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By AshPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

Living a life where you have to think of your actions before doing it or thinking about words before speaking makes you a person living a life made up by others. Such individuals have low self-esteem and become very vulnerable by displeasing others. In other words, these people are described as "people pleasers" one who thinks about others before themselves.

I was one of them until I realized that all of my energy and efforts were being wasted on making others happy and in the end, they are never going to be happy or satisfied by the things you do.

Today, when I look at my past self giving importance to people who never even thought about me or even considered me that much worthy enough to think about my likings and dislikes. I feel so sorry for myself because, in this whole world, the one who understands you is only "YOU". So, It's important to love yourself and to give importance to yourself.

Loving yourself is a journey, not a destination. Start by acknowledging your strengths, embracing imperfections, and treating yourself with kindness. Overcoming challenges builds resilience, and learning from mistakes fosters growth. Surround yourself with positive influences, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Celebrate small victories, focus on personal growth, and remember that self-love is a lifelong process.

It's tough when others make you feel worthless. Remember your value isn't determined by others' opinions. Surround yourself with positive influences and focus on your strengths.

Finding positive influences involves being intentional about your relationships and environment. Begin by identifying your values and goals, then seek individuals who share similar values or inspire you. Engage in activities aligned with your interests to connect with like-minded people. Evaluate the impact of your current relationships and distance yourself from toxic influences. Foster connections with those who uplift and support you. Embrace opportunities for personal growth and surround yourself with positivity, creating a nurturing environment. Ultimately, cultivating positive influences is a continuous process that requires self-awareness and a commitment to fostering healthy connections.

Secondly, you have to remove the negativity and the toxicity around yourself. Removing negativity from your life is a transformative process that involves conscious effort and self-reflection. Start by identifying sources of negativity, whether they be toxic relationships, unhealthy habits, or negative thoughts. Take proactive steps to distance yourself from these influences and establish boundaries. Cultivate a positive mindset by practicing gratitude and mindfulness, redirecting negative thoughts towards constructive ones. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and support you. Engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, promoting a more optimistic outlook. Embrace change and prioritize self-care, focusing on your mental and emotional well-being. Gradually, with consistent effort, you can create a more positive and fulfilling life.

Start loving yourself before it becomes too late and your source of happiness is only pleasing others. As it's one of the major causes of a loss of personal identity. Constantly seeking validation from others may lead to neglecting one's own needs and desires, causing a disconnect from individual authenticity. Additionally, dependence on external approval can be precarious, as people's opinions are unpredictable and subject to change.

Furthermore, the pursuit of constant people-pleasing may lead to burnout, as it can be emotionally draining to prioritize others' needs over one's own. It's essential to strike a balance, understanding that while pleasing others can be rewarding, it should not come at the expense of one's well-being and self-worth.

It can be hard to get over this but it's not impossible for one. I still have some withdrawals of pleasing others at the cost of my happiness but when you make up your mind do follow it to the end if others start calling you selfish.

cause they ever said self-care and self-love is the best care and love

indeed he said some facts ..................

HumanityStream of Consciousness

About the Creator


I am a dedicated writer driven by a fervor for storytelling and a knack for turning ideas into captivating narratives.Subscribe to my channel for reading fun stuff.

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  • Toby Heward4 months ago

    Good job

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