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The In-Laws

Do we all have them?

By Jumbled OrderPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
The In-Laws
Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

I’d like to think it’s just the 2 people in the couple who are sharing the rings that the relationship is about, but it isn’t is it?

No I’m not talking about if you have your own little family (kids) before marriage or getting together… I’m talking about the extra two people no matter on whether those two people are together or apart, with other people or however it is, the two people who are not your blood family, but think they have so much say and control over your life. Don’t get me wrong I know not all are like this, I’m only speaking from my experience so, if you are the lucky one that gets along with their in-laws and have no issues with them at all, you really are lucky in that department. I am so so blessed in every other area so I guess when you really look at it I can’t complain at all but it is just one of those you just have to get off your chest!

It happened in my previous relationship, granted not married, but my partners parents I really tried with and they just had this hidden and also not so hidden hatred for me, it was kinda sad really when you think about it, not from my side but from theirs.

In my current relationship, well, it’s been a tough ride with them so far, they have their claws in deep with their only child, no matter how much he tries to think otherwise, he doesn’t see half the things but I do.

Also one that I’m not sure if it makes it worse is that they “tried” being grandparents and basically gave it up as a bad job. How is that a thing right? Yeah I didn’t think it was either but they seem to make the impossible possible and not in a good way.

When my little one was born, they had to be there to see straight away, not giving a second thought to how I felt at all, if was just as long as they got what they wanted. I’ll be honest as time went on, I became less of a pushover and really did put my foot down with a lot of things, and where other grandparents got fond and wanted to be involved, they pulled away, they pulled away so much, they pulled away from themselves.

Call it what you want but as time has gone on they have given up on so much. This story started as I first got to know them more or less, and is finishing with me having known them for a number of years. I much prefer my situation now in the sense that I feel I have so much more of a say of what I want than solely what they want, it took time but I guess once their son started seeing their true colours match to what I say, where it was more about them taking the picture of the moment than actually being involved in it, I guess it made it easier to get out of said situations.

It’s been a wild ride with the in-laws so far, but I do have confirmation from my experience that if you stick to your guns it gets better. Once they see your not a pushover as much and you have a voice, a lot becomes more manageable.

I did start a job under his dads management which only seemed to work with him not being there for a lot of the time as he became quite the controlling again when he felt as though he had authority over me, but hey let’s not hold on to that one so much as it’s in the past.

I think this is one of those things that I could and probably will touch base on and expand a lot more on, but I think I generally just needed a vent and what’s the best way to do it other than to their faces, on vocal of course! As I am feeling vocal and it’s great!

We’ll, that’s me done so far on this one.

Over and out.

Jumbled Order

Familyextended family

About the Creator

Jumbled Order

well... theres not really much to say, other than, I like to write, not necessarily about anything important but I try and thats all that matters...

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