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love story


By bakhtawarkhanPublished 23 days ago 3 min read

Lily had always loved the quiet charm of the little seaside town where she lived. Every morning, she would take a stroll along the beach, the salty breeze and the rhythmic sound of the waves providing a peaceful start to her day. One summer morning, as she wandered along the shore, she noticed a man sitting alone on a large rock, gazing out at the ocean.

Intrigued, Lily approached him, her curiosity piqued by the thoughtful expression on his face. "Good morning," she said, offering a friendly smile.

The man turned and smiled back. "Good morning. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"It is," Lily agreed, taking a seat on the sand nearby. "Do you come here often?"

"First time, actually," he replied. "I'm Ethan. I'm here on vacation, trying to escape the city for a while."

Lily introduced herself, and they fell into easy conversation. Ethan told her about his hectic life as an architect in the city, and Lily shared stories about her job as a local artist and the simple pleasures of living by the sea. They talked for hours, discovering a shared love for art, nature, and good books.

As the days passed, Lily and Ethan found themselves spending more and more time together. They explored the town, visited local galleries, and had long dinners at cozy seaside restaurants. Lily showed Ethan her favorite hidden spots, and Ethan shared stories of his travels and adventures.

One evening, as they walked along the beach under a sky painted with the colors of sunset, Ethan reached for Lily's hand. "I've been thinking," he said softly. "Meeting you has been the highlight of my trip. I feel like I've known you forever."

Lily's heart fluttered. "I feel the same way, Ethan. It's like we were meant to find each other."

They stopped walking and faced each other, the sound of the waves crashing gently around them. Ethan took a deep breath. "Lily, I know this might sound crazy, but I've fallen for you. These past few weeks have been magical, and I don't want it to end."

Lily's eyes sparkled with emotion. "It's not crazy, Ethan. I've fallen for you too. But what happens when your vacation ends? You have a life in the city, and I have mine here."

Ethan looked out at the ocean, then back at Lily. "I don't have all the answers yet, but I know that I don't want to lose what we've found. Maybe we can find a way to make it work, even if it means long weekends and video calls for a while. What do you think?"

Lily smiled, feeling a sense of hope and excitement. "I think love is worth fighting for, and I'm willing to give it a try if you are."

Over the next few weeks, Ethan extended his stay, and their bond grew even stronger. They made plans for the future, promising to visit each other and keep their connection alive. When it was finally time for Ethan to return to the city, their goodbye was bittersweet but filled with optimism.

Months passed, and true to their word, Lily and Ethan made their relationship work. They took turns visiting each other, exploring the city and the seaside together. Their love grew deeper with each passing day, and the challenges of distance only made their bond stronger.

One evening, as they stood on the same beach where they had first met, Ethan got down on one knee. "Lily, meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. Will you marry me and make this beautiful life our forever?"

With tears of joy in her eyes, Lily nodded. "Yes, Ethan. A thousand times yes."

Their love story, born from a chance encounter on a sunny beach, was a testament to the power of fate and the magic of finding your soulmate in the most unexpected places. Together, they built a life filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a forever spent side by side.


About the Creator


With a growing body of work and a dedicated readership bakhtawar remains exploring the world of words, crafting stories and essays content article that captivated peers and mentors alike. This early interest laid the foundation.

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  • Margaret Brennan23 days ago

    That's so sweet. Love it. Please read my "The Power of Love" when you get the change. Romance is definitely there for those who aren't looking for it.

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