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Love Letters to Humanity

Reigniting Kindness in a Divided World

By AdelaidePublished 12 days ago 6 min read
Love Letters to Humanity
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

In a world full of anger, hate, and prejudice, a code has been nearly lost — the universal language of kindness and optimism. This language can raise people, and bring them together, regardless of color and time despite conflict. It is this language of love letters.

Even though sending love letters is old-fashioned today when people use social networks to express their emotions, love letters are considered a sign of a genuine desire to establish a real and deep connection with other people.

Whether it is intended for a special someone or a group of people, these notes ensure writers may explore the facets of their sensitive side, share respect and affection, state wishes for the future and, in effect, foster humanity.

After reading the poem and learning about the author, the emotion and the passion behind the forgotten dialect are incredible, and it is something that needs to be brought back.

Why Continuously Write Love Letters to Humanity Now?

Thus, humanity now finds itself in front of a few interconnected possibilities that can endanger the existence of the entire world. These are the problems with which we grapple: such as exacerbating social injustice, polarizing politics, environmental decline, and mental health issues like loneliness and despair.

On the one hand, it unites people through links, where we talk and interact through the internet at the present; yet on the other hand people have realized that society or the entire human race is losing the so-called ‘touch’ with one another.

Nevertheless, leaders and visionaries of past and present times — be it Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, or Mahatma Gandhi to mention but a few — have underscored the importance of love over fear and togetherness during such critical moments in history.

Thus love letters give us a chance to bring light into the world or rather reignite that source when it is most needed. These notes are rather significant as cornerstone components — the bricks that cement the bond of love which constitutes the key unifying force of humanity even in the face of the greatest storms.

The Power Behind Words

Although the contents of these letters can be described as love, it is the words that act as a tool towards a better world. It is surprising how language is capable of changing the perception of people instantly, positively influencing their feelings, motivating them to do something, and even bringing total strangers together for a noble course.

In the right hands, language is the construction of a revolutionary means, for the creation of a bridge where there was none before.

Before you write your love letter to humanity, it will be wise to start by taking some time and ponder on the fears, passions, ambitions, and motivations in life. Afterward, write and structure your message positively, choosing to inspire and invoke passion with words.

Here are some questions to guide your letter:

Which virtues, passions, and aspirations make you admit and embrace the depth and richness of human nature? For instance, how would you more skillfully underscore the fact that our diversity is our strength?

In light of the challenges that the two of you are going to face in your joint efforts, what kind of encouragement and mutual support can you provide? In a polite manner, how can one draw attention to the areas of improvement you envision while at the same time fostering a positive attitude?

Finally, assertiveness means standing up for it with courage as well as expressing it with conviction and concern. Express that love in whichever ways you feel would be best whether it’s through writing, poetry, singing, or even more in a creative way.

By being open and honest in sharing your thoughts and ideas with others, you allow the true nature of the best in all of us to show.

Beyond Words

For the record, these love letters create a beautiful feeling while writing them, but we have to be careful to put these words into practice. After the writing, apply the energy, inspiration, and focus for meaningful change that has emerged through the reflection process.

Take advantage of the specialist skills and passions that you observe in your letter when coming up with positive change initiatives. For instance, if the letter raised the issue of loneliness as a growing problem in society, one can coordinate events that bring individuals together.

If you wrote about cleaning ocean pollution, you could include the process of volunteering with some organizations, which clean up beaches.

On the personal level, choose to be the living example of the love message for the day through simple things such as a smile on an unknown face, listening ear to a friend who might be in need, or standing up for what is right when one sees something wrong.

Instead of the traditional idea of making big waves, let steps be simple and let the waves grow and grow.

Rippling out from the wave, the ripple effect

Consider the world where every person writes a warm message to all people on earth. Giant dreams of billions of good hearts and hopeful minds sending their vulnerability, their compassion, their wisdom in the shape of soulful letters.

Such expressions would propagate naturally, extending the confinement of a page into communities. Neighbors would get to peep at love letters probably pinned on notice boards, and be warmed by unknown writers coming together in the face of adversity.

Activist groups could use letter-writing workshops in their advocacy work indicating that interpersonal closeness is the basis of advocacy work.

Each love letter that he wrote would spread ripples in the billions and billions just like the stones thrown into still waters. When all these waves merged, they culminated in one huge wave that could inundate the harshest skepticism, fatigue, and hopelessness that may have been ingrained in individuals to bring out the inherent goodness in all of them.

The conflicts long ago might have appeared as unfixable and instead would evolve by the time the potential of meta-perspective, friendship, and hope would be asserted.

A Symphony of Voices

Imagine large concert halls instead of theaters filled with our words of affection and compassion in the universal language of the heart. The songs of thankfulness upon human life, the crescendo of justice, and the encouragement would harmonize into the most beautiful melody anyone could ever conceive.

This is the power of a choral group — young pupils and elderly people, friends, and unknown people united together with their multiple voices to perform a single song with different pitches. In the halls, it resonates so happily that it exudes into the surrounding streets.

The spectators also have an implied sense that these are not words to listen to but to capture a sense of touch. They raise it and hearts open one after another and the crowd fills the streets celebrating the essence of human worth in terms of unity.

As the music comes to an end and the final notes die away, there is a fleeting moment when gazes lock, acknowledging there are lives still left to save, broken homes to rebuild and a dream restored for the future.

A Call to Action

In a world writhing from division people’s lack of trust, hate, and hatred, love letters speak to the soul of being human — empathic, heroic, and one.

It is rather a heartfelt affirmation that when outside elements want to amplify dissimilarities and create rifts, these letters emphasize unity and the power of difference. Where other voices come in with the message that things are not going well, these notes feed hope.

Messages of love to humanity are sources of salve for healing human wounds and give directions for the way ahead. For their part, their words uplift human dignity and help to bring back to the people’s memory of their goodness. Their messages reinforce courage during failure and comfort amid sorrow.

Their pages bear radical power — the power of togetherness born of comprehension, the promise of deliverance through empathy. Their promise? Life with equal opportunities, less harm to the natural environment, and more affection for the entire population.

Pick up a pen and take part in this global invitation. Vent it out about your dreams, pains, hopes, and visions. It is important to stand up and fight for what is right and to do so with integrity and diplomacy. Faith in mankind’s ability to not just hear your words but to receive them into their hearts. Believe that collectively people can act and make a difference.

But if we, as a society, decide to attend to this neglected language of the heart today, then perhaps, we may indeed determine the fate of love.

Originally Published On Medium


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Comments (1)

  • Andrea Corwin 12 days ago

    "Consider the world where every person writes a warm message to all people on earth. Giant dreams of billions of good hearts and hopeful minds sending their vulnerability, their compassion, their wisdom in the shape of soulful letters." Perfect - I try to impart the beauty of the world in poems I publish on Vocal. Thoughts are things, positive thoughts create positive vibes. Writing the letters is similar to meditation or groups of people gathering to send out loving vibes to the world.

AWritten by Adelaide

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