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My First Camping Trip

That time when I was 5

By Calla LilyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever sat and thought about the first moment you ever felt a certain emotion? Like - when was the first time you felt scared? The first time you felt shy? Well, lucky for you I am going to tell you all about the first time I felt that pesky emotion that can hold us all back from so many things - Embarrassment.

It's funny when I recall this moment, looking back at it now it's honestly just funny and maybe a bit cute. To my 5-year-old self, I didn't think I would recover from that moment. The worst part is, it wasn't in front of a group of classmates that would forget about it after recess. It was a family affair and my brother called me out. Ironic though - he has probably since forgotten this ever happened.

I remember it clearly. It was during our very first backwoods camping trip as a family. We partnered up with our family friends and followed them out to this site. I remember it was so cool - My parents put a bed in the back of my Dad's truck box - I loved taking day naps in it. Honestly though - I can't remember where I slept at night, or where my brother slept. The most I remember from that trip is that one moment - well, and when our family friends showed me how to say 'F**k you' in sign language. She fostered deaf children and was a master at sign language.

The day it happened, started as a regular day. we woke up and did whatever we did in the morning, I'm sure I ate breakfast too. I had to have for the later act to carry out. The next thing I knew I was in my bathing down by the riverside playing in a pit of mud with our friends' daughter. We covered ourselves and made big ol' mud pies. The fun kid stuff that you just laugh at. I got up and washed off all the mud and realized, I really needed to go to the washroom.

Off I went on to the trail to take me to the stinky outhouse. Barely halfway, I realized that I just could not bear to hold it any longer. I ripped off popped and squat and let her rip. I know what you're thinking - what's the big deal? peeing in the woods is totally fine. The fact is, I wasn't peeing, and the worse part yet was I didn't even have the sense to go off the trail. Nope, right smack dab in the middle of the trail laid a big coiled plop made by me. Satisficed that the task was finished, I ran to tell my Mother so she could clean it up and back to the river I went.

Little did I know my brother's day would have quite a rude awakening. I must have just sneaked away from the crime scene as my brother entered it. The timing of this had to have been perfect. To this day I will never know if he stepped in it, or if he was just a passer-by and saved himself the disgust. All I know is that moment made a mark for him, and he wasn't going to let it go so easily.

That evening, both families gathered around the fire to eat hot dogs and other camping snacks. I was still in my bathing suit with little traces of dried mud all over me. Minding my own business enjoying the warm weather and the campfire. My mother was beside me, and my brother beside her. It was peaceful and quiet, and then my brother spoke out.

"Who pooped in the middle of the trail on the way to the outhouse?!"

This young 8-year-old boy, playing Sherlock Holmes on this mysterious pile of poop. I sunk deep into my chair, my face was beet red and my eyes were starring directly to the ground. My heartbeat sped up, my stomach was in knots. I was found out. I only told my most trusted person, and still, my brother found out. Damn that perfect timing and Murphy's law.

My Mother scoffed "Well, It was Calla" Her tone was set to signal him to drop it and leave me alone. She could tell how wretched I felt.

"Why would you go in the middle of the trail? That is Disgusting."

The interrogation continued. I sunk lower, and the embarrassment factor was on the rise.

"Lee, she couldn't hold it! Now, leave it alone" My Mother snapped.

My brother scowling to himself about his misfortunes that day. He just had to wait until everyone was all gathered around the fire for all to hear. I suppose that was a good Sherlock Holmes tactic. Ask about the crime, and watch everyone's reaction. Mine was a dead giveaway, there was no hiding for me.


About the Creator

Calla Lily

A small town mountain girl who hasn't written in years. Stumbled upon this online community and has since decided to spark that creative writer in herself. The joys of imagination is what keeps us youthful <3

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