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Silenced by Society

Living in a World Where 1 cannot be themselves

By Lelelapoete SpeaksPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Shh don’t say that

I have always been told that I need to "conform" in order to be more palatable. I received this advice as "minimize who you are so that others can accept you." What if acceptance is not what one seeks? What if I simply prefer to be who I was created to be; unapologetically me! You see I was born in the 80s which was an interesting time to be created. I was raised in the 90s which was the era of expression, creativity, individuality and less judgement. Flash forward to 2021 and it seems that majority of people want you to tiptoe around your true feelings and ONLY express what is pleasing to the majority of society. On the one hand we live in an era where things that were typically frowned upon are now highly accepted and encouraged. "Be You" is what they scream from the rooftops while simultaneously silencing those who stand firm in their beliefs. They say "accept people for who they are" while also saying "hey don't say that you may hurt feelings!" So my question is which one is it? You can't have it both ways. One who wants to be accepted must also learn to accept that which may go against their choices/preferences; why can't both types of people exist? Why do I have to think like you in order to be liked and understood? What ever happened to agreeing to disagree? Why can't you see a white dress and I see the gold one and we BOTH be right? Is it absolutely necessary for people to agree with you in order for you to be comfortable in YOUR OWN SKIN? Since when did it become the job of others to make US happy? Happiness comes from within right or is that just a cute little cliche? How long will those who oppose certain things be silenced by society before eventually losing their own voice? In the end; whose right and who's wrong? Can both not co-exist?

Imagine a world where people understood that we are all different yet equally important. A world where a poor laborers voice was just as powerful as the sultan. Where trees could speak to the wood cutter and share they perspective without judgment. Can you see it it? Yeah; neither can I but dreams sure are great to have. What if we sought to understand the positions of others that make us uncomfortable instead of ostracizing them? Could we all not sit at a round table together and hash things out or am I dreaming too big?

What type of message do we want to send to the generations to come? Is it a message of coddling or a message of strength in the midst of hadversity. Do we want to push the youth to be firm in their choices or acquiece to what society deems acceptable? Is individualism a trait of the past or a hope goal for the future. Is having thick skin no longer attainable; simply a fairytale that has ended or is their hope.

As a mother I want my children to be able to shout their thoughts from the rooftops without fear. To be understood without impunity and to be heard with understanding. We are all different from one another and that should be refreshing not feared. You should be able to speak that which is in your heart and so should I; can we both not co-exist?

Do I have to be filtered so that your vulnerabilities not be highlighted? Do you have to be silenced so that my point of view is seen? Can you and I not live on this Earth in peace; together? Am I dreaming out loud again or do you see value within my confusion?

Nothing would make me happier than to see the republican and democrat disagree respectfully. For the pro lifer and pro choice groups to stand on their principles without tearing each other down. To see the person of color and the other to reach a common ground.

Nothing would make me happier!



About the Creator

Lelelapoete Speaks

I am a stay at home mom, author, poet, nail tech, bartender, blogger, non certified food critic and speaker of unadulterated TRUTH...

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