But they could never understand the depths of my restless soul, the burning hunger for something more.

In a rush of adrenaline, I took a step back. It was a moment of truth, a defining crossroads. I could succumb to the conformity of a predictable life or surrender to the intoxicating allure of the unknown. My heart raced, and I closed my eyes, ready to succumb to the temptation.

But as the seconds ticked by, a flicker of rationality surfaced amidst the chaos. A small voice whispered, reminding me of the beauty in calculated risks, of the importance of self-preservation. It was a battle within, a clash between my impulsive nature and the wisdom that lingered in the recesses of my mind.

With a deep breath, I stepped away from the edge, my feet planted firmly on solid ground. The impulse to do something foolish would always remain, an integral part of my being. But I had learned to channel it, to seek out adventures that challenged me without jeopardizing my existence.

As the sun set and darkness settled over the city, I walked away from the bridge, carrying with me the indelible mark of that moment. I had faced the abyss, stared into the face of my own recklessness, and chosen a different path.

In the days and years that followed, I embraced the thrill of the unconventional. I sought out new experiences, tasted the flavors of spontaneity, and reveled in the dance between impulse and reason. It was a delicate balance, a tightrope I traversed with caution and audacity.

For deep within me, the urge to do something stupid always lingered, an untamed flame waiting to be kindled. And while I had learned to navigate its treacherous waters, I knew that one day, it would call again, beckoning me to embrace the intoxicating beauty of the unknown


About the Creator

Chisi limi

Storyteller weaving tales to escape reality. Lover of fantasy, sci-fi, and all things magical. Join me on a journey through my imagination. #storyteller #fantasywriter

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