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Reverie Time

By: The Infinite Writer

By The Infinite Writer Published 3 years ago 13 min read
Reverie Time
Photo by Isaiah Bekkers on Unsplash

It is All Just a Dream, right?

Jeremiah was sitting in class spacing out. He sat at the edge of his classroom closest to the window. The clouds in his view reminded him of when he used to play for the school's baseball team. Jeremiah chuckled to the thought of ever playing sports again.

“Excuse me young man? What is it that you find so funny about my lecture? Is it my voice or the way I talk? Please mention it now!,” said the teacher.

Jeremiah took a moment to respond to his teacher because he was thinking about how attractive she was. She had good hair, a firm build, and wore clothes that suit her well.

“No, it was nothing teacher, sorry Ms. Aika.,” said Jeremiah. Ms. Aika blushed a bit and continued with her lecture for the rest of the class. Jeremiah looked away and thought to himself. Did his teacher just blush, or was he in a state of reverie this whole time? Class ended and Jeremiah slowly packed his bags because as the only black student he had always felt left out when it came to socializing. Jeremiah put the last items from off his desk into the bag and walked toward the door to leave the classroom.

“Hey, you! Get over here now! I am upset with you!,” said Ms. Aika. Jeremiah rolled his eyes and then turned around to walk over to his teachers' desk to have the conversation with her.

“What is it Ms. Aika? Did I do something wrong again?,” said Jeremiah. Ms. Aika hesitated while looking downward with her vision. Jeremiah was confused on what she was looking at, so he respectfully stood present for a few seconds until Ms. Aika spoke. Ms. Aika looked up at Jeremiah and glared at him before fixing her glasses out of habit.

“Look Jeremiah, every single day in class you are always looking toward the clouds. I never say anything because when I call on you. You seem to always know the answer even before I am done asking you the question. I need to know what is going on in your head.,” said Ms. Aika. Jeremiah was stunned on this subject matter because no one had ever asked him how he was doing period. Jeremiah was used to going to class, doing his work, and going home straight after school.

“Well, trust me Ms. Aika, there is nothing special going on in my head. I just get bored way too easily because I have no friends.,” said Jeremiah. Ms. Aika had a shocked look on her face.

“Really, you have no friends. That is appalling Jeremiah. I think you are a very handsome young man who should have a lot of friends. You are tall, intelligent, you could maybe work on your outfit choice at times, but you’re not that bad overall for a young guy.,” said Ms. Aika. Jeremiah's face lit up and he suddenly just had to ask.

“Ms. Aika. Are you coming on to me?,” said Jeremiah.

“What no! Of course, not...but if I were, I would say the Red Lotus across town at 7 O'clock sharp. That is if I was interested in going on a date. With you perhaps maybe not.,” said Ms. Aika.

“Well, if I were to go, I’d wear something rather dashing!,” said Jeremiah.

“Okay, then bye! What are you still doing in my classroom! GO!,” said Ms. Aika.

Jeremiah ran to his car like a madman to the student parking lot. Jeremiah started his car and revved the engine intensely creating a loud nose in the parking lot. Jeremiah drove down the levels with sharp and swift turns as if he were a secret agent from a cool action movie. Jeremiah slowed the car down on the final floor and drove normally to his apartment. Jeremiah arrived in the parking lot of his apartment and parked effortlessly. He ran up the flight of stairs to his apartment on the third floor. Jeremiah unlocked the door easily and slammed the door with grace.

“Hey man what’s up!,” said Jeremiah’s roommate.

“Hey Jamal! I finally have a date today man!,” said Jeremiah. Jamal was stunned.

“Wait, you? A date? Nah man that’s impossible, you always act so corny around women.,” said Jamal.

“I may not be as great with the ladies as you, but if I have the slightest opportunity then I am going to take it my dude!,” said Jeremiah.

“Well alright man, let me know if you need to borrow some clothes, you dress like a bum sometimes man.,” said Jamal. Jeremiah walked to his side of the apartment and opened the door to his room. Luckily for Jeremiah’s expense, he always kept his room clean. So, Jeremiah never had a problem when it came to finding things in his room and in his personal bathroom. Jeremiah walked to his closet and opened the doors as if he were the main character in a children's movie. The look on his face dropped when he found nothing but regular clothes and mundane pairs of sneakers that Jeremiah never wears. Jeremiah heard a knock on his door and went to go open it.

“Hey man, I knew you’d have a sad look on your face. So, I am taking the liberty of letting you borrow this fire shirt with these sick jeans.,” said Jamal. Jeremiah took the pants and shirt with glee.

“Now look bro. I am letting you hold one of my favorite pairs of kicks for the night. Now, with these fire kicks that I am about to give, you better not get a smudge or scratch on them or else we going to have problems, Ya hear?,” said Jamal. Jeremiah took the sneakers with great thought about what his roommate Jamal said.

“Hey bro, I appreciate what you are doing for me. From what you said I might be more worried about the shoes than my date now man.,” said Jeremiah. Jamal looked Jeremiah in the eye and then they both started laughing together. Jamal left the door to continue washing the dishes he was doing from earlier when Jeremiah had arrived. Jeremiah closed his room door and went ahead to shower and change into his new outfit. Jeremiah stood tall in front of the large mirror he had, that was slanted off the wall in his room. Jeremiah stood a couple of feet back because of his height.

“Wow, I look good, like really good!,” said Jeremiah. Jeremiah spent the next few hours reviewing homework and assignments and when he looked at the time it was already 6:45.

“Oh, my goodness, I am going to be late for my date. Well, hopefully it is a date and not just a fluke.,” said Jeremiah. Jeremiah took several deep breaths on his way out the door and down the stairs to his car. Jeremiah started his car and drove off to the other side of town. While driving, Jeremiah saw a homeless man standing in the middle of the road asking people for money. Jeremiah just could not let it go, so he changed lanes toward the center of the four-lane road. Jeremiah reached into his center console and grabbed out a $10 and gave it to the homeless man.

“Thank you so much sir, God bless you!,” said the Homeless man.

“Of course, that’s what I’m here for.,” said Jeremiah as he continued driving. Jeremiah reached the Red Lotus at 7:05. Jeremiah was a bit agitated for being a little late, but he knew the feeling would pass. Jeremiah walked to the entrance of the restaurant. The bouncer standing there was taller than him, and a half size bigger than Jeremiah.

“You here for something or nothing at all.,” said the Bouncer.

“I am supposed to meet someone here for 7 O'clock. A hot date, you know how it is.,” said Jeremiah.

“Nah man, I don’t. What is your name? If you are on the list, I’ll let you in.,” said the bouncer.

“I’m Jeremiah.,” said Jeremiah. The bouncer took a minute to look for Jeremiah’s name on the list.

“You ain’t on it kid. Beat it!,” said the bouncer.

“Now wait a minute if you just listen to me for a second, I can...,” said Jeremiah. The bouncer flexed his muscles and was prepared to move Jeremiah by force.

“Stop! He’s with me Tyrone!,” said Ms. Aika. Tyrone the bouncer looked at Jeremiah a second time, and then looked back at Ms. Aika.

“Ah man! He should have just said he was meeting you in the first place. Hahaha, you two can go inside, have fun hahaha.,” said Tyrone the bouncer.

The two walked into the Red Lotus quietly. Jeremiah walked casually next to his teacher. At this point Jeremiah did not know what to think. The two walked toward the front podium and waited for a server. Jeremiah noticed his teacher's outfit. Ms. Aika was wearing a red dress that highlighted her curves wonderfully. Ms. Aika was carrying an expensive wallet and was wearing black heels that had a fashion gem on the top part of each heel that Ms. Aika wore. Jeremiah was getting a little frustrated with himself because he kept thinking of Ms. Aika as his teacher and not as his date.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Aika what is your name.,” said Jeremiah. Ms. Aika looked at Jeremiah, up and down, and then down and up again.

“It’s Mariah. Mariah Aika.,” said Mariah. Jeremiah blushed deeply. Jeremiah knew that he could not hide his expression, so he just went with the flow like he always does to quell his own self-doubt and awkwardness.

“Wow, Mariah Aika... that is such a beautiful name...” said Jermiah. The two stared closely into each other’s eyes. Mariah fixed her glasses again, but this time she almost lost her rhythm of habit because of the feeling that they both shared in that moment. A server came to the podium to take Mariah and Jeremiah to their seats.

“Right this way you two, we have a seat by the window. Sorry if you two do not like the window seat, we are almost at capacity today.,” said the server. Mariah and Jeremiah followed the server to their seats. The two sat down quietly and pushed their chairs into their seats to get comfortable with where they were sitting. Mariah was fixing her glasses again and she used the edge of her cuff link to wipe her glasses after blowing CO2 on them to clear them up a bit. Jeremiah was scratching his head and picked up the menu from the table. Jeremiah was looking at all the options and once he saw the southwest chicken salad, he was finished with the menu. He put his menu down to look at the alcoholic beverages' menu.

“So, you came here to look at the menu all day Jeremiah?,” said Mariah.

“Oh no, not at all! I just didn’t want to be too spontaneous so I’m just taking my time to settle in a bit.,” said Jeremiah.

“Oh, I see, well not to worry because I am a regular here and let me tell Ya, the signature Red Lotus Rise is the best drink on the menu. It’s classy, red, and the way it wraps around the edges of the glass, is quite fathomable to say the least. The taste is a typical wine, red with a low tannic that defies the laws of red wine. It has a fruity aftertaste that sits alongside the low burn of the acid riding your tastebuds, it’s basically a glass of merlot. It’s ironic because if you leave the glass sitting long enough, the red merlot eventually turns blue.,” said Mariah.

“Oh really? I have only been 21 for a half a year, and I am still not that into alcohol.,” said Jeremiah. Mariah was a bit shocked to hear this, but she went with it anyway.

“Ah, Haha, well that’s good, alcohol isn’t for everyone. That must mean you are as straight and narrow as I imagined you to be.,” said Mariah. Jeremiah chuckled because he was pleased to hear that Mariah had good thoughts on his character.

“That’s nice of you to say Mariah. Most people think I am weird because I do not like to talk and socialize that much. I just think it’s a waste of time because there just so many other things to do!,” said Jeremiah. Mariah put her hand on top of Jeremiah’s hand, and she lightly bit the tip of her pointer finger from her free hand.

“Like what Jeremiah. What things do you like to do in your free time?,” said Mariah. Jeremiah saw the intentions and redirected the conversation to ease the tension.

“Well for starters I am writing my own book. It’s all I ever think about when I look into the clouds. With each cloud comes a new possibility. A new idea that I can give birth to on paper when writing my stories.,” said Jeremiah. Mariah was even more mesmerized with Jermiah and caught herself in a state of reverie. Mariah breathed through her nose and let go of Jermiah’s hand to regain her bearings.

“That’s amazing Jermiah. I have never heard a response like that, and I have been on many dates. You must really be someone different, huh...,” said Mariah.

“No, not at all. I am no one different because I’m just me, and that’s okay.,” said Jermiah. Jeremiah and Mariah continued conversing until a waiter arrived to take their order. Mariah ordered two Red Lotus Rise signature drinks, and Jermiah ordered two Southwest Chicken Salad bowls. The waiter confirmed their order on paper.

“Okay, I need to see both of your ID’s before bringing your order back to the kitchen.,” said the waiter. Mariah flipped out her ID, and Jeremiah did the same. The waiter looked at both ID’s and then gave them back.

“Haha, nice kid, picking yourself up an older woman.,” said the waiter.

“Hey man, that’s not cool, don’t be disrespectful or else I am going to have to ask her friend Tyrone the bouncer from outside to pay you a visit.,” said Jeremiah. The waiter was shaking and regained his sense of self-respect and continued normally. Mariah chuckled from what Jeremiah had just said.

“Hmm, hmm, hmm, that was nice of you Jeremiah. Few people do not say anything anymore when women are being disrespected in public. It’s nice to know that I am on a date with a gentleman such as yourself.,” said Mariah.

“No, don’t mention it Mariah, what he said wasn’t right period.,” said Jeremiah. The two laughed together to ease the tension away from the sticky situation. The waiter brought back the signature drinks and reminded the two that their salad bowls would be at their table soon. The two laughed and drank peacefully together by the window seat inside of the Red Lotus. The two were making lighthearted jokes about people in the classroom. Their food arrived and the two took a break from their drinks and their laughter to eat their food in peace. A few minutes of eating went by, and Jeremiah had a provocative question to say.

“Mariah, why did you choose me? I just don’t understand you. You are a young white woman who can get with pretty much any guy you want, and yet you choose some young black guy. I just had to say it for myself.,” said Jeremiah. Mariah took both of Jeremiah’s hands and she caressed them softly.

“Jeremiah, you are not like other people. You’re different for all the right reasons. Most guys look at me and think that I am just some piece of meat that they can just do whatever with. But what you have shown me today is that I can be with a man who naturally has respect for not just women, but people in general. I was late to our date today because on my way here, I saw what you did for that homeless man. I am not making you out to be an altruist or anything like that, I can see that you are a good person, not just in the classroom, but in life too.,” said Mariah. Jeremiah and Mariah made eye contact with each other. The two of them leaned toward each other. Closer and closer the two were about to make contact, with their lips. Inches away from their lips were. Centimeters away their lips were.

“Okay, here's your bill! I hope you two have a wonderful evening.,” said the waiter dealing with their order. Jeremiah and Mariah let go of each other's hands and backed up for a minute. The two of them were incredibly nervous because reality kicked back in and the two of them just remembered that they still were teacher and student. Even if it was higher education, it still felt wrong.

“Mariah, I mean. Ms. Aika. I’m sorry but I know we can’t do this...,” said Jeremiah. Jeremiah slammed two $20 bills on the table and walked fast out of the restaurant. Jeremiah stormed out of the front door to the Red Lotus.

“Hey kid, you good?,” said Tyrone the bouncer.

“No, I’m not.,” said Jeremiah as he walked away in sadness. Back at the dinner table Mariah looked down at the $40. She picked up one of $20 bills and gently rubbed its edges, she looked at the once red Merlot in its current blue form and after a few moments, Mariah began to cry. Jeremiah, got in his car and drove back home with tears running down his cheeks. Jeremiah parked his car and ran up the stairs to his apartment. His roommate Jamal said hello to him while he was in the living room, but Jeremiah could not hear him. Jeremiah rushed through his room door, kicked the shoes from off his feet and hopped onto his bed. Jeremiah burrowed his face into the pillow and had wished that his date was just a dream.


About the Creator

The Infinite Writer





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