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I warned Demi of her overdose

Could I have changed her fate?

By Alissa HuttonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read

A true story

It is said this is the era of awakening... where people with gifts and talents come forward. However I've found my gift is unwanted as the future can appear scary. I will forever treasure the things laid before me in my precognitive dreams.

My first real memory of my ability is when I was young at Primary School, I wrote about a lady falling from a building where her baby would squish out of her belly like a watermelon. My teacher at the time, tore the page out of my book instructing me to never write such stories again... Within a few years this event would be known around the world as 9/11. I watched in horror that morning when the towers crumbled.

As I got older I knew these dreams were not normal compared to my peers. I learnt to keep what I knew quiet as I would find the average human scared of been told directly what is to come. At high school I knew some exams were worthless to sit as no matter how hard I would study, my grade would disappoint. These precognitive dreams are different from ordinary dreams, more real than life like and short and sharp like a flash of light of what will be. The experience of them is very hard to describe as they don't seem to compare to anything within our world.

One night I sat up dripping in sweat by what I saw. In a white room was a lady calling for help. "Help me" she said. That would be all I would get before waking within the witching hour of 3am. Each night the same thing happened. I couldn't figure out who this person was or what significance she has to me. Generally these dreams appear to relate to my life, for instance the 9/11 occurred the day I was off for school camp. It was a decision if the camp was going ahead or not.

The weeks passed of this women calling for help in the same way. I asked the universe how am I meant to help this person. As hearing my call, I was able to say the word "how" back to her. After this the dream was able to progress... and the women was able to reply "My name is Demi".

Who the fuck is Demi? I don't know anyone called Demi. I asked my bestie Nicole if she knew any Demi's. Neither of us could figure it out. Turning on the car after work the song Heart Attack was playing... and as radio announces go... Heart Attack by Demi Lovato. Obviously, who doesn't know who she is... another failed Disney Druggie. I was scrolling through photos on google knowing after seeing her, this is the women who was calling out for help.

I shrugged it off... she lives on the other side of the world and there is no way to make contact. The same precognitive dream occurred night after night. I did my best to ignore it. Months went past still with the same dream, then one day she told me a letter/digit code. I googled this and found it to be her private instagram. I did message this, but as Instagram is messages go to "other- I myself have hundred of unread spam messages" Yet these dreams were pestering me... the same one of her calling for help in a white room. Then one dream had the twitter bird logo on it. I typed in the numbers/letters in twitter and came up with her private twitter account.

It could all be hoax, but for these dreams to end I had to make contact. After drafting a message which hopefully didn't make me seem crazy, explaining who I was, along with my precognitive gift, I pressed the send button. The next day I had a reply. I didn't open it until the end of the week. The reply was just a boring "hi, thanks for your message, I get so many from you guys".

I did reply back... Im not a fan, I just want my dreams to end... now they should as I've told you what will be.

Its quite a lot for a person to take in, but I must of intrigued her as I did get a reply asking to tell a little about myself. At this stage I still didn't know who this person was, if I was getting catfished or what. I gave out very minimal about myself but asked a few questions back... later this would become known as our question game; where she would ask a question about me, and me about her. Then one day she asked if she could see what my workplace looked like live. "OMG, was my classroom tidy enough? what was my make up like?" shaking with nerves I agreed. There we were face to face by screen... It was her, not a catfish. I showed her round my class.

As the weeks passed we spoke all the time, sending goodnight and morning messages to each other. She would have one sent to me for when I woke and I to her for when she woke. Not an hour throughout the day didn't go by without a message from her, she wanted to know everything what I did, she always loved seeing the farm animals. I would be with her right before she went on stage at a concert. I would sit my phone in my room and the day would tick by with her just there, quite often just there live watching me teach or chatting on my breaks or inbetween what she was doing. She threatened to come over, which made me scared meeting her in person when everything was so comfy behind a screen. Its not just meeting the average person. The thought was terrifying. Then she asked me to come to New York for New Years as she was going to be performing... it was a good couple months away for me to get my head around. I made it very clear to her that I hate crowds (I've never gone to a concert as ewww who wants to be squished with hundreds of people, she used to laugh a lot when I said things like this)... she always assured all would be fine and I'd be in safe hands, I agreed. New Years we would meet.

In between this Avril Lavigne was introduced to me as well, from one of our question games answers. Avril said Demi was very scared of me at first. She advised to stay clear as Demi is very head strong, and manipulative. I told Avril it was too late, I was already crushing over her, and as long as I still got to keep my animals Id be happy anywhere.

Over these months Demi became part of my everything, my world. The dreams finally stopped. "Goodnight beautiful, Im off to a party, wish you were here" was her last message...

The next morning I got a text "I'm sorry about what happened to your Demi".

Demi has overdosed!!! The dream had come true... There she was in a white room. I was so mad at myself for not identifying the white room to be a hospital room. She was only just starting to confide in me what drugs she was using. That wasn't a topic I wanted to press, I wanted her to tell me everything in her own time and she was but that talk was too late for me to do anything.

I packed my bags and arranged for a person to come onto the farm as I assumed she would ask for me to come.


The only update was from the media. The weeks passed, I would always check in but no messages.

When she came out of rehab with a bloke, kissing him... crushing my little heart. Avril asked me "why is she with him..."

I got mad at Demi and asked her why is she with white trash. She blocked me, telling me to fuck off and her fans don't know anything about her.

I deleted twitter and carried on with my life... I would check from time to time what she was doing especially during our covid lockdowns (these were hard here in New Zealand, only the basic's were open such as gas stations, supermarkets, chemists - home lockdown was forced! At the beginning if you couldn't obey you were taken away to a facility). I saw she was engaged, and I was happy that she found someone to be happy with. I knew the engagement wouldn't last more than 6 months but that didn't concern me. I was blocked, she didn't want anything to do with me now.

It was two years later when I reached out again, she was very apologetic saying she lost her memory with the overdose. I told her about all the things we used to talk about. Her life had moved on...

Time and experiences change things. We both seem to be on different courses now. I miss her every day and will forever cherish all the lives and conversations we had. I would have been by her side with whatever changes in her life she wanted to make... becoming a they/them. None of that worries me as I know more about what is out there beyond.

I do have dreams where her grandmother visits and she is always cooking, and so so happy. In these precognitive dreams she loves me as one of her own granddaughters... I do message D when they happen, and at times blabber about my day to day life but never get replies. But to me it makes life a little easier as once she couldn't enough of me talking.

I have times where I feel as if I failed her. Maybe things would be different if I have bucked up the courage to go there sooner. What was the purpose of those dreams if they lead to nothing? I have many questions.

Im yet to settle with anyone, I can turn any mans head however I don't know if its a man I want, and I couldn't think of been with another women... but lets make my identify another story.


About the Creator

Alissa Hutton

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