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Train every day

How long will we live in order to work, not work in order to live?

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Train every day
Photo by Josh Nezon on Unsplash

I often imagined myself sitting on a train, looking out its window, contemplating the beauty of the world and the scenery I pass by.

Indeed, I have taken the train several times since I was young, but now for many years I have not taken a train, and when I talk about the train, I mean traveling between different cities and countries, not the subway.

Throughout my life, I have ridden all the means of transportation that man has known throughout history, starting with riding a donkey in the countryside, and I was very happy, as those moments were among the happiest moments of my life.

Despite my young age at the time, I remember it in every detail, passing through the horse and the cart, and of course the public and private buses, taxis and microbuses, as well as the river bus and the river steamer; I am almost certain that there is no means of transport, old or modern, that I have not ridden, other than the military chariot.

But I have never enjoyed any of them except for train journeys, so always when I think of something and my thoughts go far, I imagine myself sitting on a train looking out its window.

I woke up this morning and got off and here I am, driving my car to work as usual, and suddenly I decide to go to the train station and reserve a seat on the first train that takes off from the station, whatever direction, of course I did not get a sunstroke with the high temperatures today, I am in my car I did not get off, and I did not go crazy , but what prevents me from going and enjoying a beautiful journey on the train in which I get away from the pains of the life I live now, I put the headphones in my ears even though I am in the car and I started driving my car heading towards the train station.

have arrived at the station; And here I am standing at the ticket office. I reached the employee and asked him for a ticket on the first train that will take off from the station. He prefers that I have to run in order to catch him before I lose him. The employee looked at me as if he was saying this is crazy and did not say a word. I miss my flight

Surprised, he replied: Which journey do you want to go to?

I answered him: Where do I just want to take the train, please help me, give me a ticket for the nearest flight that will take off, and I even want to run to catch the train, because I missed running.

Indeed he gave me a ticket and told me to go to the platform number 3 quickly, the train is about to move.

I took my ticket and started running; Oh God, for this fun, I feel like a young woman running on the football field like in the past. Suddenly I feel like a child running after my friends and we play and have fun and I feel very happy and joyful; Where were those feelings buried, why I haven't felt them in years, and what this excessive gracefulness.

The train is moving and I have to increase my speed, I made a big jump and didn't miss my ride, I caught the last carriage of the train.

My seat is in the first carriage and now I have to go through all the train cars to get to my seat, but I am very tired and I have to rest a little, I found a woman in her late forties, and it seems on her features and clothes that she is neither poor nor rich, that all her concern is work, only work, comes to her Every minute of the call, she eats and works. I stood watching her in amazement at her words on the phone that were completely different from her facial expressions and the look in her eyes was full of sadness. Suddenly she switched off her mobile phone, I think its battery is dead.

I went to the second car and found a young man in his thirties, who looks elegant and looks a little tired, and his hair is starting to fall out.

This young man was talking on his phone with his wife on her way to take their children to school, and he was on his way to work, reassuring her whether she came home or not, and then he spoke to one of his friends at work asking him whether the manager arrived or not, and then he receives another phone from someone his clients.

I watched the young man from afar, and I did not talk to him, but he was thinking out loud, he was thinking about his house installments and his children’s school expenses, then he said, “If only the young people would come back one day, I wish I could sit at least once at the café with my friends, and spend the money not interested.”

Here, his phone rings, and he answers, Yes, Mr. Director. I am on my way to work. I apologize for the delay. I was in an interview with a customer, and this is the reason for my delay today.

Then he paused for a moment and said, surprised, what? - He smiled on his face with joy and a wide smile- Really I was the one who was promoted, thank you for your trust in Mr. Director.

He closed and then said, directing his words to me: This promotion will increase my work and my tasks and increase my fatigue, but it will solve my financial problems.

Here the train stopped at its arrival station and decided to get off without even greeting me.

I was on my way to the car in which my seat was, and in the meantime I found a group of young men, sitting in a separate chair from them, talking on the phone with her lover or fiancé.

I caught my attention the consistency of her clothes and her elegance, I went and sat in front of her and listened to her talk and I looked at her smiling that I see a young woman I wish I could be in her place now, and when she turned off her phone and went to her friends, I asked her to talk to her, and she agreed with a wide heart.

And I asked her at first about her travel destination.

She replied that she was going with his friends to play a football match.

Oh God, how beautiful this is, if only the youth would come back one day.

I asked her about her wishes in life.

She said: I hope to be a famous player, marry my beloved and have children with him, and I hope soon to travel with my friends next summer.

What beautiful dreams, dreams of youth, dreams that are all happiness and joy, and they are all personal dreams.

The train stopped at a station, headed for the carriage

What beautiful dreams, dreams of youth, dreams that are all happiness and joy, and they are all personal dreams.

While I was going to the carriage, the train suddenly stopped and I fell unconscious.

And soon I woke up to find myself in my car, I did not leave it, sitting in front of my house, I did not move yet to work.

What is that?! Was it a dream?!

Yes a dream every day, the usual daydream, that this train in this dream I could only contemplate the life of one of the people like me, yes it is really me I am a woman, and I was the elegant young lady, a skilled ball player, and I had the big happy dreams, . Work has become my life and there is nothing else in my life for the sake of my children and my husband, whose names and appearances I forgot due to a lot of work.

And I am the one who will turn off her phone now and go up to her house and my husband and my sons and I go to the coast together away from work, just to relax and enjoy their company, yes that is how happiness is.

I turned off my phone, got out of my car, went into the building, and called the elevator.

Suddenly I find myself at my workplace surrounded by all my coworkers.

I didn't go home, my mind and body were programmed to go to work even if it was against my will.

I have become owned by my business.

I'm screaming now inside me I want to go home but I can't my body doesn't obey me, my feet walk to my office without hesitation.

I sit at my desk, my morning coffee comes to me and I drink it, and I start my work, forgetting all the great struggle I went through today, in which I was defeated as usual.

Yes, it has become boring in all respects, it has become a machine owned by the work.

How long will we live in order to work, not work in order to live?


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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