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Funeral Clowns: Another Way to Say Goodbye

Funerals with clowns are a tradition in some Central European countries. Countries such as Holland and Belgium see it as a deeply rooted custom in their culture to hire clowns in times of mourning.

By Rocio BecerraPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Hamid Tajik on Unsplash

How about a funeral with professional clowns?

Would you like to have professional clowns at your funeral?

Do you know of other fun funerals celebrated in a fun way?

The other day I was checking the news in a national newspaper, and suddenly I saw some images of clowns carrying a coffin at a wake.

The clowns were the least of it; the curious thing was to observe many clowns inside a funeral court, tomb, niche, or funeral where there were wreaths, flower arrangements, and a royal coffin or casket.

At first, I thought it was disrespectful, but it was sincere.

And as a result of my curiosity, I wanted to inform myself a little on the subject, deciding to share it as a funerary curiosity.

And especially as other cultures in different countries of our planet earth have another perspective of seeing death.

Let's get started and get to know this funeral tradition!

Where are funerals celebrated with clowns?

Funerals with clowns can be made official in Belgium and Holland's central European countries.

Likewise, clown burials are not nonexistent in Spain.

It is not a bad option as long as it is the deceased wish in life or relatives, although everything is to raise it and propose it in a funeral home.

Why are clown funerals held?

The objective of clown funerals is to mitigate the sadness of the moment.

It is a different way of saying goodbye to life without deepening the emotions of mourning, grief, and sadness.

It is to see death as something normal and part of life, giving a touch of color and humor to such a difficult moment in life.

It replaces the traditional black mourning with colors symbol of light and joy.

Using clowns during funerals generates magic in the emotions of family and friends, transforming their last goodbye on earth into a joyful farewell.

To say and clarify that in these countries, funerals are not always celebrated with clowns,

But a funeral service is an option for the deceased wish in life and the relatives.

How are the funerals with clowns?

First of all, these clowns got usually hired by the family.

These clowns are professionals for funerals.

They are dedicated exclusively to this work and apply a lot of psychology to a loved one.

And they apply a lot of psychology to what it means to lose a loved one.

Due to their knowledge of the subject, they take from a sad tear to a huge smile,

That always keeps the moment that got lived.

The psychological weapons of these clowns at the funeral are:

  • Use a lot of smiles and irony in front of those present at the funeral.
  • Tell and share at the appropriate time many jokes.
  • Use innocent jokes.
  • Practice with the funeral attendees funs natural games and performances as the wake progresses.

For example, the flowers used at funerals are fresh and all-natural.

But a clown can carry, for example, a bouquet that sprays water.

They use a lot of balloons and transform them into animals;

They hug you; they smile at you; they are by your side for whatever you need.

But one of the most surprising qualities they have is that in certain moments.

There is a sad and solemn situation; there are hardly any words among the attendees.

Well, here they are where they spontaneously break that silence cut with a knife and transform it into a more calm, peaceful,

And above all a comfortable atmosphere.

They do it well:

  • by telling innocent jokes,
  • then making a speech to those present
  • or performing a satirizing performance about life and death.

They are true professionals who are very respectful and act at the right time.

They know when they have to make their appearance and help you.

They know when to make you laugh or let you cry;

They want you to say goodbye with a good memory at their funeral and support you in your grief.

Because they know that when you remember this day, you will remember the good time you had, and they will help you make your mourning a little less painful to bear.

Funerals With Clowns: Each Country Has Its Customs And Traditions

Being fired in this way can be original because the function of a clown is to lift our mood by applying humor to the only real thing that exists in our lives dying.

As the flowers;

It was present at funerals that helped us raise our mood.

It is a viable option if it gets accepted by the relatives or accepted in life by the deceased.

And above all, that it got done from humility.

And the respect that every human being deserves when we lose a loved one.

It is all about the country's culture and how we have educated.

Strange and curious funerals

On our planet earth, they are a multitude of cultures and traditions.

Other funerals take place in a fun way whose meaning is that they see death differently than we do.

As in all life's aspects, extravagant people stand out when their funerals.

Many even make sure to leave them, planned not to fail to shine even after their death.

They wish to go down in history for having had the most curious wake, and day by day, there is one more that seeks to dispute the position.

1. Buried with their inventions

Many visionaries and inventors have expressly asked before their death

To bury with the thing that made their fame and fortune: their inventions.

For example, the inventor of those delicious potato chips in a tube, Pringles, explicitly asked to be buried with his creation.

Frederic Baur was buried with a tube of potato chips by his side.

Malcolm McLaren, agent of the famous Punk Rock band Sex Pistols, asked not to be given a minute of silence at his burial, but what he called ('a minute of tumult').

His coffin was decorated with graffiti of the most extravagant and moved by a carriage pulled by four black horses.

At his funeral, a song was played by the Sex Pistols bassist himself.

2. Musical funerals in New Orleans

If you live and die in the international capital of Jazz, it's only fitting that your passing into the next world got celebrated musically, and that happens in New Orleans:

during the funeral procession, a live band plays sad jazz songs, but once the burial begins, the notes of the songs become more cheerful to say a happy goodbye to the deceased and comfort the family members.

3. The dance of the corpses in Madagascar

It is not a tradition during the funeral but occurs every five to seven years in every family.

Known as Famadihana, it is a custom in which the corpses got dug up, and people dance joyfully with them.

The bodies, which got wrapped in cloth, receive a bath of wine or perfume.

In addition, the head of the family takes the opportunity to tell the deceased what happened in their absence.

The Famadihana is a real party, with live bands playing and joyful stories about the deceased,

It is a way of keeping them present in the family.

4. Funeral from another planet

A trend that is becoming increasingly fashionable, at least among those who can afford it.

These are funerals where the deceased got cremated.

And the ashes were launched into outer space.

Part of the deceased's ashes got placed inside a small rocket capable of reaching outside the earth's orbit, but not too far.

Once the rocket has reached its highest altitude, it burns, and the ashes fall back to earth.

This rather type of funeral rite is an excellent business.

Just launching a maximum of seven grams of ashes costs three thousand dollars.

Some services claim to leave your remains on the moon for only ten thousand dollars if you want to go further.


5. Making the most of every last moment

It got well known that the late singer, Túpac, led a life full of vices such as alcohol and drugs.

He was addicted to marijuana, and that's how he ended up.

I will tell you below is one of the strangest practices ever seen.

His friends felt that even after he was dead, Túpac should still be part of the alcohol and drug circle that he poured so much into them.

They decided to mix the singer's ashes with marijuana, his drug of choice, and smoke it.

These funerals or tributes to the dead, whether old or recent, are still interesting.

Which of these five funeral traditions from around the world would you choose for yourself?



About the Creator

Rocio Becerra

I live in a house next to a river in the middle of the forest. I like horror stories whose main objective is to entertain, and my favorite writer is Stephen King. However, my passion is writing crime fiction.

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