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Suffering in Silence

By: Karly Krull

By Karly KrullPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you ever feel like you are screaming at the top of your lungs but, no one hears you? It is just as Rose said in Titanic, "I feel like I'm in the middle of a room screaming at the top of my lungs, and no one even looks up." That is depression. That is silent suffering. Two things lots of people do not seem to understand. Just because a person has friends, socializes and smiles does not automatically mean that they are happy. Maybe this person is dying on the inside and you just cannot see it. A person that has depression like this may have to force themselves to get out of bed in the morning whenever they feel like they just want to lay there and die.

Yes, it is sad to hear it but, it is the truth. Many people feel this way and no one sees it. When a sociable person tells others they see a therapist the response is usually something like, "Really, why?" They just say, "You do not need to see a therapist you are a happy person." Why do people think they have the ability to judge how a person feels? If this sociable person is sad and getting help for their depression you should be happy for them! Not judge them for getting help! Getting help is better than coming home one day to realize this depressed person took their life! Getting help makes the person strong!

Suffering in silence is something that is never noticed until the person flat out states how they feel. If your friend who is suffering in silence has depression and takes medication for it think, twice before you judge them. This medication could be the only thing stabilizing them. Willing to go see a therapist and psychiatrist or admitting you need help makes a person strong, not weak. Let me put it to you like this, a person can go to a fair, ride the rides, be around family and friends smiling but, go home and cry because how the feel on the inside. Let's say someone really likes this band so, they hear they are coming to town and like them so much they buy the tickets a year in advance. Then maybe Covid-19 caused the concert to be postponed for another year. The person finally gets to go to the concert a year later and the day after the concert the person is contemplating suicide. No this person is not contemplating suicide because, the concert is over and they had a great time singing along to their favorite bands songs but, they still feel sad.

Suffering in silence is tough for people. So, many are judged for their feelings and for being able to stand up in a crowded room and say, "I am suffering, I need help!" Still, no one looks up. For those that do look up they usually have a negative response like, "Why? You seem fine." That is just it they seem fine but, they are not. Grab them by the hand and help them up. Walk with them out of the crowded room and support them! Do not judge them! Praise this person for knowing they need help! Encourage this person to get the help they know they need!

If you stand in a crowded room and scream to have no one look up, I still encourage you to get the help you need. It hurts to be judged and have no one there for you when you need them but, you are strong for standing up and stating your feelings! I want whoever is reading this to know I do not judge you but, I support you. Do not give up and please keep moving forward! It may feel as though you are never getting to your destination but, life has no destination. Just take steps and live your life. You are loved!


About the Creator

Karly Krull

I am open-minded, a free spirit and mother of Viktor Karl 10/9/17‍ 👶💕 Oats Mr. Sprinkles🐈🐈Always good vibes ✌️☮️ Writing is my passion! ♥️#heartlikeahandgrenade

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