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I have something to tell you...


By Michael StephensPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
I have something to tell you...
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

As I sat in my faintly lit room, washed in the delicate sparkle of my PC screen, my heart dashed with expectation. This evening was the evening. The night I would at long last admit my sentiments to my closest companion, Eva.

Eva and I had been indistinguishable since secondary school. We were the sort of companions who completed each other's sentences, who shared mysteries that no other person knew. We giggled together, cried together, and had seen each other through innumerable feelings of despair and wins. However, throughout the long term, my affections for her had changed into something more profound, something more significant.

I had become hopelessly enamored with Eva.

My considerations frequently meandered to the time we spent together, the minutes we shared that felt far beyond kinship. The manner in which she took a gander at me, the glow of her grin, the delicate quality of her touch — everything made my heart hurt with yearning. In any case, I had kept my sentiments covered up, covered profound inside my spirit, apprehensive that noteworthy them could demolish our wonderful kinship.

This evening, in any case, I was unable to bear the heaviness of my mysterious any longer. It was presently or never.

I had gone through hours making the ideal message. I maintained that it should be certified, genuine, and earnest. Something that would convey the profundities of my feelings without overpowering her. All things considered, I appreciated her companionship more than anything, and the last thing I needed was to lose her.

I took a full breath, composed my message, and hit send:

"Hello Eva,

I trust you're doing great this evening. There's something I've been needing to converse with you about for some time now, and I would have rather not hushed up about it any longer. Our kinship means everything to me, and I treasure each second we've spent together.

In any case, Eva, I've understood that what I feel for you goes past fellowship. I've gone gaga for you, and it's been both a wonderful and anguishing experience. I've attempted to conceal my sentiments, apprehensive that noteworthy them could change everything between us. Yet, this evening, I've concluded that I can't hush up about this any longer.

I believe you should know that paying little heed to how you feel about this, our companionship will constantly be my main concern. I love the bond we share more than anything, and I'll get it on the off chance that you don't feel the same way. I just couldn't keep imagining like my sentiments didn't exist.

If it's not too much trouble, take as much time as is needed to contemplate this, and when you're prepared, we should talk. I esteem your trustworthiness and our companionship regardless of anything else.

Yours generally,


With a dashing heart, I hit send. The message drifted through the computerized ether, a piece of my spirit exposed in high contrast message.

Seconds transformed into minutes, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to revive my visit window over and again. My palms were moist, and my psyche hustled with every one of the potential results. Consider the possibility that I had quite recently destroyed everything. Imagine a scenario where she didn't feel the same way.

At last, a notice sprung up on my screen, and my heart skirted a thump. It was a message from Eva.

"Hello Michael,

I don't actually have the foggiest idea where to start. I've been grappling with my own affections for some time now, and your message recently affirmed something I've been reluctant to confess to myself.

I love you as well, Michael. More than I've at any point adored anybody. Our kinship has been the most gorgeous piece of my life, and I can't envision my days without you in them. I've been frightened to recognize this since I would have rather not gambled losing you, however now that the fact of the matter is out, I feel like a weight has been taken off my mind.

We should talk face to face. I need to see your face when we have this discussion, and I need to hold your hand as we explore this new section in our lives.

Much thanks to you for being sufficiently valiant to discuss your thoughts with me.



Tears gushed in my eyes as I read her reaction. The blend of alleviation and bliss was overpowering, and I could hardly imagine how the individual I had cherished for such a long time felt the same way.

We consented to meet the following night at our number one bistro. I showed up sooner than expected, an emotional wreck, and looked as Eva strolled through the entryway. She looked brilliant, her eyes loaded up with a combination of fervor and vulnerability.

As she drew closer, I stood up, and without a word, we embraced, holding each other firmly. The world appeared to vanish around us as we waited in that embrace, the implicit comprehension of how this second affected us.

At last, we pulled away, and I investigated Eva's eyes, my heart beating in my chest. "I can't really accept that this is going on," I murmured.

Eva grinned, her fingers interlocking with mine. "Nor I. In any case, I'm so happy it is."

We went through hours talking, snickering, and sharing our deepest desires for what's in store. It was a discussion that cemented what we definitely knew where it counts — we were intended to be together.

From that day forward, our fellowship developed into a significant and delightful romantic tale. We explored the intricacies of a close connection effortlessly and solace we had as companions. Maybe our hearts had consistently realized that they had a place together.

As I lay in bed that evening, with Eva's warm presence adjacent to me, I understood that facing the challenge to admit my adoration had been the best choice of my life. Our romantic tale was evidence that occasionally, the most gorgeous connections are brought into the world from the most profound fellowships, and that value taking risk, regardless of whether it implies uncovering your inner self.


About the Creator

Michael Stephens

I am a passionate and motivated story writer with a unique ability to captivate and engage readers. Through my words, I have the power to transport people to different worlds and inspire them to explore the depths of imagination.

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    MSWritten by Michael Stephens

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