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Music Production Label Story.

It is for a promotional capital fundraiser.

By Lashundra MartinPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

My name is Lashundra; and I have been going through some things. I came across some people that wanted to ruin my life for no reason; other than their embezzlement operation.

I tried really hard to make it. I moved around to different parts of the city. I even had a good paying job.

However, no matter what I did; somebody would follow me. You might think I was being a little bit over cautious.

Or some people might even say something like; it was all, within your head. It might just be, that you are overwhelmed; and really tired. Stuff like that.

Then, a few guys approached me. They called out my name; and basically questioned, me about people I worked around at my job site. They said it would be easier if I was a babbler-mouth and told them every aspect of each individual detail about my personal love life and my private areas.

I got angry. NO, that would be completely stupid. Unless, you are a filthy downgrading person.

I always tried to keep myself for a marriage based relationship.

The guys told me; they make everybody prostitute within this A.D.P. Affiliate Operation. I think your husband is the leader.

I will report you to him and the senior manager. I asked him who is this husband of mine? Because, for some odd reason I don’t remember him.

Then, I told him to wait. Because I don’t remember alot of things from my childhood. Most people might remember something. Everything is like blank- and that is all.

I went back to work like normally. The senior manager laughed; and told me not to worry about it. I told her okay.

I moved around at the job site within multiple divisions inside the different buildings. And later on, outside around the airplanes.

I worked on two different work shifts. I am well-known as ‘BABY’. It is straight and appropriate; and completely complimentary to my reputation as a middle aged lady or person.

I sometimes received compliments about my work ethics. And compliants about my sick days; whenever I needed to take off.

Most of the people made me feel welcomed and accepted. Only a few people acted out like an Outrageous Crazy Person. They later on, confessed to being jealous of whatever and whoever.

I normally dressed down. But, sometimes I like to show a unique and creative side; with my outfit.

I always wanted to do something positive to help people. The only thing I used to wonder about was; how to be successful around negative people and non-supporting adopted relatives?

I don’t know. They would work together to prevent me from participating within the dumpest educational programs and school athletic opportunities.

They wanted me to set the bar high enough for their biological children. And not too high, because they might not graduate or apply for a job within life.

Things got so bad; I would pray for a solution to my situation. One day I heard an answer.

So, with that being said. I took the little bit I had. I said goodbye to the people trying to keep down.

I am old enough to be within a standard relationship. I should be able to stay married; and live life somewhere. I need all the help, and advice that I can get; that is straight and positive.

Some of those awful people; followed me here. Now I might have to relocate. Maybe this time I can travel far enough to make a big impression.

I don’t care about their small jeopardizing threats or their hatred from jealousy and sexual based rejection.

Those people caused alot of unnecessary stress and uninhabitable environments.

I’m not running; I am simply trying to make it within life. And before, everything is financially drained to death due to famine and his embezzlement operation. Nobody hired him, he just wanted all the money and fancy values from around the world to boost him appearance. That was all.

Thank you; for everything! I hope you like this musical video and subscribe to my channel.

Participate within our, all the above; and almost everything events. This is my first musical video; I homemade myself without a college degree.

You can find additional stuff about what I already got into at this link below: an


I was like; Whoa and Wow.

I actually just did this within about five days.

With the Lord’s Prayer; hopefully good things will come our way.

And we will receive everything standard as a continuous sensational successful establishment!

Help wanted; with almost everything. Emails normally reach me eventually.

If I owe you money; I will pay you whenever later on within life. If something happens; whoever that picked up after you.

I truly apologize for not already having it. And I do appreciate straight working people.

And to the slanderous trash talkers about the above bill payment statements; it is lesser than a few thousands totaled.

I have a smaller debt than you.

Have a blessed day. Amen.

Thanks again; everybody!


About the Creator

Lashundra Martin

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