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Sweet Confections

How sweet it is

By Janet FreedlandPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Mia was feeling absolutely fabulous today. For the last 2 years, she had worked so hard to finally lose all that weight. Spending long hours on the computer for months had taken their toll on her body. All that sitting and little moving for weeks at a time lead to a slow increase. And it didn’t help that the food provided by work was delicious and plentiful, yet calorific. But when her knee started acting up, the doctor told her she needed to lose weight. “If you want to live to a ripe old age, you have to lose some pounds and get healthier” the doctor scolded. It was hard work, and Mia hated gyms and workout routines that meant she had to follow set schedules. There were other ways to get exercise that seemed more fun and freer of form. Bicycling along the beach paths, dance oriented classes, and water activities ( like water aerobics) got her burning calories and moving. Also, Mia realized she had been doing a lot of emotional eating to fill a void in her life and heart. Getting to the center of her mind matters allowed her to realize she used food to escape or “drown” her sorrows. All of the dietary plans, physical activity, and mental changes led to a healthy, steady loss of weight over these past 24 months. Now she knew she would never be as skinny as a 20 year old Mia, but she definitely liked herself and her body.

These days, she felt so much better about her life, and being who and what she really was. Losing over 65 pounds definitely takes weight off of you in oh so many ways. Feeling like she had shed the burdens that held her back, Mia set out to experience the best this world had to offer- art, music, dancing, and hiking in nature for now. She had a great posse of friends with which to share all of these fun filled events. Even the doctor had said she did a great job at handling her weight issues. Mostly, it felt like her problems had been, solved, and she was on to better things. Except for that feeling like she was missing something in her heart. She knew it was stupid and old fashioned, but Mia had hoped to find a soulmate, a partner, a man to create balance and love in her life- the yin to her yang. But that never seemed to work out quite right. When she was heavy or too busy with work, she had an excuse for not finding anyone. And the rationalizations she made for herself- no one wants a fat girl, I am too busy, I don’t have time for that. But since she was turning forty soon, she began to think she was running out of time to meet the “right guy”. Since losing the physical and mental baggage, Mia exuded more confidence about herself, and even tried a few online dating sites. Unfortunately, these produced more bad duds than good dudes or studs. So her hopes began to wane.

For today though, Mia didn’t want to think about that. This was the day she had finally reached her total weight loss goal and fit into a size 12 again! It had taken so long to get here, and she was thrilled about reaching these lofty goals. Mia was going to celebrate by having lunch at her favorite fine dining restaurant, Chez Haute. This establishment was on the rooftop garden of one of the most beautiful art deco buildings in Downtown. They opened 10 years ago, after the structure had been renovated and restored, as one of the high end cuisine restaurants. With a famed French chef, their food received accolades and awards. And, Mia thought their greek salad was to die for- all fresh local ingredients, lots of delicious veggie toppings, and a delectable, yet unbelievably low calorie dressing. Then there was the extraordinary view here to top it all off. Chez Haute was so high up that you could see all the way to the beach and the beautiful blue ocean. With a cool breeze to make it more comfortable, the weather today was perfect for an outdoor luncheon. Tonite she would continue the celebration by doing some dining and dancing with her gal pals. But for now she would have peace and tranquillity at her favorite table on the roof.

When Mia got to the Trapp building, the home of Chez Haute, she noticed banners and signs announcing that today was the 10th anniversary of their re-opening. They were offering some sort of prize to the 100th customer. How fun Mia thought, though she didn’t really pay attention to any of the details in her hurry to get to lunch. Up in the elevator she rode, glad that they had kept they great deco interior when they remodeled. As she stepped out onto the marble foyer of the top floor, she breathed in the fresh air flowing through the open patio doors. The Maitre d’ greeted her, and she was seated at last. With a deep sigh, she stopped and just took in the view for a minute before she even opened the menu. Like she really had to look at the menu, she knew what she wanted.

Once she was settled in, Mia began to enjoy one of her favorite hobbies- people watching. She checked out the many folks there to find the most interesting people that the day had to offer. After a few minutes had passed, she would try to figure out each table’s story: the couple on their first date, the woman celebrating her 21st birthday with her pals, the multigenerational family gathering, and the big business deal. All were interesting little vignettes of someone’s life or lives.

Mia ordered her usual fare, and settled back to watch all of the scenes unfold. After she got served her dish, she slowly grazed on her meal. This way she could see the table tales to their finish, and take in the new arrivals. Among the latter were the sad, lonely man, the father and son, and the couple so in love. Then she returned her attention to her first groups. The 21 year old got the usual stinking drunk, the family had kids running amuck and screaming, the business deal was done, and the first date didn’t go so well. Some great slices of life playing out in the best atmosphere. As Mia was finishing her salad, the most exciting story was yet to come. The couple in love, and all over each other, had one more act to play. At some point, the man got down on one knee and asked the young lady to marry him. Of course, she said yes, and the whole place exploded in applause. Ah, young love.

But instead of feeling happy or good about this, Mia was actually feeling sad. Those young kids found each other and love already. Mia was so much older, and hadn’t found Mr. Right or anything close to him in her ventures. Did the universe even make a match or a true love for her at all? All of a sudden her wonderful day was getting some stormy clouds, Mia began to doubt herself in many ways. When she looked up to find her waiter for some water, she found instead the Maitre D’ and the owner standing next to her table. A fanfare played while the owner presented a long speech about their anniversary, and that they were about to announce the prize winner. He then turned to face Mia, and reached out his arm to announce that she had won! Now the applause and cheers erupted for her. Slightly embarrassed, she stood and took a bow. For being the 100th customer, Mia won a year of free meals, a plaque, and lastly, a special made, super sweet piece of chocolate cake. She thanked the owner, while accepting everything graciously, and sat back down. What was she to do? She had been so good by not eating sweets like this for the past 2 years of dieting. How could she deny their special gift? She ordered a latte to stall for time, while she looked at that cake. To eat the cake or to not eat the cake- that was the question! It looked so good, and it had been so long- it would be an insult to send it back. And besides, she was feeling down, and a little chocolate always cheered her up. Food, especially sweets, had been the substituted for facing her inner emotions. Maybe just this once she would give in to her sinful desires.

Her latte finally arrived, and the moment of truth was at hand. Would she or wouldn’t she? As she was staring at the cake, a very tall, handsome man walked up to her table and cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, miss, I just wanted to say Congratulations on your win today. I hate to bother you, but I really wanted to ask you a question.” he nervously uttered.

Mia looked up from her daydream debate on cake. The man in front of her was blonde haired, blue eyed, about 6 feet tall, well dressed, and appeared quite charming. How did she miss him in her array of people watching?

“How can I help you?” she shyly asked in response.

“Well, you see today is my younger brothers birthday, and, the waiter said they were out of cake. I really wanted to have a piece of cake to put a candle in so he can make a birthday wish. And, you see, I noticed you hadn’t touched your cake yet. I was wondering if I could buy this piece of cake from you. It would really mean a lot to my brother, and me, if he could get that wish. So what do you say?” he pleaded. Then he looked deep into Mia’s eyes with such a gleam and a twinkle that she couldn’t look away. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck were rising, she was feeling goosebumps before she could pull from his gaze.

“I tell you what” Mia replied after a short pause, “You can have the cake no charge, if I can come sing with you, and wish the boy a Happy Birthday.”

Shocked, yet pleased, the man smiled and offered up his hand. “You are too kind miss… I didn’t get your name” Then he grinned from ear to ear.

“Mia, my name is Mia. And you are?”Mia inquired.

“My name is Matt, at your service. I would be pleased if you would join us”

Mia took Matt’s hand and she immediately felt a connection with this man, though they had never met before. Matt grabbed the cake, and brought them both over to his table. He explained the situation to his family, lit the candle, and they all sang Happy Birthday to his brother Kent. Mia stayed and talked to Matt and his family for hours. This was one of those polaroid snapshot moments of her life unfolding before her. One that would change her world forever- the day she met the love of her life. Who knew a piece of chocolate cake would lead to Mia finally meeting the man of her dreams, and beginning this fantastic new chapter of her story.

Bad habits

About the Creator

Janet Freedland

I have been an artist in animation, film restoration, and visual effects for many years. Now I am venturing into the writing realm. Feel my creativity can expand to exploring wonderful word worlds, verbal pictures for your imagination.

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