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No Matter What

It is what I need from my friends at all times.

By Theresa EvansPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
No Matter What
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Every woman needs a "no matter what" friend. Someone they can call no matter what. Someone they can vent to, no matter what, and not be judgemental when issues arise. Someone she doesn't have to explain herself to, no matter what.

Every woman needs a "no matter what" friend.

Finding this kind of woman is rare but not impossible. There are loads of women in this world who are loyal and committed to their relationship with you. All of us as women have at some time or another have been through situations with other women that we thought that they were that no matter what kind of friend, only to find out later that they were never that in the first place. They put on their masks to get what they need from you for themselves, and then it is on to the next victim.

I do not need these types of women in my inner circle because they are still broken, and they are trying to get back what they have allowed someone else to take from them in the first place. Most women do not even realize that someone has taken something from them until it is too late.

Someone they can call no matter what.

We all need that someone that we can call on no matter what because we all need each other for different things. Some of us may need someone to listen to us and understand what we are thinking at that given moment. Other times we need that person to help put a smile back on our faces because we are having a hard time dealing with specific issues in our lives. Now, this doesn't mean that we wear the other person out every time we call them. It just means that we need a little more attention in a particular area and needs guidance.

Someone they can vent to, no matter what the topic of conversation is.

We all love to have that one person that we can vent to about any topic or conversation. The problem with this is that most people tend to talk to the wrong individuals about issues, and they already know that the person they are venting to will judge them. I have learned to say less to these types of people because I already know who they are, and I don't need to be evaluated just because I feel like I should handle things a certain way. If we are cool as friends, you need to respect my boundaries and you should already know that there are just some things that I am not going to talk about with you because you are already judging me before you even hear my entire thought process behind my actions.

We all know people like this that say you should do this or that or the most famous one, I wouldn't take that from this person. My question on this point is how in the world are you going to advise on a topic when you have never gone through it yourself. Don't get me wrong, we all have things we deal with differently than others, but this still doesn't mean that it is okay for you to throw shade at someone because you feel like they can do better with someone else. It's their life, and if you are in my inner circle, you already know what my boundaries are, and you already know what to do and say.

Someone she doesn't have to explain herself to, no matter what.

When you find that one person you don't always have to explain yourself to is a beautiful feeling because it makes life a bit easier to live through; when you find that person, you will realize that living life is not as hard as living is it may seem.


About the Creator

Theresa Evans

I am a woman on fire for the love of life and being able to reach one life at a time through my words. If I can reach one then I can teach one the art of healing one's self from the inside out all mentaly

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