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To whom it may concern

A letter to all

By Tammy EllingsonPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo By: Koolshooters@pexels

To who it may concern;

I have learned many things in my life and have been through many things in my life. My story varies from others just like everyone else and just like everyone else I lived through it. I know mine is not the worst life or experiences as there are so many who have had worse. I have learned not to think of myself as a victim still but that Yes, I was a victim but now I'm a survivor. Life is learning from your experiences your mistakes the trials and so on and choosing how you do so. I know that life does not owe you anything just living is a gift what and how you deal is your choice. The benefits of parents are that they take their experiences and pass their knowledge gratitude and tools to deal with situations down to their children.

I think knowledge can come at varying stages but the older you are the more knowledgeable you are. The young view you as being a different life or environment so it is different that you lived in. But the keys of how to perceive deal and grow are the same. The right tools will produce a better view and outcome that does not change in any generation or circumstance. The world may change and the circumstances but the tools that are correct never do.

I have learned to hate or hold on to anger or regret only hurts me. To forgive and look to the future and what is happening now but not to focus on the negative but the desired outcome or solution is a better life for me.Self-pity does not even serve yourself but harms you. Focusing on negative only hurts you. People and life owe you nothing so do not feel wronged and feel hurt from others. The only person you should feel wronged or hurt by is yourself and then that should be limited. For here it is no one is perfect you will make mistakes poor decisions and do stupid things but wallowing in guilt or self-pity does nothing. Anyone trying to make you feel negative in anyway about your life is a miserable being and you need to distance yourself from them.

If you're focusing on how your parents were or are Grow up and do yourself a favor and them the world does not revolve around your life is not fair and how long do that need to pay for your not perfect life that everyone is this world also does not have.

Maturity is realizing you didn’t have a perfect life and you're not perfect and either is anyone else. AND not wanting to bring people down but instead uplift them and make them and yourself better. Do not be a narcissist and turn things around on others that you did and think the rules are different for you. You are not an acceptation laws and behaviors are the same expectations of you.

Be a productive positive individual in society to all not just some. Do not be a face to one and another to someone else. The more unreal and mean you are to others the more of a miserable person you will become. Instead, when starting to hate think blaming thoughts or anger stop yourself and think of positive things and remind yourself others have went through the same if not worse. Be a better person to everyone not just some because after a while putting positive and good first makes you a happier human being just as flawed as everyone else but happier.

Expect and do better for you and others that is what makes a beautiful world. Stop blaming and shaming start growing and knowing.




About the Creator

Tammy Ellingson

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