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Falling Down Is Not Just For Humpty Dumpty

Life begins at 40, and with falls for some.

By Justine CrowleyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
No Regrets? Me recovering at home from this nasty fall at Sydney's Palm Beach.

In the spirit of not having any regrets in life, I wish to make an embarrassing health confession. I was stressed out from my part-time retail job back in December 2020. Heck, it wasn't even Christmas yet, and the company's head office team from another state were coming to visit the two stores in Sydney; and the pressure was mounting. Just leave us alone were my thoughts back at the time; particularly as the two stores I worked at kept the business alive during the pandemic. Cleaning and serving a consistent boat load of customers (it certainly felt like it at the time) on my own the day prior to this accident in a tiny shop was stressful; as well as juggling my UX Design freelance work (with one ongoing client at the time). On the morning of my fall, I had to come into work at 6am, in order to help them finish the clean up efforts. That three-hour shift dragged on, and lo and behold 9am came, and I could not rush home fast enough to get changed into a loose, summery dress with thongs, and meet my partner, and then head to the beach together. He had no regrets by quitting his law job a few weeks prior.

After I vented my frustrations with work to him, we hop out of the car in need of a nourishing feed, just as the clock struck lunch time. We were just walking, and paying attention to our surroundings as we usually do. Then I tripped and fell to the ground, injuring my left knee, left big toe, and inheriting a less severe wound to my right knee. I was in shock, and was able to wipe off the blood, even though hospital felt like miles away. I regretted not asking my partner to take me to the hospital, yet minutes later I chose not to regret that decision, because he sold me on the idea of spending some time out in the ocean for healing. The natural breeze, ocean waves and sand, together with his company trumped the stuffy hospital quarters just like that.

I rock up to work the next morning bandaged, and (regret, to no regrets) I vented my frustrations to my boss. He thought I was "happy" at work, and urged me to see the doctor. I regret working on my feet in a tiny shop with an injury of this nature for a couple of days, yet I did not regret the money I was making. Unfortunately the demands of my shifts meant that it was hard to see a doctor, and to see a doctor in my apartment building meant making an appointment.

A few days later, and I finally see a doctor. It turned out I sustained a different type of infection, when the area I had the fall in suddenly became a COVID-19 hotspot; thereby locking down, and altering the travel plans of every Australian - even where interstate borders were once again shut down in a snap.

I had to spend 30 minutes in a hospital bed, to be re-educated on dressing my wounds the right way, and was prescribed this sour smelling antibiotic cream. Furthermore, the doctor wrote me a letter to give to my employer (regrets on their end, but definitely no regrets on mine) ordering me to sit down for 15 minutes on the hour, despite having a retail job where I am on my feet. Additionally, I was asked to stay home and elevate my leg (as pictured) for five days...

No regrets, because this 'infection' meant that I did not need to quarantine at home for 14 days, unlike the other infection that is still causing us some grief, aka. the pandemic.

During this five days, I would be going out less, and if I did go out, I would definitely have to self isolate for longer due to the mutant UK strain of COVID-19 breaking out in Sydney, Australia. This fall was a blessing in disguise.

During the five day hiatus (hospital in the home) I had to regularly apply the cream and dress my wounds, and keep my legs elevated; especially the left one that copped the brunt of the fall. I went to the movies, but only in Gold Class (recliner armchair cinema seat with footrests), although I did have brunch with family in another area. If we went to the Northern Beaches again, we would have been in trouble with COVID-19. Yep, no regrets.

I also got paid two full days of sick leave from my permanent part-time retail job while in self-isolation. Hooray, no regrets. Due to the sheer boredom of being forced off my feet and slowing down from this unexpected embarrassment, I also had the time to apply for a couple of freelance opportunities, where I found my second client (the UX writing and persona creation side) as well as continue to work with TikTok. Mind you, I now earn more money with this second client, and since early March I have been either second or third place in their weekly writing competitions. Definitely no regrets.

Upon returning to work with this injury, I actually relished the sit down time, and I was busy boxing up treats to sell to customers, and my boss said that this was a blessing in disguise (yay, no more regrets for him), as they now desperately needed this help behind the scenes. Sitting down while working, and not having to talk to a single customer? A triple win for me, because I also got to social distance from others, and keep myself safe from the virus while being more creative. No regrets all round.

Looking back, I am surprised that my retail employer was so accommodating, because others would tell you to leave, or worse make a workers compensation claim, which I refuse to do. Again, no regrets.

The time quickly came for a follow up with the doctor, and although I was recovering, he extended my sit down time until Christmas Eve to my surprise. No regrets, as Christmas Eve at work as quiet, possibly due to COVID-19.

In summary...

Did I regret seeing my partner on that unlucky day? Not at all, because our love has grown for each other, and the beach days are now over, as he has just returned to full-time work this week.

Did I regret falling? Yes and no. Yes, because it is an embarrassment, and an insult to someone so young, fit and healthy to have an unexpected fall from not running. I also saved myself from getting COVID-19, plus I still enjoyed quality time with my partner, and at the beach.

Did I regret the delay in seeing the doctor? Yes and no, because I could have recovered faster had I went sooner, yet that time at work (although unpleasant) helped me make some more moolah to help me escape the rat race faster, and add to my annual leave and superannuation balances.

Did I regret having to spend five days at home, elevating my legs? Yes and no. I got some much needed rest, plus a two-day sick leave payout, and I scored an extra client. Again, this experience saved me from having to self-isolate for 14 days. This also inspired me to look for somewhere else to live for a fresh start. I was sick of self isolating in a city apartment with no bath tub in the bathroom.

Did I regret sitting down and working, while my colleagues had to stand and move around during the Christmas rush? No Way Jose. This helped me recover, while (thankfully) my employer still knew that I was adding immense value to his business, while I got to do work that was different and therapeutic for a change; as well as not serve customers directly, and to keep more than 1.5 meters away from everyone else. I still made a great sum of money.

And did I mention that I am now a free agent, that around six weeks ago I actually quit that job anyway? And I have well and truly made a full recovery by the horns, even in scoring a new home just days before coming off the dressings and antibiotic cream?

As to all of the above...definitely no regrets.

Now to a quick, related digression: does life begin at 40?

It sure does. I don't even regret the first 39 years of it either. Absolutely no regrets. Whether I had a fall, and saw the doctor twice as a result of delaying my first visit out of reluctance and in accommodating that boss who demanded me to see him, while I still had to work my rostered shifts. Whether I made or lost money, friends, partners, houses, opportunities and family members to name...yours truly had to experience what she had to experience up until this point. The experiences keep on going till the day we die. Damn it, I just cashed out my Bitcoin profits too early, and now Bitcoin has gone up. I don't care. I don't dwell. No right or wrong, it is what it is. No regrets. I made a profit. Sure it could have been a larger sum, yet any form of profit in these times is nice.

I am sure Humpty Dumpty did not regret sitting on the wall, before he had his you know what.

No regrets. That's the spirit of life in both certain and uncertain times.

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About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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