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"Cracking the Code: What Women Really Like In A Man

Shhh.. I didn't tell you.

By Tiffany Published 10 months ago 5 min read

Hey there, gents! Ready to get the lowdown on what makes you a heartthrob? Let's spill the beans on what us ladies truly can't resist. It's not just about having a jawline sharp enough to cut through steel (although that never hurts!).So, grab your favorite chair and let's get real.

**The Heartthrob Hotlist**:

Alright, fellas, pay attention! Here are the top four things that make us swoon. Drumroll, please! A great sense of humor, kindness, confidence, and a sprinkle of ambition. Imagine this: making us laugh like we're kids again, showing kindness like it's going out of style, walking tall with confidence, and having dreams as big as the sky. Now, that's a winning combo!

**The Charm of Authenticity**:

Listen up, fellas, this one's a game-changer. Ever wondered why your buddy Steve, who can't stop talking about his action figure collection, is such a hit with the ladies? It's all about authenticity, my friends! Steve's unabashed love for his action figures? That's his authentic charm shining through. There's nothing more magnetic than a man who owns his quirks, dreams, and even those little imperfections.

**Strategies for Sailing the Sea of Romance**:

Now, let's talk about the dance of dating and relationships. I've got three tried-and-true strategies for you:

1. - **Tune in and Be There**: Show her you're truly present. Listen actively, show you care, and try to understand where she's coming from. It's like a secret language that builds a connection like nothing else.

2. - **Balance "Me Time" and "We Time"**: It's like cooking up a storm in the kitchen - you need the right mix of ingredients. Find that sweet spot between having your space and creating beautiful moments together.

3. - **Sprinkle in Some Surprises**: Who doesn't love a good surprise? It could be a heartfelt note, a spontaneous adventure, or even a cozy night in. It's the unexpected moments that make a lasting impression.

Little Things That Make the Difference:

  • Remembering the little details about her life.
  • A surprise text just to say "thinking of you."
  • Offering a helping hand without being asked.
  • Sharing your passions and interests, and showing genuine interest in hers.
  • Being a good listener, giving her your full attention.
  • Small gestures of affection, like holding her hand or giving a warm hug.

Last stop in our confession; RED FLAGS, first a few super serious red flags and then some lighter fun ones.

**Top Two "Run Away From" Red Flags for Men**:

1. **Excessive Possessiveness**: If he starts showing possessive behavior early on, like constantly checking your messages or insisting on knowing your whereabouts at all times, it's a sign to proceed with caution. While a bit of protectiveness is normal, an unhealthy level of possessiveness can lead to controlling and potentially harmful dynamics.

2. **Lack of Respect for Boundaries**: If he consistently ignores or dismisses your boundaries, whether they're related to personal space, time alone, or your comfort levels, it's time to consider whether this relationship is a healthy fit. A person who respects you will honor your boundaries without question.

**Top Two "Run Away From" Red Flags for Women**:

1. **Overly Controlling Behavior**: If she exhibits controlling tendencies, such as dictating who you can spend time with or trying to manage aspects of your life, it's a sign to be cautious. A healthy relationship involves mutual trust and respect, not one person trying to dominate the other

2. **Excessive Drama and Manipulation**: If she thrives on creating drama or frequently resorts to manipulative tactics to get her way, it's a clear indication that the relationship may become emotionally draining and potentially toxic. Healthy relationships thrive on open communication and mutual understanding, not constant drama.

Remember, it's crucial to prioritize your well-being and happiness in any relationship. If you notice these red flags, it might be a sign to reevaluate the dynamics and consider whether this partnership is truly a healthy and fulfilling one for both parties involved.

**Ten Hilarious Red Flags for Men**:

  1. If he refers to his mom as "Her Majesty" and expects you to follow suit, run for the hills!
  2. If he thinks sharing an ice cream cone means he owns 51% of your dessert, we've got a situation.
  3. Does he carry a pocket-sized magnifying glass to scrutinize every text message? Sherlock Holmes, is that you?
  4. If he starts sentences with "Well, according to my horoscope..." you might be in for a cosmic rollercoaster.
  5. Beware the guy who insists on calling his cat "Sir Fluffington III" and demands you curtsy.
  6. If he's more possessive of the TV remote than Gollum with his precious ring, reconsider your choices.
  7. If he takes longer to get ready than you do, and he's not a professional model, it might be time for a chat.
  8. Does he break into interpretive dance in the middle of a grocery store? You might have a flash mob enthusiast on your hands.
  9. If his idea of a romantic dinner involves a drive-thru and matching burger tattoos, you might want to rethink date night.
  10. Watch out for a man who gives you a PowerPoint presentation on the benefits of his extensive action figure collection. He might be more committed to plastic than to you.
  11. **Ten Hilarious Red Flags for Women**:

  1. If she schedules date nights like military operations, complete with a minute-by-minute itinerary, you might be in for an organized adventure.
  2. If her dream date involves competitive Scrabble and she has a secret dictionary stashed under the table, you're in for some serious wordplay.
  3. Beware the woman who insists on calling her houseplants "The Green Guardians of Serenity." They might outnumber you in time.
  4. If she starts a sentence with "As my crystal ball foretells..." you're in for a mystical journey. Get ready for incense and cosmic insights.
  5. Does she name her handbags and insist on a seat at the table for them? She might be in a committed polyamorous relationship... with her accessories.
  6. If she's more protective of her collection of vintage teacups than Fort Knox is of its gold, you may want to handle them with care.
  7. If she shows up to a casual brunch in a full ball gown, glass slippers included, it might be time to find out where the nearest royal palace is.
  8. Watch out for a woman who asks for your birth chart before your name. Astrology may be steering this ship.
  9. If her idea of a perfect weekend involves reading her extensive collection of 18th-century Russian literature, get ready for some serious literary debates.
  10. Be cautious if she starts a conversation with "In my parallel universe..." You might be dating a multidimensional traveler.
  11. So, gents, armed with these little nuggets of wisdom,(and some real nuggets) go out there and conquer the world of romance. You've got the charisma, the charm, and the smarts. Now, go show her what makes you irresistible! 💖✨

Even more secrets are reveled in this Ebook "What Woamn Really Like in a Man."

**Disclaimer:**This content does not constitute professional advice. If you are in a violent, unhappy, or toxic relationship, prioritize your safety and seek immediate assistance from relevant authorities or support organizations. Your well-being is of utmost importance.

By Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Keep the secrets flowing right here with your next read ! EBook What Woman Really Like About Men.


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    Tiffany Written by Tiffany

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