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Nobody cares about you!

The truth hurts!

By Ja MorrantPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Nobody cares about you!
Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a bustling little town, there lived a man named Harold. Now, Harold was a peculiar fellow, always seeking attention and validation from others. He would go to great lengths to impress people, whether it was by telling exaggerated tales of his adventures or flaunting his possessions. However, despite his efforts, Harold couldn't shake the feeling that nobody truly cared about him.

One day, as Harold strolled through the town square, he noticed a peculiar sign hanging outside a small shop. It read, "Nobody cares about you, but we do!" Intrigued and slightly offended, Harold stepped inside to investigate. To his surprise, the shop was filled with people who seemed genuinely interested in his life. They listened attentively to his stories, laughed at his jokes, and even complimented his possessions.

Overwhelmed with joy, Harold spent hours in the shop, basking in the attention he had always craved. But as the days went by, he began to notice something peculiar. The people in the shop never seemed to remember him from one visit to the next. They would greet him with the same enthusiasm as if they were meeting him for the first time.

Curiosity got the better of Harold, and he decided to investigate further. He followed one of the shop's patrons as they left, only to discover that they were actors hired to make him feel special. The shop itself was an elaborate ruse, designed to exploit Harold's need for validation.

Feeling foolish and betrayed, Harold confronted the shop owner, a mischievous old man named Mr. Whittaker. "Why would you do this to me?" Harold demanded, his voice trembling with anger and hurt.

By Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

Mr. Whittaker chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "My dear Harold, nobody cares about you. But that doesn't mean you should seek validation from others. True happiness comes from within, not from the fleeting attention of strangers."

Harold was taken aback by Mr. Whittaker's words. He realized that he had been so focused on gaining the approval of others that he had neglected his own self-worth. With newfound clarity, he thanked Mr. Whittaker for the lesson and left the shop, determined to find his own happiness.

From that day forward, Harold stopped seeking validation from others. He focused on his passions, pursued his dreams, and surrounded himself with genuine friends who cared about him for who he was, not what he could offer. And as he embraced his true self, Harold discovered that the only person whose opinion truly mattered was his own.

So, dear reader, remember this tale of Harold and the deceptive shop. Seek validation from within, for nobody cares about you more than you should care about yourself.

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Ja Morrant

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    Ja MorrantWritten by Ja Morrant

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